April 16, 2018 Work Session Minutes
APRIL 16, 2018 – 6:00 PM
CALL TO ORDER - The work session was called to order by Mayor Rockvam at 6:06 p.m.
Council Members Present: Jerry Rockvam, Mayor; Pamela Horton; Gary Hughes; Catherine Kane Palen, and Megan Pavot (arrived 6:39 p.m.)
Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Al Brixius, City Planner; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk.
A. PORT OF CALL REQUESTS – City Planner Brixius reviewed the LMCD Port of Call application for Paddle Tap at the 5th Street Ventures docks that requires a zoning compliance letter from the City. He further discussed the narrative and conditions that he requested from the owner of Paddle Tap.
City Planner Brixius stated that the shopping center has enough parking to comply with the requirements but we need to have a parking agreement in writing from the property owner.
Mayor Rockvam stated that conditions need to be attached to this application to avoid nuisance complaints on the Seton Channel.
City Planner Brixius stated he would draft a new zoning compliance letter before the next Council meeting. He will update the list of conditions for approval and noted that if the conditions are not followed the port of call application would be revoked.
City Administrator Tolsma noted that the Council should remove Item #4b from the regular meeting agenda since there are some details that are still be worked out.
B. BACK CHANNEL BREWERY PATIO & MARKET – City Planner Brixius reviewed the CUP and variance applications. He further detailed the proposed conditions for approval.
Council Member Hughes requested clarification on the days and times listed in the CUP.
City Planner Brixius responded that the times are Wednesday from 3-7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. He noted that the additional hour was added for vendor set-up time.
2. UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS – City Administrator Tolsma provided a summary of upcoming special events for Glitsen Detailing Grand Opening Open House/Car Show and Lord Fletcher’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. He also reviewed the proposed list of conditions for approval.
Council Member Hughes asked if another condition could be added where the City would post signs for a three hour parking limit that day to keep the traffic moving during the Glitsen Detailing Grand Opening Open House/Car Show.
City Administrator Tolsma responded that the City could post signs.
3. MOWING PROPOSALS – City Administrator Tolsma provided a summary of the four proposals that were received for mowing services in 2018. He reviewed the process including meeting the vendors and touring the City so they knew what was expected with the contract. All proposals are fairly close in price and are from responsible vendors.
Mayor Rockvam stated that it would be difficult to replace the seasonal worker who recently retired because his unique set of skills helped the City in a number of areas other than mowing. He added that some of the City’s equipment is getting older so maybe this is the right time to sell the equipment and contract for this type of service.
City Administrator Tolsma stated that this could also allow the City to no longer lease garage space for equipment since the only remaining piece of equipment would be a generator that we could move to one of the lift stations.
Mayor Rockvam stated that one of the advantages with having contractors is that you can just tell them what needs to be done and they already know the best way to accomplish the task.
City Administrator Tolsma added that this is only a one year contract for services so the City has the opportunity to reevaluate their needs on an annual basis.
City Administrator Tolsma stated that the amount of this contract falls within the new guidelines of the procurement policy where staff has the ability to select the contractor. He will take the Council’s feedback, sale of aging equipment, and leased garage space into consideration. He will notify Council of his decision at the next City Council meeting.
4. LMCD UPDATE - Council Member Hughes presented the new LMCD website to the City Council. He stated that the LMCD has made some significant changes and requested that cities review the website and offer suggestions.
6. ADJOURN - The work session was adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:59 p.m.
Date Approved: May 7, 2018
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator
Theresa Schyma, City Clerk