August 12, 2015 Planning Commission Minutes
1. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Jeff Hoffman calls the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
3. ROLL CALL – Mason, Struck, Tempero, Hoffman. Kaczanowski excused.
4. ADOPT AGENDA – Mason/Struck
a. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from June 10, 2015
6. CONSIDERATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS – Brixius said the Willier’s request for two sideyard variances is still open under public hearing. Brixius points to the illustration on the whiteboard. Brixius said the variance may be warranted if proper, required paperwork is submitted. Revised survey plans have been submitted. It was asked that a site plan be presented and to show the structure to comply more fully with the sideyard setbacks. He said they have staggered it 1.8 feet to make that accommodation. At five feet they meet fire requirements to allow fire compliance. Brixius said further fire compliance will be required at the building permit level. Impervious surface areas were addressed on the grading plan. Proposed driveway is illustrated and a wooden sidewalk is illustrated. He said the existing conditions are at 51% and proposed to 39% is shown.
Brixius said the applicant’s engineer has provided the elements to reduce the impervious surface and a system of swales to manage runoff. He said they will be examining the soils and soil replacement might be necessary. The city engineer has reviewed this plan and agrees this satisfies the requirement. Brixius said treated decks are allowed and not treated as impervious surface. Brixius said it must be a slatted deck and a suggestion for a composite material versus wood would be suggested. A deck of 80 square feet is being proposed. Lakeside decks are allowed but it cannot encroach more than 7.5 feet so they are suggesting moving the deck into compliance. Stairways and landings are allowed but landings cannot exceed 32 square feet. Brixius said the deck is not being approved.
Brixius said the applicant provided a conceptual elevation and concerns are roof eaves as they extend from the house. There is a concern where there is only two feet of setback, eaves and gutters cannot cross property lines. He said stormwater from the runoff from the roof will be directed to the various swale locations. Brixius said the roof height is compliant. By achieving a five foot setback on the addition they would be allowed to place windows without additional fire protection. Stormwater management has been identified. Brixius said identified issues are the grading plan where the lot meets Sunset Drive the street is higher than the garage. A grading plan shows a dip in the driveway but it’s only .3 of a foot below the garage. There is a concern when there are heavy storms and the city engineer recommends pouring the garage slab with a slope towards the driveway. At minimum garage floor is sloped away from the house, wood walkway is slatted, drainage patterns on this 28 foot wide lot has to be on site. Nothing can encroach onto other property lines without easements or written permission.
Struck asks if they are going from under 800 square feet to over 2400 square feet. Willier said essentially, yes. Tempero wonders if the slight widening of the garage being requested changes the hardcover calculation and Brixius said they can make it work. Mason asked the sideyard setbacks are going to be five feet and he wonders what it is now. Brixius said right now it’s 2.1 feet and it widens to about three feet. On the other side there is ten feet narrowing to 5.1 feet. Mason asked if the foundation will support a second story. Willier said their contractor has reviewed this and it will not presently handle the second story however they are going to sink pylons and pour a slab thereby eliminating the present crawl space. Mason wondered what the other neighbors have said and Willier said he hasn’t heard of any complaints. Struck wonders if this is a complete demo, rebuild and Willier said it is not. Hoffman comments regarding the sidewalk on page two and suggesting materials. Hoffman said it’s not in the ordinance that materials can be dictated. Brixius said in the recommendations he does not dictate material choices and realizes this is up to the applicant’s choice. Hoffman asked about hardcover calculations and there is going to be some demo of walls. He wonders if the city should require a demo plan that outlines the items being removed. Brixius thinks that is an excellent suggestion and should be made a part of the demolition to verify. Hoffman closes the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.
Hoffman asks for further comments and questions. Struck asks if everyone was in favor of this last time and Mason said it seemed to go that way. Hoffman makes a motion to approve the variance request to include the seven comments in the planners report with the addition of condition number eight to request a demo plan showing walls being demoed. Tempero seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Brixius said the next step is to go to the city council on Monday nights. Hoffman explains that the PC is the recommending body but the council has the approval process.
a. Public Hearing 4018 Sunset Drive - Sideyard Variance x 2
- Memo from Brixius dated June 4, 2015 w/Exhibits
- Mailing list of surrounding property owners notified
a. Council Work Session Minutes – June 22, 2015
b. Council Minutes - July 6, 2015
c. Council Minutes - July 20, 2015
d. Council Work Session Minutes - July 27, 2015
8. MISCELLANEOUS – Hoffman said they will address Kaczanowski’s request when he is at the meeting. Tolsma said there has been a request for a soccer net to be installed at Thor Thompson Park. Tolsma said he didn’t see why this couldn’t be done but he’s bring it to the PC. Tolsma said for the PC to think about this. Hoffman suggests the placement be towards the playground so it doesn’t go out into the street, the parking lot and the outfield. Struck suggests keeping wide open spaces. A soccer field is discussed for Wilkes Park. Tolsma said there are light-weight aluminum goals that can be moved. Mason said it should be secured against theft. Mason asked if the tennis court cracks have been fixed. Tolsma said they haven’t been repaired.
9. ADJOURNMENT – Struck makes a motion and Mason seconds to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
3. ROLL CALL – Mason, Struck, Tempero, Hoffman. Kaczanowski excused.
4. ADOPT AGENDA – Mason/Struck
a. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from June 10, 2015
6. CONSIDERATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS – Brixius said the Willier’s request for two sideyard variances is still open under public hearing. Brixius points to the illustration on the whiteboard. Brixius said the variance may be warranted if proper, required paperwork is submitted. Revised survey plans have been submitted. It was asked that a site plan be presented and to show the structure to comply more fully with the sideyard setbacks. He said they have staggered it 1.8 feet to make that accommodation. At five feet they meet fire requirements to allow fire compliance. Brixius said further fire compliance will be required at the building permit level. Impervious surface areas were addressed on the grading plan. Proposed driveway is illustrated and a wooden sidewalk is illustrated. He said the existing conditions are at 51% and proposed to 39% is shown.
Brixius said the applicant’s engineer has provided the elements to reduce the impervious surface and a system of swales to manage runoff. He said they will be examining the soils and soil replacement might be necessary. The city engineer has reviewed this plan and agrees this satisfies the requirement. Brixius said treated decks are allowed and not treated as impervious surface. Brixius said it must be a slatted deck and a suggestion for a composite material versus wood would be suggested. A deck of 80 square feet is being proposed. Lakeside decks are allowed but it cannot encroach more than 7.5 feet so they are suggesting moving the deck into compliance. Stairways and landings are allowed but landings cannot exceed 32 square feet. Brixius said the deck is not being approved.
Brixius said the applicant provided a conceptual elevation and concerns are roof eaves as they extend from the house. There is a concern where there is only two feet of setback, eaves and gutters cannot cross property lines. He said stormwater from the runoff from the roof will be directed to the various swale locations. Brixius said the roof height is compliant. By achieving a five foot setback on the addition they would be allowed to place windows without additional fire protection. Stormwater management has been identified. Brixius said identified issues are the grading plan where the lot meets Sunset Drive the street is higher than the garage. A grading plan shows a dip in the driveway but it’s only .3 of a foot below the garage. There is a concern when there are heavy storms and the city engineer recommends pouring the garage slab with a slope towards the driveway. At minimum garage floor is sloped away from the house, wood walkway is slatted, drainage patterns on this 28 foot wide lot has to be on site. Nothing can encroach onto other property lines without easements or written permission.
Struck asks if they are going from under 800 square feet to over 2400 square feet. Willier said essentially, yes. Tempero wonders if the slight widening of the garage being requested changes the hardcover calculation and Brixius said they can make it work. Mason asked the sideyard setbacks are going to be five feet and he wonders what it is now. Brixius said right now it’s 2.1 feet and it widens to about three feet. On the other side there is ten feet narrowing to 5.1 feet. Mason asked if the foundation will support a second story. Willier said their contractor has reviewed this and it will not presently handle the second story however they are going to sink pylons and pour a slab thereby eliminating the present crawl space. Mason wondered what the other neighbors have said and Willier said he hasn’t heard of any complaints. Struck wonders if this is a complete demo, rebuild and Willier said it is not. Hoffman comments regarding the sidewalk on page two and suggesting materials. Hoffman said it’s not in the ordinance that materials can be dictated. Brixius said in the recommendations he does not dictate material choices and realizes this is up to the applicant’s choice. Hoffman asked about hardcover calculations and there is going to be some demo of walls. He wonders if the city should require a demo plan that outlines the items being removed. Brixius thinks that is an excellent suggestion and should be made a part of the demolition to verify. Hoffman closes the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.
Hoffman asks for further comments and questions. Struck asks if everyone was in favor of this last time and Mason said it seemed to go that way. Hoffman makes a motion to approve the variance request to include the seven comments in the planners report with the addition of condition number eight to request a demo plan showing walls being demoed. Tempero seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Brixius said the next step is to go to the city council on Monday nights. Hoffman explains that the PC is the recommending body but the council has the approval process.
a. Public Hearing 4018 Sunset Drive - Sideyard Variance x 2
- Memo from Brixius dated June 4, 2015 w/Exhibits
- Mailing list of surrounding property owners notified
a. Council Work Session Minutes – June 22, 2015
b. Council Minutes - July 6, 2015
c. Council Minutes - July 20, 2015
d. Council Work Session Minutes - July 27, 2015
8. MISCELLANEOUS – Hoffman said they will address Kaczanowski’s request when he is at the meeting. Tolsma said there has been a request for a soccer net to be installed at Thor Thompson Park. Tolsma said he didn’t see why this couldn’t be done but he’s bring it to the PC. Tolsma said for the PC to think about this. Hoffman suggests the placement be towards the playground so it doesn’t go out into the street, the parking lot and the outfield. Struck suggests keeping wide open spaces. A soccer field is discussed for Wilkes Park. Tolsma said there are light-weight aluminum goals that can be moved. Mason said it should be secured against theft. Mason asked if the tennis court cracks have been fixed. Tolsma said they haven’t been repaired.
9. ADJOURNMENT – Struck makes a motion and Mason seconds to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.