March 19, 2018 Work Session Minutes
MARCH 19, 2018 – 5:00 PM
CALL TO ORDER - The work session was called to order by Mayor Rockvam at 5:00 p.m.
Council Members Present: Jerry Rockvam, Mayor; Pamela Horton; Gary Hughes; Catherine Kane Palen, and Megan Pavot
Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Al Brixius, City Planner; Mike Kuno, City Engineer; Nancy Jensen Beck, City Attorney; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk.
A. CONCRETE MAINTENANCE PROJECT – City Engineer Kuno discussed the recent bid process for the 2018 concrete maintenance project. He reviewed the scope of the project and staff recommendations.
Council Member Hughes asked about the portion of sidewalk that is supposed to be under warranty.
City Engineer Kuno responded that the portion of sidewalk in question was included as part of the bid package. He stated that the contractor had a “gentleman’s agreement” about the warranty and maintenance with the former Public Works Superintendent but all agreements were in conversation, nothing was on paper. He continued that the contractor has not been receptive to staff’s attempts to contact him to discuss the warranty issue. He added that the City will be sending a letter to the contractor stating that the project will move forward and their company’s lack of response ensures that their company will not be allowed to work for the City again.
City Engineer Kuno stated that the contractor that is completing the upgrades at the City’s playgrounds has stated he would do the concrete work at the playgrounds that was part of the original bid package. Mr. Kuno’s recommendation is to confirm that the playground contractor would also pay for the engineering portion of the concrete work and then proceed with awarding the contract to Create Construction but removing the playground portion of the bid.
Mayor Rockvam asked where the money has been budgeted for this project.
City Administrator Tolsma responded that the project was budgeted as part of the Capital Improvement Fund.
B. SHORELINE ADA PROJECT – City Engineer Kuno discussed the 2018 Shoreline ADA Project including scope of project, probable costs, and timeline.
The City project would include signal system upgrades and complete replacement of pedestrian ramps in order to meet ADA requirements at the following intersections:
• Shoreline Drive and Interlachen Road (Signal System and ADA Ramp Improvements)
• Shoreline Drive and Spring Street (ADA Ramp Improvements Only)
• Shoreline Drive and Sunset Drive (Signal System and ADA Ramp Improvements)
• Shoreline Drive and Bayview Place (ADA Ramp Improvements and Potential Accessible Pedestrian Signals)
City Engineer Kuno stated that he received an email from Hennepin County that they are committing to share the cost with the City for ADA upgrades and Signal System Improvements since the county is scheduled to complete an overlay project in 2019.
The City Council consensus was to move forward with the project and make a motion at the regular meeting this evening.
City Engineer Kuno stated that he has identified a couple of other opportunities for grant money to help fund the City’s portion of the project so he will submit those grant applications and keep City Administrator Tolsma informed.
C. ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE – City Engineer Kuno gave an update from the November 2 discussion of the asset management plan. He added that staff would like to attach the asset management plan as an appendix to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan that is currently being finalized.
City Engineer Kuno asked the Council to review the asset management plan so that any detailed questions can be answered at the April work session. This ensures that a final version will be ready to include in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
A. PORT OF CALL REQUESTS – City Planner Brixius discussed two port of call requests from Paddle Tape that have come to the City for review. The port of call requests are for the docks operated by 5th Street Ventures near Back Channel Brewery. He asked the Council to give staff guidance on the conditions for approval.
The Council asked for an update regarding the handicapped accessibility issues at the docks.
City Administrator Tolsma stated the ADA ramp has been installed and the only thing left to be done is to put the final asphalt layer on once the snow melts.
The City Council consensus was to move forward with the conditions that were suggested by City Planner Brixius to address the potential issues of noise, parking, and traffic.
B. BACK CHANNEL BREWERY PATIO & MARKET DISCUSSION – City Planner Brixius discussed the recent inquiries from Back Channel Brewery for a patio expansion, outdoor gaming area, smoking area, and a weekly farmer’s market.
Joe Meehan, co-owner Back Channel Brewery, was available for questions.
Mayor Rockvam stated that the individuals on the west side of Seton Channel may not be Spring Park residents but they are still our neighbors and they were given assurances about noise control.
City Planner Brixius discussed the idea of moving the gaming area to the north side of the property and also requiring a privacy fence and gated area to control alcohol and noise.
Mr. Meehan responded that a privacy fence would limit their customer’s views of Lake Minnetonka so the brewery wouldn’t necessarily be in favor of that.
Council Member Pavot stated that by moving the patio and smoking area to the north side of the property it would eliminate noise concerns for the neighbors on Seton Channel and also help the issue for non-smoking customers who would like to have some shielding from the smoking area.
City Planner Brixius stated that the brewery is requesting a weekly farmer’s market in their parking lot where their customers are allowed to shop while drinking beer.
Mr. Meehan stated that the brewery is planning on having a weekly farmer’s market with approximately 17 vendors selling produce and local artisanal products on Wednesday nights from approximately 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The City Council had concerns regarding walking beer, parking, and the location of the proposed farmer’s market.
Council Member Pavot stated she that she would be in favor of the proposed requests after some redesign and relocation.
Mayor Rockvam stated he was comfortable with the requests concerning the patio, smoking, and gaming areas but did not agree with the farmer’s market, including its location on the north side.
Council Member Horton stated she was in favor of the patio, smoking, and gaming areas but was unsure about the location of the farmer’s market.
City Planner Brixius stated he will continue to work with Mr. Meehan regarding any questions he has about the redesign and relocation of the patio, smoking, and gaming areas. He continued that he will keep those items separate when they are considered on a future regular meeting agenda.
Council Member Hughes stated that he felt very strongly about patrons being able to enter the farmer’s market from outside the building and not having to go through the brewery to access the farmer’s market.
3. LMCD UPDATE – Council Member Hughes provided an update from the LMCD regarding an upcoming survey and also the creation of an executive director’s guide.
5. ADJOURN – The work session was adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:42 p.m.
Date Approved: April 2, 2018
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator
Theresa Schyma, City Clerk