January 14, 2015 Planning Commission Minutes

1. CALL TO ORDER – Hoffman called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.


3. ROLL CALL – Mason, Struck, Tempero, Hoffman, Kaczanowski, Ex officio Bren.

4. ADOPT AGENDA – Mason makes a motion and Kaczanowski seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.

a. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from December 10, 2014 – Struck makes a motion and Mason seconds to approve the minutes. All votes ayes, motion carries.

Manufacturing District Uses Ordinance - Brixius states that numerous commercial and retail sites have been added over the years in manufacturing zones, which is not expressly permitted under the current city code, which is the same as being prohibited. Brixius notes that the site is currently under transition and it is expected that the area will continue to have more commercial/retail sites in the future. Brixius says that this proposed amendment would make the commercial/retail uses legal in the M district with three conditions. 1 – The business must be contained completely within the building with no outside storage. 2 – There must be adequate parking available per the city code. 3 – Wall signs will only be allowed for tenants that have an exterior wall and a designated entrance/exit on the building exterior.

Kaczanowski wonders if the M district may need to be rezoned in the future if more commercial/retail activities are taking place in it. Brixius says that the zone will most likely stay M as long as some type of manufacturing activity is occurring in the zone. Struck asks if this ordinance amendment will address any of the concerns about potential hazardous materials being stored, or if that will be addressed in the future with a Business Use Certificate of Occupancy (BUCO), or something similar. Brixius states that the BUCO would be the appropriate mechanism to address those concerns and to learn when a new tenant has moved in. Kaczanowski asks if the fire chief has been involved in any of the discussion yet about a BUCO. Brixius says that it has been discussed with the fire chief briefly at a recent staff meeting, and that he would have an active role in the future of developing a BUCO policy. Mason thinks that the fire chief should be at the future meeting when the BUCO will be discussed with potentially affected businesses. Brixius agrees. Kaczanowski also feels that the building official should be at that meeting as well. Brixius agrees.

Kaczanowski asks if the version in the packet is the most up to date version and if it takes into account all previous recommendations and updates. Brixius says that it is the most current version and that the council will be asked to vote on this exact language if recommended by the planning
commission. Struck recommends that the first sentence of 4(c) be changed to read “Wall signs shall be allowed to only those tenants using both a tenant bay with an exterior wall and direct exterior entrance.” Brixius agrees that the proposed change makes sense. Hoffman states that he feels this ordinance amendment is important as it simply legitimizes these uses that the city has already allowed.

i. Open Public Hearing – Motion made by Hoffman and Struck seconds to open the public hearing at 7:26. All votes ayes, motion carries.
ii. Comments & Discussion – No comments are received.
iii. Close Public Hearing – Motion made by Hoffman and Struck seconds to close the public hearing at 7:27. All votes ayes, motion carries.
iv. Recommendation to Council – Motion made by Struck and Kaczanowski seconds to recommend the M district ordinance amendment to the City Council for approval with the incorporation of Sarah’s edit. All votes ayes, motion carries.

a. Council Minutes December 1, 2014
b. Council Minutes December 15, 2014


9. ADJOURNMENT – Struck makes a motion and Tempero seconds to adjourn. All votes ayes, motion carries. Meeting closes at 7:34.