February 25, 2013 Work Session
Attendance: Reinhardt, Williamson, Hughes, Bren, Sippel, Engineer Pearson, Orono Police Deputy Chief Chris Fischer, Tom Emer and Peter Peyrl of Lord Fletcher’s Old Lake Lodge.
Included for review is the 2013 permit application from Lord Fletcher’s for live music. Additionally, I have included the approved conditions from 2012, along with the complaints received by the Orono Police Department last summer and the results from the independent sound test the city had conducted last August. Tom Emer will possibly be in attendance to answer any questions from the council regarding their plans for live music this summer. Chief Farniok has also been invited, although it is not certain whether or not he will be able to attend yet. Both police and fire have been asked to provide feedback regarding the application. If any is received by Monday it will be presented to the council at that time. It is my assumption that the council will take action on the permit at one of the regular meetings in March after all feedback has been received and the council has had a chance to have all of their questions answered.
Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council to Lord Fletcher’s staff. Emer said they aren’t proposing any changes from last year. He said they still have the barrier fence, the drum shield and the noise meters on location. Emer said A&T Productions is the manager of the live music productions. Fischer wants Fletcher’s to know that their business is important to them and he wants to remain in close contact as the season progresses. Fischer wondered if any of the conditions from last year would be changed. Tolsma said monitoring the island could be crossed off. Sippel asked about the complainant(s). It was confirmed that complaints from last year were from the same person. Williamson said resolving this issue has come a long way. Reinhardt agreed and her only concern is the Oak on the Water and wondered if it should be permitted separately due to the parking and congestion demand. She suggests those dates be identified separately and separately permitted. Fischer said there have been other complaints but most of the time people recognize this is part of lake living and tolerance is found. Reinhardt said a city-hired and paid sound technician found no violations. Initiative, responsiveness and expense has been extreme on the part of the city, according to Williamson. Hughes wondered if there has been any monitoring of boats playing loud music. Fischer said it’s been noted but nothing official. Peyrl asked how they should proceed if they receive a phone call regarding a complaint. Peyrl said typically callers are told to call the police in order to log the complaint. Fischer agreed for them to continue directing callers to call police. Williamson wondered if the neighborhood meetings still continue and Emer confirmed they are still held twice a year.
- LMCC RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 7:20 – 7:30 (Action may be taken)
a. Included is a letter and resolution of support from the LMCC. If there are any questions that Councilmember Williamson (Spring Park’s LMCC representative) can’t answer for the council staff can request more information from the LMCC after Monday night’s meeting. The council could take action of this item on Monday night if they desired or it can be on the agenda for March 4th.
Reinhardt explained they are in negotiations with Mediacom and referred to Williamson, the city's representative. Williamson said there is some concern over the Mediacom's area of service. As a result, he said the city of Medina is underserved and is contemplating getting out. Williamson said at this time high speed internet is actually more requested but, in order to get it, cable t.v. is required. Williamson said Medina has contacted Orono and Victoria to see if they are interested in hiring an attorney to get some answers. Williamson said the resolution probably isn’t necessary because negotiations are required per the joint powers agreement. Reinhardt thinks it makes sense to affirm the LMCC. Reinhardt wondered what would happen if Orono or Medina leaves. Williamson thinks the LMCC wants to keep them so they would try to find something that works. He thinks they would draw the line on subsidy however. Reinhardt requests this be put on the March 4th agenda.
Included for review is a planning commission application from Pete Kaczanowski. The tentative plan is to have Pete come to the council meeting on March 4th to participate in a brief interview with the council at 7:00 p.m., before the regular meeting starts at 7:30.
Reinhardt reminded the council that Kaczanowski’s son came to the city a few years ago requesting a review of the basketball court at Thor Thompson Park. She said this started the grant process and ultimately the new basketball court. Reinhardt said she thinks 7:15, right before the council meeting, would work for the interview. Williamson asked about former council candidate Elgah Trask’s efforts for the PC seat. Reinhardt said there was some miscommunication about keeping her in the process and Trask missed the notifications about applying for the position. Reinhardt said if the interview goes well, the appointment should take place at the council meeting so Kacznowski can attend the March meeting.
- WATER TREATMENT 7:45 – 8:00
In December 2012 the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) notified city staff of a potential amendment to the standards governing municipal water contaminants. The MDH also informed staff that depending on how the new regulations were written the city may need to address any contaminants that exceed the new standards. Since that time the city has not been notified of any changes being made to the standards and no further follow up inspections have been performed by the MDH. The council may simply wish to await further notice from the MDH regarding water contaminants or seek to proactively conduct some independent water sampling to get baseline information for the current quality of the city’s water.
Tolsma said an employee stops regularly and performs an inspection. He said the city was notified that the state is looking at amending regulations for contaminants in drinking water. Tolsma said TCE is being investigated. He said currently the levels are well under the requirements but that could change if the levels are changed. Tolsma said if the state makes the standards more stringent, there should be adequate time to fulfill the requirements. Sippel wondered if the city already does water sampling. Tolsma said yes, periodic testing is required. Tolsma said there are three wells and it’s not required to test each well but the thought is to have samples from all three wells and have them tested independently to establish a base line. Reinhardt likes the idea of sampling the individual wells. She said she is concerned about Spring Park being put on a list and it would be nice to be able to say we are aware of this and have taken steps to be ready. Sippel thinks the testing should be done once the costs are determined to be in line. Hughes thinks it might also be nice to determine the level of the aquifers due to the recent article about water levels being critical.
a. Bills & Payroll (Action Needed) – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to pay the bills. Sippel asked about the SAC charges and wonders about this. Sac determination is explained and this was a pass through. The SAC charges have been paid by Tonka Ventures. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. MWCD Cost Share Grants Information – Reinhardt said she believes this is intended for lake accesses that are monitored and not applicable to the city’s access off of Sunset. Bren wondered if the DNR takes care of Spring Park Bay’s access. Sippel said Spring Park Bay and North Arm launch is Hennepin County.
- MISCELLANEOUS – Reinhardt said she met with the Westonka Historical Society and discussed the proposed new space at the old Mound City Hall. She said there may be some upcoming request for funding from the cities they serve. Spring Park, Mound, Minnetrista and Navarre are the four cities that could be requested. She said she thought she’d mention this for now and they won’t be requesting yet but it could probably be forthcoming. Reinhardt believes from previous research this would be an allowable expense but more information is needed. Williamson said this has been presented to the Mound City Council when considering what to do with the old city hall.
Reinhardt said she spoke with former council member Jackie Stone. Stone is at home and in good spirits Reinhardt reports.
Hughes said a document was written in September 2012 stating the city’s preference regarding bow fishing. He said the city’s preference has been clear that a complete ban of bow fishing is what Spring Park is requesting and believes that should be conveyed to the LMCD. Hughes said he thinks there should be no other options other than a complete ban. Hughes also said there has been discussion about independent poles displaying banners for announcement purposes. Hughes said he has discussed a dynamic sign with the Water Patrol in order to post warnings, city and school announcements, etc. Hughes believes there might be some progress in this regard as a partnership with the city and the Water Patrol. Williamson thinks of dynamic signage as being a big t.v. Reinhardt said there are different options to dynamic signs. It can be graphics and lettering.
Engineer Pearson said the bids are due at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Eight contractors have received plans and nothing has been received yet but they typically come in at the last minute.
Adjourn: 8:40 p.m.