August 20, 2018 Work Session Minutes

AUGUST 20, 2018 – 6:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER - The work session was called to order by Mayor Rockvam at 6:00 p.m.

Council Members Present: Jerome P. Rockvam, Mayor; Pamela Horton; Gary Hughes, Catherine Kane Palen; and Megan Pavot

Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Al Brixius, City Planner; Scott Qualle, Building Official; Nancy Jensen Beck, City Attorney; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk


City Planner Brixius provided a summary of the proposed renovation of 4636 Shoreline Drive for a production only brewery. He stated that breweries with taprooms are currently allowed by City Code but a production only brewery is not currently allowed. This proposed use would need to submit several applications including a conditional use permit and ordinance text amendment. He stated that he would like Council feedback prior to the start of the application process.

City Planner Brixius reviewed the draft site plan including concerns of increased traffic and congestion, increased water usage and the impacts on the system, hours of operation, noise, odors, etc. He added that this particular site was targeted for redevelopment in the current 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the property has long been vacant.

Gerald Vlaminck, JPV Properties LLC, and Dan Shrader, CEO of Brass Foundry Brewing Co., were present for questions.

Mayor Rockvam asked about the expected renovations to the building.

Mr. Shrader responded that several upgrades and renovations would need to take place to help clean up the interior and exterior appearance of the building including piping, electrical, siding, improving the retaining wall, and new signage. He added that the exterior of the back building would remain metal.

City Planner Brixius inquired as to how much production would occur on this site.

Mr. Shrader responded 180 barrels per month.

Mayor Rockvam asked if part of the building would be leased.

Mr. Vlaminck responded yes and that is why they would reconfigure the parking lot with angled spaces.

Council Member Kane Palen asked about outdoor storage at the site.

Mr. Vlaminck and Mr. Shrader responded they shouldn’t have any outdoor storage or that it would be very minimal especially comparing to the current outdoor storage of dock parts.

Mayor Rockvam stated that the City would have to make substantial changes to make this happen and the new owners would need to make major architectural changes as well. He added that he especially wants more information as to what the appearance of the exterior of the building will be.

Mr. Vlaminck responded that the building is currently an eyesore and they would definitely be improving upon what currently exists on that site.

City Planner Brixius asked for Council feedback on whether this should move to the application process.

Mayor Rockvam responded that he wants everything to be thoroughly considered to make sure the Council isn’t setting a precedent that they don’t want; bringing a use into a district that isn’t currently allowed.

Council Member Hughes stated that additional traffic and congestion is a concern.

Council Member Pavot responded that this type of business is not a retail business or apartment complex so this type of use would probably generate the least amount of traffic on the site.

City Planner Brixius added that the new 2040 Comprehensive Plan leaves existing businesses in place but states that the City should be open to other uses and explore those options and offers when presented.

City Planner Brixius stated that he will work with Mr. Vlaminck and Mr. Shrader to move forward with the application process so that the City receives all of the information it needs before sending this proposal to the City Council for consideration.

Council Member Kane Palen thanked Mr. Vlaminck and Mr. Shrader for showing the Council what they have to offer and looked forward to seeing more plans, details, and projections of the future for that site.


City Administrator Tolsma reviewed a summary of the proposal from Flagship Recreation. He further discussed the design, timeline, and budgeting options. He stated the two-week installation is scheduled for this Fall and there will be some restoration work that will follow. The parks will be ready for the kids to enjoy in the Spring and the rededication ceremonies can occur at that time.

The Council consensus was to keep the project moving forward and stay on the contractor’s Fall schedule so they inquired as to when the item could be added to the agenda.

City Attorney Jensen Beck responded that the Council could amend tonight’s regular meeting agenda to include this item under the Miscellaneous section.

The City Council consensus was to add the item to tonight’s agenda so that the project can stay on schedule.

City Administrator Tolsma stated that he will also prepare a refunding resolution for the Council to consider once the project is complete.


Mayor Rockvam recommended moving this item to the next scheduled work session due to timing.

Building Official Qualle responded that he thinks the compromised agreement was accomplished as the Council requested and he is agreeable to moving this item to a future work session so that it can be thoroughly presented.

City Administrator Tolsma asked the Council to read the attachments from tonight’s agenda and contact staff with any questions. He noted that a lot of the proposed changes are reference and statute modifications that have occurred since the original contract was signed.

Mayor Rockvam stated that he has watched the MNSPECT procedure with the West Arm Drive Townhome Association project and is happy with the work MNSPECT has done.


5. ADJOURN - The work session was adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:55 p.m.

Date Approved: September 17, 2018

Dan Tolsma, City Administrator
Theresa Schyma, City Clerk