June 3, 2013 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
- ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt,
- INTRODUCTIONS - Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public. Attorney Beck, Administrator Lewin Tolsma, Clerk Lewin
- ADOPT AGENDA - Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA - Sippel makes a motion to adopt the consent agenda with the changes and Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from May 20, 2013
Hughes had Clerk Lewin read aloud his corrections to these minutes.
- Work Session Minutes from May 28, 2013
- Kathy Sallas – Trailer Use For Advertising
Reinhardt said there was expectation of a resident to appear about advertising on trailers for advertising purposes. Reinhardt said they will set this aside to see if the resident appears.
(Resident did not appear before the council): Reinhardt said the resident lives in Lakeview Lofts and stated at one time there were three trailers parked in the lot. Reinhardt wonders if this is something to go to the Planning Commission for discussion. Sippel said he would be in favor of giving this to the PC for reconsideration because this was previously discussed a few years ago. He said they found the biggest thing is enforceability. He said this is a local business but he’s more concerned about other businesses coming in and parking in that spot. Sippel said it would have to be clear when there are legitimate construction trailers at job sites, they would not be restricted. Hughes mentions the physical sign size and whether that meets the ordinance and he wonders about outside sales and storage and perhaps this could be explored for this. Sippel said he wouldn’t limit it to just trailers; he would say any type of vehicles should apply. Williamson said there is a difference between a motorized vehicle and a stationary trailer. He agrees that property owners have rights but so does the city. Reinhardt said she directs staff to bring this to PC. Sippel said The Mist and Lakeview Lofts is zoned commercial so this might be partially brought on by the city.
- Mayor and Council – Reinhardt said former Councilmember Jackie Stone recently passed away of lung cancer. Reinhardt said Stone applied for a council opening and she put aside her health issues and served the city these last few years. Reinhardt said internment will be in Wisconsin and there will be a celebration of life at a date to be determined. Reinhardt expresses the city's and council's sympathy and condolences to family and friends.
- City Administrator – Nothing.
- City Engineer - Nothing.
- City Attorney - Nothing.
- Utility Superintendent – Reinhardt asked how the new part-time helper is working out and Tolsma said he’s doing well. He learns fast and is very conscientious about his work.
- June 6, 2013 – LMCD 2014 Budget Public Meeting – 11:00 AM
- June 12, 2013 – Full Police Commission – 8:00 AM
- June 12, 2013 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AM – Reinhardt said she might need to change the time but she’ll let Tolsma know.
- June 12, 2013 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
- June 12, 2013 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
- June 13, 2013 – Spring Park Police Commission – 10:00 AM – Reinhardt said that’s the day after the full police commission meeting so this one might be scratched.
- June 15, 2013 – Westonka Historical Society Open House – 9:00 AM
- June 17, 2013 – City Council – 7:30 PM
- Bills & Payroll – Hughes makes a motion and Sippel seconds to pay the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- Metro Cities 2013 Legislative Session Summary – Reinhardt said this is an outline of important legislation that either passed or didn’t pass.
- David Osmek, our state senator is here this evening and asks for a moment to speak to the council. He said he was born and raised in Glencoe. He attended Morehead and St Cloud State University. He said he lived in Spring Park for a while and moved to Mound. He was a city council member in mound for 11 years. He serves on the Public Safety and Transportation, Economic Development, and Environment and Energy committees. He said he plans on attending a council meeting at least once a year and he represents 33 cities. He also invites the council to contact him with any issues.
Reinhardt asked his impression of the session. Osmek said he didn’t expect to spend 17 hours on one bill. He didn’t expect some policy things that were coming up. He was supportive of and did work with Senator Latz to get the BCA database back into their budget. He said there are a lot of tax increases and he's not interested in raising taxes. Hughes asked Osmek about the process with cleaning the lake of AIS. Osmek said that is under the MCWD. He said they look at global graphing to figure out where things happen. He said there are grants that could be provided to clean up the lakes and runoff is an issue they are working on. Hughes asked about a new program to start in 2014 to make those who violated the milfoil laws take classes for education. Osmek said he’s not familiar with that. Williamson said he thought Osmek authored some energy bills; one removed the target dates of wind power and wanting to repeal the suspension of approval for nuclear reactors. He is wondering what the thinking was. Osmek said he wasn’t the author of the wind power. He said Xcel and energy producers are making progress. He said it’s now a reasonable goal. He’s not a fan of mandates because he feels the private sector will go in those directions. Osmek said he supports removing the moratorium because future planning needs to happen. He said they need base load when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. He said in order to replace nuclear power plants the planning has to start now. He said a consideration is nuclear waste. Osmek said research into storage is necessary and distribution generation. Williamson wants to urge Osmek to think about the nuclear storage and until there’s a place to put the waste, it’s just generating more problems. Sippel asked about the transportation committee. He wonders about the history on Hwy 394 and the two consolidated merges at Hwy 494 and Hwy 100 where they create choke points. He asked if there’s a political reason for this. Osmek said he’s meeting with Mndot and he will ask that question. Osmek said he’s working with Mndot to remove the car pool lane to open it up to more traffic.
Reinhardt thanked Osmek for his attendance at the meeting.
· Sippel said the sales tax did pass but doesn’t take effect until January 1st and it doesn’t work for the city for the street lights project. Tolsma said the shop drawings are now done and been finalized. He said a precon meeting should be happening relatively soon. Reinhardt asked what is holding it up and Tolsma said there’s nothing that’s really holding this up. She said hopefully they’re making the lights right now.
· Hughes asked about an update with city hall public works alternative site. Tolsma said all of the nuisance-creating equipment was moved today. He said the terms of the temporary site agreement will be worked out with Norling. Tolsma said there will be a walk thru conducted because Norling still needs access to the space on occasion.
· Williamson said he’s noticed a number of flags on the light poles are wrapped and tangled. He feels if the flags are up and going to remain up, someone with pole should untangle those flags. Tolsma said with the streetlight project the new flag poles will have anti-twirl bearings so they can twirl freely.
- ADJOURNMENT – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn at 8:13 pm. All votes ayes, motion carries.