June 25, 2012 Work Session

a. Staff will be doing a presentation on the entrance signs. Site plans and designs are still being finalized and will be shown at the meeting. Staff is looking for direction regarding both the preferable location and the lettering design of the signs. Once both of those are selected staff will work with George Norling to complete the project.

2. COFFEE COVE – 7:45
a. Staff has received two quotes to date. The first quote was $2,500 which would be done from the Hennepin County parking lot on the east side of the cove. The unknown with this quote is that it would require the parking lot to be shut down for the better part of a day so the equipment can have adequate room to operate. That would require permission from the County and it is likely that nothing would happen until this fall when less people are using the fishing area. The second option would be done from a barge and cost roughly $4,000 - $5,000. With this option the cove would be cleaned out as soon as the last week of June or the second week of July as they have availability during those times. Both proposals include the removal of the downed trees and dead trees that are still standing along the shore.

3. BOWFISHING – 8:00
a. Follow up from the discussion at the June 18th Council Meeting.

a. May Fire Report
b. Star Tribune Article Regarding Rental Inspections
c. May Financial Report