January 28, 2013 Work Session
1. STREET LIGHTS 7:00 – 8:15
- The attached presentation will be discussed along with any other issues that come up relating to the street light project. Paul Pearson, Stuart Stephens, Jerry Strand, and DJ Goman will all be in attendance to answer any question the council may have.
Reinhardt introduced the staff and guests to each other. Dan Tolsma, Shirley Bren, Gary Hughes, Sarah Reinhardt, Bruce Williamson, Doug Sippel, DJ Goman, Paul Pearson, Nancy Beck, Jerry Strand of Luma Sales Associates, Stuart Stephens of Barr Engineering. Reinhardt said the goal is to get questions answered and make sure everything has been covered. She said Tolsma has a presentation to the council.
· Tolsma fields multiple questions regarding the comparison slide with high pressure sodium (HPS) and LED lighting. The Council is impressed with the light disbursement and lack of shadows and dark spots offered with LED.
· Timeline for the project is discussed.
· Tolsma said the current poles are 35 feet and the proposed poles will be 25 feet putting them below tree canopies.
· Sippel asks about the life expectancy between LED and HPS. Strand said HPS is about 20,000 hours and LED’s are approximately 100,000 hours. He explains lamp life is the point in time when 50% burn out. He said LED is solid state circuitry and holds up well to vibration. He said MN has a climate conducive to LED lighting because they function well in cold.
· Williamson wonders about physical battering, such as high winds. Williamson wonders about guarantee or an adequate replacement supply. Goman said there is a two year warranty. Strand said the fixture is guaranteed for five years and the poles for 25 years.
· Sippel asked about installation costs on the sample poles presented. Reinhardt questioned the wreath bracket and whether they accommodate other wreath designs. Goman said future decorations would accommodate the bracket. Williamson questioned bracket placement in order to have enough clearance. Bren asked about future potential for hanging flower baskets and wondered if that had been considered. Strand said the poles can be drilled to accommodate future irrigation for a relatively small cost.
· Tolsma said the lights would have to be metered due to the switch from Xcel Energy. Discussion held about the intersection lighting with traffic signal and it seems to be the overall consensus that the light poles need to be replaced in order to be light consistent throughout.
· Tolsma said there is going to be an assumption that 30% of the foundations need to be replaced. He said there are a couple of different options for foundations. Williamson questions the 30%. He believes it should be more, something like 40%. Beck said the contract has to be clear that the city makes the decision on the foundation replacement or not. Sippel thinks the bid should spell out the type of foundation the contractor uses.
· Discussion held regarding over-the-road banner. Some feel it might hold up the light pole project. Reinhardt believes it is an important component and feels if it is taken out of the project it won’t ever happen. She feels it’s nice for the city to feel like it is part of the lake community and school district. Beck believes this should be included as an option in the bidding process and this allows the council more time to investigate the process. Three location options are decided and the county will be approached about the feasibility.
· Sippel wonders about warranty on what has failed and that is the bolts. Goman said what is failing is from the concrete up. He said they're called a J bolt and they’re failing because of corrosion and vibration. Sippel thinks the hardware needs to be replaced. Discussion held regarding the benefit of replacing all foundations versus trying to salvage questionable foundations.
- Included is a letter from the LMCD regarding bowfishing. LMCD representative Gary Hughes will update the council on the topics of bowfishing and aquatic invasive species.
Hughes said he assisted Greg Nybeck of the LMCD in drafting the letter. He said this has been ongoing for two years. He said the city ordinance states a bow cannot be fired in the city. He said some cities have amended their ordinance to reflect no shooting within 50 feet of the shoreline. Hughes said this letter will be presented to all city councils. He said once the LMCD were to adopt an ordinance, they want cities to amend their ordinances to reflect that same language. Reinhardt said she believes the council's first option is to prohibit, second choice being more restrictive and third choice is to continue as is. Williamson said he feels this should be prohibited in its entirety because it’s no different than hunting in a park and Lake Minnetonka can be considered to be a public park. Williamson thinks this is preposterous in its entirety and wonders why so much time has been spent on this. Bren said bow fishing can involve bright lights and loud generators to power the lights. Sippel feels the letter drafted by the city should stress this should be adopted lake wide and not just jurisdictional.
Hughes said he has a summary of the chemical and harvesting treatment for milfoil and curly pond weed. He said things to consider are who manages this. He said if this was adopted, the costs for the increase in the budget for the chemical will increase city costs. Hughes said another cost to cities would be harvester replacement. Hughes would like to accept the document for the research and data but not put forward a plan for the budget. Williamson thinks it should be supported because chemicals can benefit the entire lake and chemicals free up the harvesters to work in other areas. Hughes also wonders why the 14 cities associated with Lake Minnetonka get solely charged. Williamson said there have been measured results and there is a learning curve. He thinks the city’s contribution compared to the amount of lakeshore is important and it should be supported.
4. MISCELLANEOUS – Reinhardt said Westonka Community Education sponsors summer Music in the Park at the Surfside Park in Mound. She said the monies used to pay have typically been through grants. She said the grant was not received this year. They are looking for a contribution of $200. Beck said community events are probably okay but she can dig a little deeper. Williamson questions if this would be an allowable use of city funds.
Adjourn at 9:25 p.m