December 2, 2013 Council Meeting

  1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
  2. ROLL CALL - Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt
  3. INTRODUCTIONS - City Administrator Dan Tolsma and various students of the MWHS government class.
  5. ADOPT AGENDA - Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda.  Hughes has a change under 14 a. to start discussion on drafting a rental ordinance and suggests to make claims item b.  Hughes asks the motion maker for the friendly amendment and Williamson agrees.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
  6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA - Sippel makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt the consent agenda.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from November 18, 2013
    2. City Council Work Session Minutes from November 25, 2013
  7. PUBLIC FORUM - No one.
    1. Resolution 13-23: Final Tax Levy for 2014 - Tolsma said he has PowerPoint presentation.  He outlines the revenue and expenditures.  Tolsma discusses market value affecting property tax.  He explains tax capacity to a percentage applied to properties.  Illustrated is where tax dollars go.  Tolsma explained who the other taxing authorities are.  Williamson said the "other" category covers several agencies including mosquito control, the Watershed District. Reinhardt said the levy is established at $980,000.  She said it's the same as 2009 and 2010.  She said it reduced slightly but now it's increased again slightly.  She said the preliminary levy was set in September, it's been discussed in several work sessions and it's now up for adoption.  Sippel asked if the snow plowing contract was under streets and Tolsma acknowledged.  Hughes moves to accept 13-23 adopting the final tax levy.  Sippel seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    2. Resolution 13-24: 2014 Budget - Williamson makes the motion to adopt Resolution 13-24.  Bren seconds.  Hughes said in past years, he wonders if 601-39104 other revenue for water fund on page three if that's where the rental fees come in for the water tower.  Tolsma said yes, the fees charged for using the water tower for attenae.  Hughes said that increases every year and he doesn't know if it's every three years.  Tolsma said it's spelled out in each individual contract and he and Goman went through these contracts recently.  Hughes noted the amount received this year has almost doubled.  Tolsma said he wants to check on that as there was an upgrade to an antennae.  Reinhardt said the general fund budget is for $1,080,310 and again, it's something the council and staff have worked on over several study sessions.  All votes ayes, motion carries.  Williamson is curious where the administrative fee for earnings received on the conduit financing for Presbyterian Homes is placed.  He wonders if it will be unaccounted for until it actually happens.  Tolsma said it will be included in this year's revenue as they just received the check last week. 


    1. Mayor and Council - Reinhardt said City Clerk Wendy Lewin's father passed away and the arrangements are the review is on Tuesday evening and funeral on Wednesday.  Reinhardt said she received information from City of Wayzata regarding a scenic by-way program to recognize historic and natural locations.  She said there will be a meeting to start defining what that means for cities and what involvement will be.  Hughes has a quick update for the LMCD.  He said they're having an open house from 4-7 pm either Wednesday or Thursday of this week.  He doesn't have the notice with him but he can get the specific information if anyone is interested.  Sippel said he noticed in the letter sent out regarding water quality and the reference to consult with the city's website and the website is not on the city's letterhead.  Sippel said this is pretty standard stuff.
    2. City Administrator - nothing.
    3. City Engineer - nothing.
    4. City Attorney - nothing.
    5. Utility Superintendent - Reinhardt said there is a brief report in front of the council from Goman about the banners and the light poles and Christmas decorations.
    1. December 11, 2013 – Administration Committee – 1:00 PM
    2. December 11, 2013 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
    3. December 11, 2013 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
    4. December 16, 2013 – City Council – 7:30 PM
    5. December 23, 2013 – Work Session – 7:00 PM (Move to December 30th?) Reinhardt asked the council their thoughts.  Williamson suggests this be revisited at the next council meeting to see if there are items that would need to be discussed at a work session.

            a.         Hughes said 24:44 at work sessions time was spent talking about rental housing and other cities have ordinances that regulate and inspect.  He said in order to get this moving, decisions cannot be made at work sessions so therefore Hughes moves the City of Spring Park explore a rental ordinance that would include licensed rental property in R-1 and R-2 districts to include safety inspections of the rental properties.  Reinhardt seconds.  Hughes said he thinks the planning commission can be involved to explore, examine and look at the International Property Maintenance Code and knowing full well Mound Fire already does a lengthy inspection of apartments.  Sippel said R-1 and R-2 has been called out and not R-3.  Hughes said R-3 is already inspected.  Sippel said he thinks all of it should be required.  Hughes said it would be easy to add R-3 to the motion.  Hughes changes his original motion removing the specific zoning districts and Reinhardt agrees to the change.  All votes ayes, motion carries.

b.         Bills and payroll - Reinhardt said the claims are in front of the council tonight and they were previously e-mailed to council members.  Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to pay the bills.  All votes ayes, motion carries.


  1. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)


  1. ADJOURNMENT Hughes makes a motion to adjourn at 8 pm and Bren seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.