June 19, 2017 Work Session Minutes

JUNE 19, 2017 – 6:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER - The work session was called to order by Mayor Rockvam at 6:00 p.m.

Council Members Present: Jerry Rockvam, Mayor; Pamela Horton, Gary Hughes; Catherine Kane Palen, and
Megan Pavot (arrived at 6:03 p.m.)

Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Mike Kuno, City Engineer; Nancy Jensen Back, City Attorney; Dallas Roggeman, Public Works/PeopleService; Greg Stang, PeopleService Region Manager; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk.

A. Introductions
B. Contract Summary
C. Year in Review
D. Areas of Success / Areas for Improvement
E. Reality of the Contract vs. Original Expectations

Mayor Rockvam questioned the type of equipment that PeopleService provides.

PeopleService Regional Manager Stang responded that PeopleService provides manpower not large equipment like backhoes and cranes. However, they do have access to small equipment like valve exercisers, smoking equipment, etc.

City Administrator Tolsma stated that the City has never owned large equipment and for bigger projects the City uses contractors.

Council Member Hughes asked about trimming public trees. He stated that simple tree maintenance should be done when it affects sign visibility.

Mr. Roggeman responded that he recently trimmed trees after the last storm.

PeopleService Regional Manager Stang added that if a Council Member sees an area that needs trimming they should contact City Hall so that it can be taken care of.

Mayor Rockvam stated that he was not on the Council when this contract was being considered and it was not his first choice; however, Mr. Roggeman has done a good job learning what needs to be done on a day-to-day basis in Spring Park and that he is on top of things.

Council Member Pavot stated that she is happy with PeopleService and is appreciative of the work Mr. Roggeman is doing, especially the reports and statistics that are now available.

Mayor Rockvam agreed that he appreciates the thorough reports the Council receives.

Mayor Rockvam stated that one of his main concerns is the fire hydrant situation in the City and how long it took to repair an inoperable hydrant on Shoreline Drive that was leaking.

Mr. Roggeman responded that the fire hydrant was from 1963 so parts had to be made before the repairs could take place.

Mayor Rockvam questioned how long that fire hydrant was inoperable.

Mr. Roggeman responded that it is not possible to know for sure how long it was inoperable but that it has definitely been several years.

PeopleService Regional Manager Stang spoke about specific accomplishments in Spring Park since the contract began: 1) the maintenance work order program through PeopleService, 2) completing the water plant expansion, and 3) finding several inoperable fire hydrants in the City and making arrangements to have them repaired. Mr. Stang further described the work order program process and the importance of having all work documented especially if warranty issues arise with the water plant expansion.

Mayor Rockvam asked if PeopleService would change anything with the contract.

PeopleService Regional Manager Stang responded that they underbid the project since they bid it as a 3/4 man operation but it has proven to be more time than they originally anticipated. However, now that the water plant expansion is complete they will be able to reevaluate and see if the job gets closer to the 3/4 man operation that they anticipated.

Mayor Rockvam asked when the contract gets adjusted.

PeopleService Regional Manager Stang responded that the City has five years locked into that flat fee in the contract.

Council Member Pavot added that the City is saving in salary, benefits, and overtime. Hopefully, it will eventually benefit PeopleService as well and get closer to 3/4 man operation they anticipated.

PeopleService Regional Manager Stang stated that he appreciates being able to attend a City Council meeting for an annual check-up. He added that everybody has the same goals for the City and that communication is the key to ensure those goals are met.

Council Member Pavot thanked PeopleService for their hard work this past year.

Council Member Horton thanked PeopleService for attending and providing information on the services they provide to the City.


City Engineer Kuno presented a proposal for sidewalk repairs on Shoreline Drive. He reviewed the concerns expressed about the condition of the sidewalk on Shoreline Drive and discussed the evaluation process. The proposal divides the sidewalk repairs into three categories based on priority.
• Priority Level 1 – Pedestrian Access Route (PAR) with safety hazard
• Priority Level 2 – Adjacent to the PAR or slight safety hazard
• Priority Level 3 – Outside of PAR so there is not an immediate safety hazard but could correct

Mayor Rockvam questioned how much the repairs would cost.

City Engineer Kuno responded:
• Priority Level 1 = $22,000
• Priority Level 2 = $14,000
• Priority Level 3 = $12,500
• Total for all repairs = $48,500

City Engineer Kuno added that the estimate for Priority Level 1 includes repairs on a 250 foot section of sidewalk that the City believes is still under warranty and should be repaired at no cost. This would potentially reduce the cost of repairs for Priority Level 1 by approximately $14,000. City staff is researching the warranty issue and will report back to the Council.

City Engineer Kuno further discussed a recent meeting with City Administrator Tolsma and representatives from Hennepin County. The County has stated the want the City to notify them before any sidewalk improvements take place so that they can inspect catch basins. The City and County will work together to ensure that repairs are coordinated for efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Mayor Rockvam questioned if the sidewalk repairs would be financed through the capital improvement fund.

City Administrator Tolsma responded yes and there is approximately $700,000 available.

City Engineer Kuno’s recommendation to the Council is to focus on priority levels 1 and 2 now and look at priority level 3 in the future so that Hennepin County’s projected timetable of projects on Shoreline Drive can be factored into the repairs.

The City Council consensus was to follow City Engineer Kuno’s recommendation and move forward with sidewalk repairs for Priority Levels 1 and 2 only.


City Administrator Tolsma presented an update on the ADA accessibility and dock issue at 5th Street Ventures. Mr. Buttenhoff informed the City that he is getting quotes from contractors and the contractor he selects will contact the City and work on plans to resolve the ADA accessibility issue on his property.

Council Members Hughes and Pavot discussed their research into upgrading the playground equipment at the City’s two public parks. They are touring the City’s parks and parks in nearby communities, meeting with playground equipment consultants, looking at grading/elevation options while entering the park for easier accessibility, and researching the cost of footing for a possible seating/picnic area.

Mayor Rockvam asked when the full Council can expect a final report and recommendation.

Council Members Hughes and Pavot responded that they will hopefully have something ready by the next Council meeting.

4. ADJOURN - The work session was adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:52 p.m.

Date Approved: July 3, 2017

Theresa Schyma, City Clerk

Dan Tolsma, City Administrator