January 21, 2014 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- ROLL CALL – Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt. Sippel excused.
- INTRODUCTIONS – Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Utility Superintendent Goman, Attorney Beck, Attorney Mark Vyvyan.
- ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2013
- Draft Planning Commission Minutes from January 8, 2014
- Administration Committee Minutes from January 9, 2014
- PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
- ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Reinhardt explained this is the first meeting of the year due to canceling the first meeting because of inclement weather.
- Resolution 14-01: Naming Official Depositories – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt Resolution 14-01. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Resolution 14-02: Establishing Order of Business and A Time For Regular Council Meetings and Monthly Study Sessions – Hughes asked about the study session where no decisions are made. Therefore, Hughes moves to strike "...and monthly study sessions" in the heading. Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Resolution 14-03: Council Appointments – Reinhardt explains there is an attached list with committee assignments. She said there are no changes other than acting mayor goes to Sippel as it’s rotating. She also said there is a planning commission vacancy. Bren makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adopt Resolution 14-03. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Resolution 14-04: Dates of Meetings, Holidays, and Office Hours – Reinhardt said this lists the specific dates and holidays. Hughes asked about number six, Fire Commission Meetings and, because they meet five times a year, it shouldn’t be referred to as quarterly. Williamson said the wordage could be “…typically held quarterly” instead. Bren makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adopt Resolution 14-04 with the suggested change. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Resolution 14-05: Adoption of The Hennepin County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Reinhardt said this is an annual resolution. Williamson asked about the obligation of the city. He wonders if it obligates to spend money or delegate funds. Tolsma said he said it is at the request of the Orono Police Department to adopt and it would make it easier if there was a situation when requesting aid. Goman said OPD is the emergency management director and it joins other cities for FEMA funding and grant funding and it allows eligibility. Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt Resolution 14-05. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Resolution 14-06: 2014 Fees For Licenses, Permits, and Services – Reinhardt explained there are new copies of 14-06 and 14-07 as there were a few inconsistencies with the stated fees and a test fee was listed wrongly and a sewer connection fee needed to be changed. She said 14-06 lists all the fees the city collects. She said at time-to-time the city does make changes to it and tonight it’s to affirm the present fees. She said they’re changeable at any time. Bren asked what a home occupation is. Bren asked about the massage services and she wonders if this is new. Reinhardt said it was at the time Zhen Spa was in Spring Park. Bren asked about a home massage business. Reinhardt said it would probably be a home occupation and an investigative report would be done. Bren asked about Pres Homes massage services. Williamson moves adoption of Resolution 14-06 and Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Resolution 14-07: Public Utilities Rate Schedule – Hughes asked about penalties and delinquent bills. He wonders about the word “presentation.” Hughes thinks it should be changed to state something like the date of the invoice or date of postmark. Williamson suggests looking at the language in the ordinance as it may be recited from there. Reinhardt said this can be changed at a later date, if necessary. Reinhardt moves to adopt and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Mayor and Council
i. Water Tower Discussion – Mark Vyvyan –
Reinhardt explained this will be a closed session due to potential pending litigation. Williamson makes a motion for to close the meetiing at 7:51 pm for executive session for consultation regarding litigation or pending litigation. Hughes seconds.
Closed meeting is reopened at 8:16 pm.
Other council member reports:
· Reinhardt said she wants to mention to staff that the utility bills came out later than they normally do. She said there was some cold weather but she said they do want to get the process moving. She said the claims are late because there wasn’t time to prepare. She said there is a policy for the 10th of the month to get the billing out. Tolsma said there was a meeting about this and they’re going to look at ways to make this work better, even if the meters are read earlier. Goman said it was cold weather and for the 13 years he has been here it’s the only time this has happened. Hughes doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Reinhardt said it’s more than that. It’s revenue for the city that is being delayed, Sharon feels it’s a reflection on her performance and it might affect businesses who depend upon billing to be received.
· Hughes said the LMCD with the safety meeting with the HC sheriff and there will be 4 to 5 years of charts showing calls and statistics on the lake. Hughes asked for long range trends.
- City Administrator – nothing.
- City Engineer – Nothing.
- City Attorney- nothing.
- Utility Superintendent-
Goman said he is filling in for the engineer and wants to give a brief update on the snow removal process. He said there is a claim for December snow removal. He said there are residents that are saying they’re doing too good of a job and some say they’re not doing enough. He said the policy can be modified if the council wishes. He said there are positive comments about the sidewalks being down to the concrete and others are complaining that it doesn’t need to be down to the concrete. Reinhardt asked about the current policy and Goman said it’s that they plow after one inch. He said majority of cities are two inches or three inches. He said the policy was revised in 2011 with minor tweaks. He said going to a two inch snowfall and talking with other street guys the one inch removal works better because they’re not spending as much time removing the heavier snow pack.
Hughes said he had a neighbor ask about why it’s being done so much. Hughes asks about the budget. Goman said for 2013 we were over by 30-40%. Hughes said the lesson might be to budget more money. Williamson said it’s a public safety thing and the city is not broke. He doesn’t think the city should skimp on this. Reinhardt agrees and she knows Pres Homes uses the sidewalk with their shooter vehicle and there are bus stops. She said she understands it’s tax dollars but she doesn’t think we’re ready to designate plowing only one side of the street yet. Williamson said when going through the budget there are discretionary things or timing of things but he doesn’t believe in cutting public safety items.
Goman said he has daily conversations with the snow contractor because they were out all weekend. He said last year for the entire season they were out 28 times and as of yesterday they’ve been out 25 times. Hughes asked if the residents are cleaning out the hydrants. Reinhardt said a 16 year-old needs some volunteer hours but she understands we can’t rely on volunteers for this. Hughes wants it mentioned to the public to clean around the fire hydrants so fireman can reach them. Bren said she thinks the streets look nice and wonders if we use a lot of salt or a better type of salt. Her concern is the water runoff comes down the street and it goes into the park and it goes into the lake. She’s concerned about the salt going into the lake and she thinks the city should have a road plan so that this drainage doesn’t go into the lakes. Goman agrees that the road that Bren lives on gets more treatment because of the large hill. Bren said the snow on the side of the street is blue in color due to the salt so she wanted to bring it up.
Reinhardt agrees and she would like a comprehensive road study for the city. Goman said there has been updated pricing to redo the road condition survey and it’s budgeted after the spring thaw. Williamson said there is a CIP plan and there is a street rating plan. He said we have very little in regards to streets and our neighboring cities do have to have a more comprehensive plan and arrange financing. He said they tend to move on street repairs if the neighborhood wants it done.
- January 22 – Fire Commission – 11:00 AM
- January 22 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
- January 27 – Work Session – 7:00 PM Reinhardt said this is a joint session with the Planning Commission. Hughes said the PC did a nice job at their previous meeting on the discussion.
- February 3 – City Council – 7:30 PM
- Bills & Payroll – Williamson asked what Five Technology is. Tolsma said there is a monthly agreement for them to maintain our servers and to give technical support. Tolsma said it’s higher now because it’s back payment for a number of months they didn’t bill the city because of their error. It also includes one computer purchase and the setup. Bren asked about the AT&T Mobility and the city Ipad. She said there was discussion on what was going to happen on that. Tolsma said there might be one more final statement coming but that will be the end. Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to pay the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- Orono Police Department Compliance Checks – all liquor licenses holders passed their compliance checks.
- Mound Fire Department Press Release
- Mound Fire Department December Report
- Hennepin County Open Book Meeting Date – Reinhardt said April 16th is the requested date for Open Book meeting about property value and classification. Williamson thinks it’s arranged by appointment. Reinhardt asked if this is okay with staff and Tolsma said it works. Reinhardt thinks 6-8 pm would work. Tolsma said he’ll confirm the date and time. Williamson asks if there was a dividend received from the LMCIT. Hughes wonders about sales tax. Tolsma said it’s going okay so far and Farniok is watching for this. Hughes wonders about the BP credit card and having the tax ID number on it.