February 4, 2013 Council Meeting

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
  2. ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt.
  3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public.  Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson, Attorney Beck and Jan Callison the County Commissioner assigned to Spring Park.
  5. ADOPT AGENDA – Reinhardt said a revised agenda has been submitted.  Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adopt the agenda.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
  6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDAWilliamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the consent agenda.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from January 22, 2013
    2. City Council Work Session Minutes from January 28, 2013
  7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
  9. County Commissioner Jan Callison – Callison explained the districts changed due to redistricting and she is our new representative replacing Jeff Johnson and she is here to introduce herself.  She said there are 16 cities in this district.  Callision said she has served for four years.  She said she is a past mayor of the City of Minnetonka for three years and a previous council person as well as a resident.  Callison is the vice chair of the Hennepin County Board and chair of the budget and investment committee.  She said she is pleased to represent Spring Park.  Reinhardt thanks Callison and the Mayors’ forums that Callison has put together.  Callison said she will also come in the fall around budget time.  Williamson thanks Callison for coming to the meeting and he hopes to hear from Callison regarding the issues, especially in the beginning stages.  He knows of some funding issues forthcoming that will impact our city.  Callison does a monthly newsletter and she would be happy to provide it.  She hopes the city invites her to meetings that would be beneficial.  Hughes asked how she stays connected and Callison explained how she reaches out.  Callison said she has three watershed districts.  Reinhardt asked about the recent water management meeting.  Callison said it’s very complicated due to the watersheds and taxing authorities  She said there is skepticism right now.  She said it’s a Hennepin bill only and doesn’t include Carver County. 
    1. Resolution 13-10: Support for WeCAN Continuation of CDBG Funding – Williamson moves adoption.  Sippel seconds.  Reinhardt asked if there are any questions.  Reinhardt said this is not money that comes from Spring Park but they are looking for support for this block grant.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 
    1. Mayor and Council -

i.  Music In The Park Contribution.  Reinhardt said there is a memo in the packet from Beck and she wonders if there are any questions.  Williamson said he raised the question about requests for contributions.  He said when using public tax dollars it is necessary to make sure it is a community event and everybody benefits and it’s not exclusive.  He said he is satisfied that this request meets the criteria.  He thinks a policy or checklist of guidelines of criteria be developed to aid staff in fielding some of these requests.  Willilamson makes a motion approving the music in the park for $200 and Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.  Reinhardt said a grant has been applied for and the results are yet unknown.  She said this contribution may not be called for if the grant comes through. 


Reinhardt said a meeting occurred at city hall regarding Tour de Cure for diabetes.  She said the result of the meeting is they are going to alter their route and by-pass Mtka Beach and Spring Park.  They will get on the trail in Mound. 


Hughes said the LMCD met and there were several guests in attendance.  Hughes said Eric Waage, Director of HC Emergency Management was a presenter.  Statistics were presented regarding weather related incidents on the lake.  Waage is interested in some sort of standardized warning system for lake users.  A mobile app was also discussed that would issue a tone and warning message.  Hughes said there was a message regarding ice related accidents and how to better mark or warn those on the lake of unsafe conditions.  Hughes said all city councils are discussing bow fishing and they expect a decision in March. 


Bren said she would like to thank the city for the opportunity to go to new council member training.  She said charitable contributions were discussed so it was relevant.  She said it was educational and informative.  She enjoyed meeting many mayors and council representatives.


    1. City Administrator

i.  Street Light Replacement Project – Tolsma said he or Pearson can answer any questions regarding the bid form or various memos.  Engineer Pearson said the bid schedule, if the city authorizes to proceed, are plans to publish in The Laker this week and also in a trade journal on February 6th.  He said bids will be tabulated on February 26th and then circulated at the March 4th council meeting.  Williamson said he thinks it sounds tight.  He’s worried about some contractors not seeing it.  He also thinks the Internet should be used.  Pearson explained this is an online access.  Pearson also said contractors would be contacted who typically bid on these projects.  He said an invitation or an awareness will be extended.  Pearson said 21 days for bidding is typical and this project adds up to 20 days.  They feel it’s adequate time to analyze the bid.  Tolsma said contractors are aware that this is a typical time for bids.  He said contractors are on the look-out for projects.  Williamson wondered how many bids they expect to receive.  Williamson remembers an Orono project a couple of years ago where there was only one bid and he is skeptical about contractors "stacking the deck" so to speak.  Reinhardt said there has been a time and discussion devoted to this project.  Sippel asked about some of the numbering on the drawings.  Tolsma and Pearson said the numbers correspond to tags on the actual existing poles.  Hughes makes a motion to proceed to obtain bids.  Sippel seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 

ii.  Liability Coverage Waiver – Tolsma said cities have to elect whether they waive tort limits.  He said cities usually don’t waive them.  He said some cities have their own coverage so they waive it and cover it themselves.  Williamson moves to adopt the liability cover waiver form to do not waive monetary limits item.  Hughes seconds.  Williamson said this keeps the city’s insurance limits stable and is unnecessary coverage for a city like Spring Park.  All votes ayes, motion carries. 


    1. City Engineer - nothing further.
    2. City Attorney - nothing.
    3. Utility Superintendent - nothing
    1. February 13, 2013 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AM – Reinhardt noted Tolsma will be out-of-town. Reinhardt suggests perhaps not meeting again until March unless something pressing comes up.  Williamson said there has to be discussion about whether there will be a second council meeting in February or to cancel.  Williamson said February 25th is a normal workshop and perfunctory city business could be performed at that meeting, if needed.  Reinhardt agrees that the February 25th study session be held.  She said if it’s necessary, then an Admin meeting could be held but could also be discussed at the study session.  Williamson suggests the study session be added to the list of meetings and the Admin can be held then or after, if necessary. 
    2. February 13, 2013 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
    3. February 13, 2013 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
    4. February 14, 2013 – Spring Park Police Commission – 10:00 AM – Hughes asks if this could be published as a meeting so he could attend. Reinhardt wonders about a West Metro Task Force meeting.  After further discussion Hughes said to disregard, he will speak privately to the chief instead.
    5. February 18 19, 2013 – City Council – 7:30 PM (TBD) Tolsma makes the correction that the date is really February 19th due to the 18th being a holiday.  Hughes makes a motion to cancel the meeting on February 19th  and Sippel seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    6. February 19, 2013 – LMCC – 5:00 PM
    1. Bills & Payroll – Williamson makes a motion to pay the claims and Bren seconds.  Sippel asked about the televising of the sanitary sewer and wondered if this is a routine filming. Williamson explained it’s a component that metro waste looks at to prevent infiltration and cracks.  Tolsma said the city is eligible for special coverage because the city takes the extra steps to check the pipes on a rotating basis.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
  4. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
    1. Emerald Ash Borer Symposium Brochure – Tolsma said he attended this symposium last fall.  He said this has been extended to the planning commissioners.  He said the downside is it’s during the day.  Tolsma said in the news this past week there has been discovery of infestation further west, closer to Spring Park. 
    2. WeCAN 2012 Statistics
  5. ADJOURNMENT – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn at 8:28 p.m.  All votes ayes, motion carries.