October 11, 2017 Planning Minutes
OCTOBER 11, 2017 – 7:00 PM
1. CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Mason at 7:01 p.m.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Acting Chair Mason led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance
Planning Commissioners Present: Michael Mason, Acting Chair; Max Avalos; Bruce Homan and Pete Kaczanowski.
Planning Commissioners Absent: Jeff Hoffman, Chair.
Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Al Brixius, City Planner; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk.
Others Present: Catherine Kane Palen, City Council Member/Planning Commission Ex-Officio
M/Homan, S/Avalos to approve the agenda.
Motion carried 4-0.
a. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from August 9, 2017
M/Avalos, S/Homan to approve the minutes.
Motion carried 4-0.
a. Review Outdoor Storage Ordinance As Amended By City Council – City Planner Brixius provided detail on the changes the City Council has made to the outdoor storage and public nuisance ordinances that were approved by the Planning Commission in August. He added that the City Council is asking for feedback from the Planning Commission on the changes but that the actual ordinances are still with the City Council for consideration so no vote is required on the item tonight.
Commissioner Homan asked if the proposed outdoor storage and public nuisance ordinances are consistent with neighboring towns.
City Planner Brixius responded no, the proposed ordinances reflect the unique makeup of Spring Park including lot sizes, layouts, topography, and how the City’s residents currently use their lots in this lake community. The proposed ordinances help ensure public safety and, while the changes are minimal, they still accomplish the goal of having a clear and enforceable ordinance.
City Administrator Tolsma stated he received correspondence from Chair Hoffman that he was agreeable to the changes made by the City Council.
The Planning Commission consensus was that the changes by the City Council to the proposed outdoor storage and public nuisance ordinances are reasonable.
b. Informational Signage at Thor Thompson & Wilkes Parks – Acting Chair Mason provided a brief summary on the idea for informational signs at the City’s two parks.
City Clerk Schyma informed the Planning Commission that there is potential grant money that the City could qualify for to help pay for the informational signs at Thor Thompson and Wilkes Parks. She provided information on the grant requirements and stated that the next grant application deadline is in January 2018.
The Planning Commission consensus was to have staff work with the Westonka Historical Society to come up with draft text for the signage at Thor Thompson and Wilkes Parks. Furthermore, the Planning Commission directed staff to apply for a grant with the Minnesota Historical Society to help pay for the signs.
Acting Chair Mason stated that once the new playground equipment and signs are installed, it would be nice to rededicate the parks and invite surviving family members to attend the ceremony.
c. Next Comprehensive Plan Session Dates & Times – City Planner Brixius stated that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is approximately 60% complete. He added that the next Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting will likely be in November.
City Planner Brixius added that Council Member Kane Palen has requested the C-1 District be reconsidered so that comments from developers can be gathered and taken into consideration regarding what types of commercial uses they see happening in the future for Spring Park.
8. MISCELLANEOUS – Acting Chair Mason asked if the Planning Commission should consider adding a public forum to their monthly agendas.
City Administrator Tolsma responded that it might be confusing to residents who should be going to the City Council to be heard since they are the elected body in the City and would be able to provide resolution on City issues.
Commissioner Kaczanowski added that as long as residents already have a mechanism in place to be heard then he is fine with not adding a public forum to the Planning Commission agendas.
M/Avalos, S/Kaczanowski adjourn the Planning Commission Meeting at 7:53 p.m.
Motion carried 4-0.
Date Approved: December 13, 2017
Theresa Schyma, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator