May 26, 2015, Work Session

1. Lake Minnetonka Conservation District Budget Update
a. LMCD Executive Greg Nybeck will be at the meeting to discuss the 2016 draft budget. Attached is a copy.

2. Dock Licenses – Action May Be Taken
a. Included for review are the corrected dock licenses for multi-unit facilities.

3. Fee Schedule
a. Included is the most recently adopted fee schedule for the city. As part of the process of converting the schedule from resolution to ordinance form, the council should also discuss if there are any changes they would like to make at the time of conversion. Once the fee schedule is in ordinance form it will be more complex to make changes as public hearings and publication of any changes will be required.


a. March Financial Report
b. April Financial Report
c. LMCC Updated By Laws
d. Metropolitan Council Population Estimate
e. June Channel 8 & 20 Schedules