May 20, 2013 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Hughes, Reinhardt. Bren excused.
- INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, LMCD Greg Nybeck, Pam Myers, Westonka Historical Society.
- ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Sippel seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Sippel make a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from May 6, 2013
- Administration Committee Minutes from May 8, 2013
- PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
- Greg Nybeck – Lake Minnetonka Conservation District – Reinhardt introduces Nybeck to the council. Nybeck said he is to give an overview of the 2014 budget. He said council member Hughes has kept everyone current as he is a board member. Nybeck said there was a planning session in April to look at the basis of the budget and it’s been now circulated to the cities. He said on June 6th city officials can provide feedback. Nybeck said the agency has a mission plan with goals and objectives. He said it needs to be updated but the hot items are management of invasive species and the second hot topic is prevention of AIS. He said harvesting continues to be their primary source and then chemical bay application. He said watercraft inspections are a part of the plan. Education and conformance is a goal. Nybeck said milfoil and curly pond weed was a five year public/private project. He said it was a large-scale treatment plan. A further comprehensive program needs to be developed before this program is continued.
Nybeck discusses project costs and funding sources. Nybeck said regarding bow fishing an ordinance was adopted to improve communication and enforcement. He said Water Patrol is the enforcement agency. He said no night-time bow fishing is allowed. Reinhardt asked if all cities have adopted the same ordinance. Nybeck said the original goal was uniformity. Williamson said Water Patrol wants a clean ordinance that is not confusing. Reinhardt is concerned about the city’s conflicting ordinance with the LMCD and wonders if the city should adopt the LMCD’s ordinance. Williamson suggests taking a wait and see approach. Nybeck suggests feedback go to Council member Hughes. Nybeck said a newsletter will be soon forthcoming and the winter one will be out in the fall.
Sippel asked about the comprehensive plan and wondered what the correlation was for AIS. Williamson asked about a missing element in terms of Watershed District and animal invasive species such as Zebra Mussels. He asked if there is targeting of vegetative issues. Nybeck said the MCWD is doing a pilot program. Williamson is interested in who is going to take the lead on this. He wonders where the LMCD fits into the future vision as to who manages what in regards to invasive species. Nybeck said the MCWD has a management and prevention plan. He said the LMCD is focused on management. Biological control of invasive species is discussed. Reinhardt asked about sustainability for whole bay treatment. She said it works for a while but wonders if there is room in the levy for this. Nybeck said with decreasing tax capacities, monies might have to be increased so he doesn’t know about sustainability. They are perhaps looking at other funding sources and joint power agreements. Williamson said he wonders about thought being given to increasing levy limits for planning purposes.
b. Pam Myers – Westonka Historical Society – Tolsma said Myers is planning on attending this evening. He suggests the rest of agenda be moved forward on. Reinhardt said there is a request for some city contributions. She said Mound’s contribution is in-kind as market rate rent is being compared. Myers arrived. She said they are looking at funding for 2014 and a letter and spreadsheet has been included in the packet. She is ready for questions. She said they’ve moved and been unpacking boxes and moving furniture. She said they’ve been in the Star and Tribune and they were on Channel 11 news. She said an open house is planned for June 15 from 10-noon. She said there is one building among five towns. She said they are open to projects and exploring topics. She said they are concerned about directional signage. Williamson wondered how the lease amount was arrived at. Myers said they looked at the size of towns in population and geography. Williamson meant the space. Myers said it includes utilities, they are not paying for ground maintenance or cleaning. She said it’s about $8.08 per square foot and they are getting 1800 square feet. They are not sharing space except for council and conference room meetings. Williamson wonders if Mound is contributing anything besides the space. Myers said the building is being overseen as a city building. She said the term of the lease is one year and it’s renewable. Williamson said he was thinking it should be more like ten years. He said contractual obligations are important. Myers said they were looking for a long-term lease and they were offered a one year lease.
Williamson is concerned that the city’s contribution should be looked at as an investment. He said the proportions don’t seem to be consistent like the fire contract and the Gillespie Center. Williamson said the motion passed needs to be proportionate and he doesn’t think this looks proportional. Hughes wondered about the insurance and wonders if an appraiser will document values. Myers said because there hasn’t been space to exhibit, the collection has not been insured. She said the donator has the value documents that their appraiser came up with for tax purposes. She said they’ve considered disaster insurance. She said there isn’t replacement value as most items are not replaceable. Hughes thinks that should be a discussion item as items grow more valuable. Reinhardt asked what other cities’ feedback has been. Myers said she’s presented to Minnetrista and they had similar questions. Reinhardt wondered what the feeling was. She said she wouldn’t be surprised if they all said it was too much but she thinks it’s being considered and being planned for in upcoming budgets. Williamson said he would like to see a renewable lease with options, ten years, and he thinks proportionality is important. He said Spring Park's budget can absorb a $3,000 expense but he wants it to be fair and equitable. Reinhardt asked if this should be tied with other cities for fairness purposes. Reinhardt is concerned about penalizing the Historical Center because cities can’t come to an equitable decision. Sippel appreciates Williamson’s concern but he also thinks the one year lease might be okay too in case things change. Hughes likes the idea of giving a commitment of support. Reinhardt said they will wait to hear back from other cities and they will put this forth in the budget planning process.
a. Mayor and Council –
· Reinhardt said a complaint was received regarding trailers being parked at the Tonka Ventures parking lot at Shoreline Drive and Sunset Drive. Reinhardt said someone is going to probably attend the June council meeting to ask staff to look at the ordinance closer. Williamson said he remembers this being a problem previously. He wonders if a time limit should be explored for moving the trailers. Sippel said when the sign ordinance was reviewed, that issue did come up and it wasn’t addressed because it was deemed difficult to regulate.
· Reinhardt reminds the council about the Mound Fire Department Fish Fry on June 1st.
· She said she was contacted by a resident that lives near Presbyterian Homes and a visiting dignitary will be visiting from Cameron and they are wondering about a resolution/proclamation to honor his appearance.
· Williamson said the Legislature is including something from the League of Cities to exempt local governments from sales tax for purchases. He said local governments find it difficult to tax (property) and then turn it back over and it seems like a foolish anomaly. He said should it pass the usual effective date is August 1st. He said his thought is the streetlight project coming up could be $24-30,000 and he thinks some discussion should be had with the contractor, not to slow down the project but to add a punch list 45-60 days before they issue the invoice so that the invoice is dated August 2nd. He thinks planning should be thought about if this passes tonight.
· Hughes said he’ll be voting on the LMCD budget and wonders about feedback.
b. City Administrator – Tolsma said regarding the street light project is on hold waiting on Miller Bernd to give final approval on shop drawings with minor modifications. He said the precon meeting is on hold until the drawings are finished. Reinhardt said she has expressed her concern that this is bogging down. Hughes said two of the lights already removed in front of the Marina Shopping Center, the lights are physically in the sidewalk and the bases were discussed being removed as an as-needed basis and he thinks they need to be removed. Tolsma said the process for reviewing foundations has been discussed with Barr Engineering acting as the third party reviewer on every foundation and if there's a question, Barr Engineering, MFRA and city staff would make the determination. Sippel asked if everything comes down first and then the foundations are examined versus one-by-one. Tolsma said that’s the process that will be discussed at the upcoming meeting.
- City Engineer
- City Attorney
- Utility Superintendent – Tolsma said the summer helper will be starting next Tuesday. Williamson wondered if that should be approved by resolution. Reinhardt asked Tolsma to check with Beck on this.
- May 21, 2013 – LMCC – 5:00 PM – Williamson corrects the time to 5:30.
- May 22, 2013 – Fire Commission – 11:00 AM
- May 22, 2013 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
- May 28, 2013 (Tuesday) – Work Session – 7:00 PM
- June 3, 2013 – City Council – 7:30 PM
- Reinhardt would like added the guided tour for the Westonka Historical Society at June 15, 9 a.m. Sippel wonders if this is for council persons and their families. Myers said yes, families are welcome.
- Bills & Payroll – Sippel asked about the $500 cost for the ad in the newspaper. He thought it was a lot. He wonders in the future if this can be posted elsewhere for no cost. Williamson asked about League of MN Cities Insurance Trust. He wonders if that is for all the premiums for one year. Tolsma said workers’ compensation is a separate policy. Tolsma will double check if this is everything. Tolsma said it is an annual payment. Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to pay the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- 2013 YTD Building Permit Report
- Three Rivers Park District Press Release
- Westonka Historical Society Newsletter
Hughes said flushing fire hydrants and he spoke with Goman about maintaining. Goman said he has a process where he charges a hydrant but doesn’t flush them.
Hughes mentioned flushing fire hydrant conversations in past meetings. He spoke with Goman about maintaining those hydrants and that they are not actually flushed all the time. Goman said he has a process where he charges a hydrant but doesn’t flush them but he also lubricates.
Williamson thanks Tolsma for the building permit update. Tolsma said there is a lot of repair being done at Bayview Apartments.
- ADJOURNMENT – Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adjourn at 9:07 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.