January 7, 2013 Council Meeting

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
  2. ROLL CALL – Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt.
  3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public.  Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson, Attorney Beck, Planner Brixius.  Anne Marie Borne, Various members of high school government class, Donna Smith and Jeanne Brustad from Mound Gillespie Center.
  4. OATH OF OFFICE - Oath of Office administered to newly elected council members.
    1. Sarah Reinhardt, Bruce Williamson, Shirley Bren
  6. ADOPT AGENDAWilliamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda.  Reinhardt wants to move the streetlight proposal to the city engineer.  Williamson and Hughes agrees. All votes ayes, motion carries. 
  7. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adopt the consent agenda.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. City Council Meeting Minutes from December 17, 2012
  8. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
  10. Donna Smith – Gillespie Center Update – Smith said the Gillespie Center is working towards growing the endowment fund and sincerely thanks Spring Park for their ongoing support.  Smith said once the endowment is reached, no further funding will be necessary.   She said the monies given by the cities are an investment for everyone’s future.  Smith said Bruce Williamson represents the City of Spring Park.  Reinhardt said the treasurer sent financial reports but wasn't sure if Spring Park received one.  Smith introduces Jeanie Brusted as the new president.  Smith said there will be some leaflets left for upcoming events.  Brustad thanks the city.  She explains upcoming events available at the Gillespie Center.  She explains the facility is available for rental and they have many day-to-day events.  Reinhardt said she is thankful for the center and the great activities for the community.  Williamson added the endowment’s purpose is to gain financial independence.
  12. Variance Application 2473 Black Lake Road – Resolution 13-08 – Reinhardt said the city planner is here to explain the application.  Brixius said the planning commission held a public hearing and they recommended approval.  Brixius said the property is considered legal non conforming property.  He said there is a road right-of-way and the property is 5’3” from the property line.  He said a utility pole and fire hydrant are also close.  Brixius said retaining walls will be removed and expansion of the home will include an enclosed stairwell.  Brixius said this arrangement is reducing the setback.  Brixius said there is new criteria for variance and the council has to determine if it is reasonable.  Brixius said the lot is conforming and it meets required setbacks except the street side and the north side.  Brixius said the home was built in 1930 and an addition was put on but that was fully conforming.  Brixius said the fire department was consulted and their determination was that the removal of the retaining walls makes the access better.  Xcel was concerned about disturbance of the pole during construction but requested notification at that time in order to monitor.  Brixius said PC findings found the lot was unique and the second story primary entrance was unique.   They felt it would not negatively impact surrounding properties and found the changes could be an improvement.  He said the PC was concerned about storm water and control of runoff is requested.  Hughes said he reviewed the property and he agrees the removal of the retaining walls would make access better.  Brixius said the findings were detailed in order to set this apart as unique from other properties.  Williamson said he felt this is an appropriate variance.  He said there was a lot of detail in this analysis and understands this was for an eye to the future if other proposals come forward. Hughes said Brixius mentioned the Minnetonka case.  He said it used to be proof of hardship and has since been changed to practical difficulties.  Hughes moves to approve resolution 13-08 and Williamson seconds.  Hughes wants to include the conditions in the resolution.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 
    1. Resolution 13-01: Naming Official Depositories - Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to approve Resolution 13-01.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    2. Resolution 13-02: Establishing Order of Business and Time of Regular Council Meetings and Monthly Study Session – Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to approve Resolution 13-02.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    3. Resolution 13-03: Appointments – Reinhardt said this is the council committee appointments and she said they will hold off until the new council member is sworn in at the next meeting.  Williamson moves to make planning commission reappointments and Hughes seconds.  Hughes said the Gillespie Center mentioned Williamson is the city's representative and feels it should be added or mentioned ad hoc.  Williamson makes a motion that everyone who has a present assignment continues in their assignment until the appointment of the new council member.  Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    4. Resolution 13-04: Dates of Meetings, Holidays and Office Hours – Bren makes a motion to approve Resolution 13-04.  Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    5. Resolution 13-05: Adopting The Hennepin County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Tolsma said this is a resolution the city has passed for several years.  He said we’re not sure why it has to be approved every year but Hennepin County requests it.  It’s preparation for disaster preparedness.  Bren makes a motion to approve 13-05.  Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    6. Resolution 13-06: Fees for Licenses, Permits and Services – Reinhardt said this is the same as last year.  Tolsma said the equalization connection fee is calculated annually by a formula specified in the code.  He said the engineer will make the calculations and it will be plugged in.  Williamson makes a motion to adopt 13-06 but will revisit and revise the water equalization connection fee.  Bren seconds.  Reinhardt said that the fee schedule can be changed at any time throughout the year.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 
    7. Resolution 13-07: Public Utilities Rate Schedule – Reinhardt said the only change is the updating of the equalization fee.  Williamson asked about the sewer rate from the Met Council as he said they make an adjustment every year.  Williamson asked if this is the number currently used and Tolsma said this will adequately cover the costs.  Williamson always thought it was a match number and questions that this is an adequate charge.  Reinhardt said this can be verified to make sure.  Hughes makes a motion to adopt Resolution 13-07 and Bren seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 


Reinhardt  makes a motion that until adoption of the final appointments, the Laker continues to be designated as the city’s official resource for legal publications.  Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 


    1. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt said there was one applicant for the council vacancy.  She said Doug Sippel has been a former council member and currently a member of the PC.  She anticipates his council appointment will be made at the next meeting.  Williamson said by appointing Sippel to the council it opens a spot on the planning commission.  He encourages anyone interested in serving on the commission to contact city hall for details.  Reinhardt said there is a follow up meeting to the meeting regarding heroin in the community and it will be at the Gillespie Center on February 21st.  Hughes said as of the first of the year Mound Fire has gone to a duty officer 24/7 and who will respond to alarm calls.  Hughes said with the LMCD the AIS draft coming up for approval.  He said there is $75K earmarked for chemical treatment and it will cost an additional $1200.  Reinhardt said a written response needs to be provided.  Hughes also said the bow fishing is coming up this week and it is something to watch.
    2. City Administrator – Nothing.
    3. City Engineer – Reinhardt said Paul Pearson has a proposal prepared for the CR 15 streetlight replacement project.  Pearson said Jerry Strand from Lumina Sales was a part of the meeting.  Pearson said there is a cost savings of $3300 for the City of Spring Park if this ends up being a joint project with Orono.  He said there would also be a cost reduction for the construction as well if this is a joint project.  Williamson asked about timing whether Orono is in or out.  He said Orono could hold up the timeline of the project or it could cost more money to go forward without Orono.  Tolsma said Orono should have an answer by January 14th.  He said the timeline has been discussed and the urgency has been stressed for Orono to determine if they are onboard or not.  Williamson stresses the importance of this being a joint project due to cost savings but a prolonged delay just to facilitate a joint project can add costs in other ways.  Hughes is also concerned about Orono’s choices in street poles and wonders if they like Spring Park’s choices.  Reinhardt said to move this forward, the engineer’s report should be approved.  Reinhardt said she questions submitting the MFRA invoice on a monthly basis and forwarding it to Orono, she thinks it makes more sense to have MFRA invoice Orono.  Pearson said he thought it would be beneficial for Spring Park to review the invoice first and then forward to Orono.  Hughes said MFRA could bill Orono and Spring Park independently but include copies of the other city for review.    Hughes moves to proceed with the process with the understanding that the billing will go independently to each city.  Williamson seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    4. City Attorney – Nothing.
    5. Utility Superintendent – Nothing.
    1. January 9, 2013 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AM
    2. January 9, 2013 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
    3. January 9, 2013 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM – Reinhardt said this meeting has been canceled due to lack of agenda items. 
    4. January 15, 2013 – LMCC – 5:00 PM
    5. January 21, 2013 – City Council – 7:30 PM
    1. Bills & Payroll – Reinhardt asked about the Sensus check.  She said it’s support for software related to hand held and radio read meters.  Tolsma said this is the second or third year that this is for technical support for the wireless and handheld devices.  Reinhardt thinks the amount is high and more investigation needs to be done.  Hughes asked if it’s a one time or an annual fee.  Tolsma said this is an annual fee.  Williamson suggests that line item be removed from the claims for now.  Williamson makes a motion to approve for payment minus the item for Sensus USA.  Bren seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
  5. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
    1. December Fire Report
    2. Street Light Project Engineering Proposal
    3. Proposed Open Book Meeting Date – Williamson would like to see the times be 6 – 7:30 p.m.  He wonders if it conflicts with the PC and Tolsma said they are just looking for approval. 
    4. Compliance Checks
    5. Moonlight Trail Night Sponsorship Request – Reinhardt explained the event and Bren added there is a bus that will be provided.  Reinhardt makes a motion to support the Moonlight Trail Walk but not the bonfire.  Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion passes.

Williamson wonders about being sworn in as the HRA and it’s decided to do more research on whether this should be an action that needs to be taken. 


Hughes said he was at Pres Homes and has spoken to Rob Lahammer and feels the decrease in false alarm calls have been greatly reduced. 

  1. ADJOURNMENT - Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m.  All votes ayes, motion carries.