June 17, 2013 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt.
- INTRODUCTIONS – Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson and Attorney Beck.
- ADOPT AGENDA - Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Hughes wants to comment on the Planning Commission minutes and to compliment them on crafting the alternate energy ordinance. He said Chair Hoffman has an interest in this topic and the commission has done a good job researching this. Sippel makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from June 3, 2013
- Administration Committee Minutes from June 12, 2013
- Draft Planning Commission Minutes from June 12, 2013
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Annual Public Hearing – Engineer Pearson referred to a document from 2006. He said SWPPP and MS4 are acronyms developed for the permit. He said this document was prepared from action under the Clean Water Act from 1972. He said the Phase 1 program was for a permitting process for discharge from industrial sites. He said this did not apply to Spring Park but with Phase 2, in 1999 Spring Park was required to develop a document to meet the requirement. Pearson said the permitting program is administered by the MPCA. He said it is to maintain the integrity of Lake Minnetonka through stormwater runoff and is coordinated regionally by the MWCD and the LMCD. Pearson said a city must complete an annual report and hold an annual public hearing. Williamson said since this is a public hearing he wondered if it was published and Tolsma confirmed. Williamson said this was because sanitary and stormwater systems were at one time combined and this created problems. Williamson said Spring Park has been proactive on this. He said the city has put in rain gardens, retention areas, sediment basins and increased street sweepings. Reinhardt said there is a total maximum daily load (TMDL) and allocations of nutrient and phosphorous requirements. She wonders how this plan addresses when new requirements are added. Pearson said this permit has been reconsidered and a new permit will be issued in August and TMDL will be part of the new permitting process. Williamson said there needs to be allocation between city and county efforts.
Reinhardt opens the public hearing at 7:42 pm. No one here from the public. The council has no further comments. The public hearing is closed at 7:43 pm.
Reinhardt asked for council action and Tolsma said there isn’t any action required. Pearson stated the annual report will be out at the end of June and the new permit will be issued in August. Pearson added regarding illicit discharges there were no illicit discharges in 2012, which is good news for Spring Park.
- Resolution 13-15: Proclaiming June 20, 2013 Awing Day In The City Of Spring Park – Reinhardt said foreign dignitary fro Awing Cameroon will be in Spring Park this Thursday. She said it is an honor to have them here and is hoping for the council to help recognize this event. Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt Resolution 13-15. Hughes asked if the local newspapers have been notified and Reinhardt said she has sent a note. All votes ayes, motion carries. Hughes wondered if they should arrive early to go through protocol. Reinhardt explained there is protocol to follow so it would be a good idea to arrive early.
a. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt said Tolsma, Bren and she attended the Police Commission meeting. She said they are starting their budget process. She said there is a 15.17% to 15.33% with no increase in budget. She said there is potential for an increase due to PERA and union costs. She said liability insurance has increased and fuel increases. She said ***Left off here***potentially there could be a 1-3% increase. Hughes said the LMCD did pass the 2014 budget and it was the number one proposal the money for the chemical bay treatment, the less expensive option. Williamson said dealing with the cable commission he’s more aware of the poor condition of the pedestals in the public right-of-way. He said they should be in reasonable condition. They get bumped in the winter months but right now there is an inordinate number in bad shape in the city. He said the worst is the stretch in front of Pres Homes. He asks that the city staff contact Mediacom and then Williamson as representative will back this request up. Hughes comments that it should be along the entire corridor.
- City Administrator -
- City Engineer -
- City Attorney -
- Utility Superintendent
- June 18, 2013 – LMCC – 5:00 PM
- June 19 – 21, 2013 – LMC Annual Conference (City Administrator Attending)
- June 20, 2013 – Visit From HRM Fon Fozoh II – 11:15 AM
- June 24, 2013 – Work Session – 7:00 PM
- June 26, 2013 – LMCD – 7:00 PM (Hughes said this could be subject to cancellation.)
- July 1, 2013 – City Council – 7:30 PM
- July 4, 2013 – City Hall Closed
- July 5, 2013 – City Hall Closed (Needs council approval, would not be a paid vacation). Reinhardt said this was discussed at Admin Committee. Williamson wants to emphasize there is no cost to the city nor any impact to the budget as this would be considered employee vacation time. Bren makes the motion and Hughes seconds to close city hall on July 5th. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Bills & Payroll – Hughes/Sippel
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- April Financial Report -
- May Financial Report -
- Police Department Compliance Checks – Reinhardt said liquor license compliance checks have passed.
- Fire Department Press Release -
- Fire Department May Activity Report -
- 2012 Metropolitan Council Population Estimate – 1673 is the 2012 estimate for the population.
- ADJOURNMENT – Sippel makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn at 7:55. All votes ayes, motion carries.