January 4, 2016, Council Minutes
JANUARY 4, 2016 – 7:30 PM
Attendance: Commissioner Mason, student from MWHS Civic class.
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Bren makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 21, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
10. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS – Williamson explains the following resolutions are ministerial in nature and all cities have this.
a. Resolution 16-01: Naming Official Depositories – Hughes makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt Resolution 16-01. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Resolution 16-02: Establishing Order of Business & Time for Council Meetings – Bren makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt Resolution 16-02. All votes ayes, motion carries
c. Resolution 16-03: Appointments – Williamson said there are some changes. He said some of the changes were clarification in nature. He said a procedure was established to rotate the acting mayor position and it is an honorary appointment for the most part. Pavot wonders about number 7, MFRA Paul Pearson and due to Pearson’s impending retirement she wonders about a change. Tolsma said this should be changed and he'll strike the name and change MRFA to Sambatek. Pavot makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt Resolution 16-03 with the changes. All votes ayes, motion carries.
d. Resolution 16-04: Dates of Meetings, Holidays, & Office Hours –Tolsma said with numbers 5 and 6, schedules have diverted from the set dates and he suggests stating the meetings will be held periodically as needed. Hughes said the last year or two fire department meetings have gone to five meetings per year versus quarterly. Williamson thinks these meetings are related more to contract dictates. Hughes wondered about the LMCC and the LMCD and wonders why those aren’t called out specifically. Tolsma said he'll change this to read "...at a time and place to be announced..." for the police and fire meetings. Horton makes the motion to adopt as amended and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
e. Resolution 16-05: Adopting the Hennepin County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Williamson said this is to be in uniformity with other communities in order to coordinate shared services. Hughes/Pavot***
f. Resolution 16-06: Public Utilities Rate Schedule – Williamson said after previous discussion about changes, the numbers on the resolution have not changed and are a continuation of the utility rate schedule. Hughes makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt Resolution 16-06. All votes ayes, motion carries.
g. Ordinance 16-01: Fee Schedule – Williamson said the fee schedule is everything. Tolsma said since this is changing to ordinance form, every city fee will be on this schedule. He said there are no changes to the fees and pending changes may occur at a later date. Horton makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt Resolution 16-06.
Hughes asked about residential building code and maintenance permit fees and he wonders if this fee schedule includes the building code pricing as he thought there was going to be a work session to discuss this. Tolsma explained nothing is being changed right now. Williamson said all the proposed changes have been removed from this fee schedule. All votes ayes, motion carries.
1. Resolution 16-07: Authorizing Summary Publication for Ordinance 16-01 – Williamson said an ordinance approved must be published and a summary of a lengthy ordinance can be published but it must be authorized by resolution. Bren makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt Resolution 16-07. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Bren said she received an e-mail from our County Commissioner and it talks about recycling in public places. She said several local communities received grants and she wonders about applying for this for in the city park. Hughes wonders if this is still something the city could get in on and Bren said it looks like it can be applied for. Hughes would like to check this out. Williamson wonders if this is for initial install of containers and wonders about operating expense. Bren suggests a container could also be placed at the tennis courts.
• Hughes said he stopped at the LCC to thank Jim Lundberg for his work on getting new microphones and equipment. He said the city is getting help to fund city things.
b. City Administrator – Tolsma said the grant was received for the soccer goals to be placed at Thor Thompson Park. Williamson asked about how the first snow plowing event went as he thought it went well. Tolsma said we didn’t get any complaints so that is good.
c. City Engineer - nothing
d. City Planner – nothing.
e. City Attorney – nothing.
f. Public Works Superintendent - nothing.
a. January 12 – Administration Committee Meeting – 12:00 PM
b. January 13 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
c. January 13 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
d. January 14 – LMCC – 7:00 PM
e. January 19 (Tuesday) – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
f. April 20, 2016 – Assessor’s Open Book Meeting – 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (Council Confirmation Needed) – Williamson said anyone with a question or to make a case for alteration has an opportunity to meet with the city assessor at city hall. He encourages those who want to meet should call ahead so the assessor can be prepared. He said this has worked well the last few years.
a. Bills & Payroll –
Williamson said this is a short list and mostly consists of payroll and associated payments. Tolsma said he has information regarding a previously withheld check for $3,000. Tolsma said he discussed this with the public works superintendent and this bill was for installation of L shaped conduit for future irrigation. He said because of pressure issues it would have to come off the lift station. He said when this was initially discussed, it was decided to hold off on irrigation for now. Supplemental watering could happen if a particularly dry season. Williamson said it’s important that the authority of the council decides what should be done and not handed a bill after the work has been done. He said there has been money spent on irrigation recently that was not previously approved by the council. He said this is mission creep, a decision made to do more after initial investment. He questions if this is actually legal and wonders about an obligation on behalf of the city without being brought before the council first. Williamson makes a motion for payment to EJ Myers for work completed in good faith. Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Hughes asked about approving the payable and payroll items. Hughes makes the motion to approve the claims and Pavot seconds. Bren asked about the payout to Goman for accumulated time and Tolsma explained it’s because of exceeding the cap on carryover hours. Tolsma said it’s carryover of flex and comp time and he’s allowed 30 hours for each. He said every employee has a different cap. Williamson said vacation and sick should be used and he thought Brimeyer put something in place to rein in carryover hours for payout.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only) –
• Hughes said at the last council meeting Pavot said there was a fire alarm going off in her apartment building. Hughes said he talked to the fire chief and he has the official report. He said discussion might be had regarding a slight change to the ordinance for those fire alarms that are not monitored by an alarm company that there might be signage in place stating a call must be made by a resident.
• Williamson asks about a conflict of interest policy and he said once a year the terms of operation should be signed off on. Tolsma said that coincides with the audit process. Williamson disagrees and said this is an ordinance that is an annual sign off for council members. Beck said she doesn’t recall if council members who have already signed it need to sign it again but she will look at it and bring it to a work session.
• Hughes said at the last work session there was a closed session and he wonders if this needs to be outlined at the meeting. Williamson said this was presented in the public meeting and a summary of the action taken was stated. Williamson makes a motion that prior adoption of minutes which included the closed session be officially withdrawn and only the regular meeting minutes be adopted. Hughs seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
16. ADJOURNMENT - Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator
JANUARY 4, 2016 – 7:30 PM
Attendance: Commissioner Mason, student from MWHS Civic class.
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Bren makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 21, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
10. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS – Williamson explains the following resolutions are ministerial in nature and all cities have this.
a. Resolution 16-01: Naming Official Depositories – Hughes makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt Resolution 16-01. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Resolution 16-02: Establishing Order of Business & Time for Council Meetings – Bren makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt Resolution 16-02. All votes ayes, motion carries
c. Resolution 16-03: Appointments – Williamson said there are some changes. He said some of the changes were clarification in nature. He said a procedure was established to rotate the acting mayor position and it is an honorary appointment for the most part. Pavot wonders about number 7, MFRA Paul Pearson and due to Pearson’s impending retirement she wonders about a change. Tolsma said this should be changed and he'll strike the name and change MRFA to Sambatek. Pavot makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt Resolution 16-03 with the changes. All votes ayes, motion carries.
d. Resolution 16-04: Dates of Meetings, Holidays, & Office Hours –Tolsma said with numbers 5 and 6, schedules have diverted from the set dates and he suggests stating the meetings will be held periodically as needed. Hughes said the last year or two fire department meetings have gone to five meetings per year versus quarterly. Williamson thinks these meetings are related more to contract dictates. Hughes wondered about the LMCC and the LMCD and wonders why those aren’t called out specifically. Tolsma said he'll change this to read "...at a time and place to be announced..." for the police and fire meetings. Horton makes the motion to adopt as amended and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
e. Resolution 16-05: Adopting the Hennepin County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Williamson said this is to be in uniformity with other communities in order to coordinate shared services. Hughes/Pavot***
f. Resolution 16-06: Public Utilities Rate Schedule – Williamson said after previous discussion about changes, the numbers on the resolution have not changed and are a continuation of the utility rate schedule. Hughes makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt Resolution 16-06. All votes ayes, motion carries.
g. Ordinance 16-01: Fee Schedule – Williamson said the fee schedule is everything. Tolsma said since this is changing to ordinance form, every city fee will be on this schedule. He said there are no changes to the fees and pending changes may occur at a later date. Horton makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt Resolution 16-06.
Hughes asked about residential building code and maintenance permit fees and he wonders if this fee schedule includes the building code pricing as he thought there was going to be a work session to discuss this. Tolsma explained nothing is being changed right now. Williamson said all the proposed changes have been removed from this fee schedule. All votes ayes, motion carries.
1. Resolution 16-07: Authorizing Summary Publication for Ordinance 16-01 – Williamson said an ordinance approved must be published and a summary of a lengthy ordinance can be published but it must be authorized by resolution. Bren makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt Resolution 16-07. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Bren said she received an e-mail from our County Commissioner and it talks about recycling in public places. She said several local communities received grants and she wonders about applying for this for in the city park. Hughes wonders if this is still something the city could get in on and Bren said it looks like it can be applied for. Hughes would like to check this out. Williamson wonders if this is for initial install of containers and wonders about operating expense. Bren suggests a container could also be placed at the tennis courts.
• Hughes said he stopped at the LCC to thank Jim Lundberg for his work on getting new microphones and equipment. He said the city is getting help to fund city things.
b. City Administrator – Tolsma said the grant was received for the soccer goals to be placed at Thor Thompson Park. Williamson asked about how the first snow plowing event went as he thought it went well. Tolsma said we didn’t get any complaints so that is good.
c. City Engineer - nothing
d. City Planner – nothing.
e. City Attorney – nothing.
f. Public Works Superintendent - nothing.
a. January 12 – Administration Committee Meeting – 12:00 PM
b. January 13 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
c. January 13 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
d. January 14 – LMCC – 7:00 PM
e. January 19 (Tuesday) – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
f. April 20, 2016 – Assessor’s Open Book Meeting – 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM (Council Confirmation Needed) – Williamson said anyone with a question or to make a case for alteration has an opportunity to meet with the city assessor at city hall. He encourages those who want to meet should call ahead so the assessor can be prepared. He said this has worked well the last few years.
a. Bills & Payroll –
Williamson said this is a short list and mostly consists of payroll and associated payments. Tolsma said he has information regarding a previously withheld check for $3,000. Tolsma said he discussed this with the public works superintendent and this bill was for installation of L shaped conduit for future irrigation. He said because of pressure issues it would have to come off the lift station. He said when this was initially discussed, it was decided to hold off on irrigation for now. Supplemental watering could happen if a particularly dry season. Williamson said it’s important that the authority of the council decides what should be done and not handed a bill after the work has been done. He said there has been money spent on irrigation recently that was not previously approved by the council. He said this is mission creep, a decision made to do more after initial investment. He questions if this is actually legal and wonders about an obligation on behalf of the city without being brought before the council first. Williamson makes a motion for payment to EJ Myers for work completed in good faith. Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Hughes asked about approving the payable and payroll items. Hughes makes the motion to approve the claims and Pavot seconds. Bren asked about the payout to Goman for accumulated time and Tolsma explained it’s because of exceeding the cap on carryover hours. Tolsma said it’s carryover of flex and comp time and he’s allowed 30 hours for each. He said every employee has a different cap. Williamson said vacation and sick should be used and he thought Brimeyer put something in place to rein in carryover hours for payout.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only) –
• Hughes said at the last council meeting Pavot said there was a fire alarm going off in her apartment building. Hughes said he talked to the fire chief and he has the official report. He said discussion might be had regarding a slight change to the ordinance for those fire alarms that are not monitored by an alarm company that there might be signage in place stating a call must be made by a resident.
• Williamson asks about a conflict of interest policy and he said once a year the terms of operation should be signed off on. Tolsma said that coincides with the audit process. Williamson disagrees and said this is an ordinance that is an annual sign off for council members. Beck said she doesn’t recall if council members who have already signed it need to sign it again but she will look at it and bring it to a work session.
• Hughes said at the last work session there was a closed session and he wonders if this needs to be outlined at the meeting. Williamson said this was presented in the public meeting and a summary of the action taken was stated. Williamson makes a motion that prior adoption of minutes which included the closed session be officially withdrawn and only the regular meeting minutes be adopted. Hughs seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
16. ADJOURNMENT - Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator