April 7, 2014 Council Meeting

1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
2. ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck. Peter and Tom from Lord Fletcher's restaurant.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda. Reinhardt suggests amending the agenda to move 9 b to 9c. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Sippel makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2014
b. Work Session Minutes from March 24, 2014
c. Garbage Hauler Licenses
7. PUBLIC FORUM - No one.
a. Lord Fletcher’s Oktoberfest –
Tolsma explained last year was the inaugural event and according to Lord Fletcher's, it was a success. He said there is hope to continue this again this year and add a second day. He said the event will be similar to last year’s event including a tent in the parking lot and a band. Tolsma said this was discussed at a work session and there is a little concern regarding a few complaints received last year. Tom Emer said it would be similar to last year with the music from 4-7 pm. Reinhardt said she is concerned about the addition of the second day. She said there were some noise complaints. Emer said October is a tough month for them and that day really helped boost their sales. Hughes asked about sound restrictions applied like usual. Emer said they did employ the same technician as they do for their summer events. Emer said last year the tent back flap was open and he would close that this year. Sippel said he was at the event and he noticed the flap open but wondered about other things that could be done such as insulating panels that would help with the sound control. Emer said he could check into sound mitigation. Emer said there will always be a few that will complain when in fact many more enjoyed the event. Hughes said two days of revenue might help with the extra cost for sound control. Emer said they could change the hours of the music and Reinhardt said that didn’t seem to be the problem. Emer said he has two bands on hold right now. He said Martin Zeller is a performer that might be brought back. Williamson said he wants this to succeed as Lord Fletcher's has been a good business for the city. He feels there have been great collaborative efforts put forth to make sure things run well. Williamson said he thinks the addition of the Oktoberfest has been positive. He thinks it’s a benefit to the community to have lively events versus industrial noise produced. Williamson said musical program conditions have been imposed and he’d like to see same or similar apply to the Oktoberfest – those that are relevant such as decibel limits, security staff, refrigeration noises and the like. Hughes said he would encourage some kind of sound abatement for the tent structure. Hughes makes a motion to accept the application for the Oktoberfest for the two day event as presented by Lord Fletcher's. Williamson seconds. Reinhardt asked about conditions to apply. Williamson said the standards that apply to the musical summer programs apply also to the Oktoberfest. He said yet there are some inconsistencies that don’t apply. Hughes said that was meant to be part of his motion. Sippel said, not as a condition, but suggests Manny do the decibel testing for that day. He said it would be a good baseline for future comparison. He said there would also be recourse to ask that the music be turned down. Tolsma asked about the funding of Manny’s testing. Sippel thinks one of the testing dates can be dedicated to the Oktoberfest event. Reinhardt said she wants to thank Williamson for refreshing the memory of the establishment of conditions. She said she is a little concerned but, if it works, it will be good thing. All votes ayes, motion carries.

c. Minnesota Bound Crappie Contest –
Tolsma explained the event is May 3rd and there is an expectation of about 500 people. He said it might not be a council decision but staff thought it might be good to bring it to council’s attention. Reinhardt asked for questions. Williamson said this is a weigh-in event. Williamson has no problem with this. He thinks this is a healthy thing for everyone involved. He makes a motion to approve the permit and in the future that staff, unless some unusual issue, can approve this administratively. Motion to approve the crappie contest permit. All votes ayes, motion carries. Hughes said this was the right thing to do to bring it to council staff. Williamson said this is probably more due to the size of the event. He said there should be something that says small, minor events can be approved and the dividing line could be discussed at a future study session.

b. Red Ribbon Ride –
Tolma said there was some followup done with the event organizer due to the application being vague. He said it’s a charity event to benefit Aids and this is the first time they’d be coming through this area. He said they’d be riding from Waconia to St. Paul so Spring Park would be early in the day, 7:30-10 a.m. -ish. He said there are approximately 200 riders and some will drop out because this is a three day event and some don’t want to ride all three days. Tolsma said Minnetonka Beach denied the application so the route has to be rerouted. Tolsma said the conditions used for Tour de Tonka have been included as they are similar events. Williamson said this was applied and signed for by Gretchen Harris, volunteer route coordinator and he wonders if this is the proper person in authority to accept the conditions. Reinhardt said there is a second person listed on the application. Hughes asked if this is the first time they’ve ever staged an event like this, is there a track record established, would they have monitors at the crossroads and rest stops in place. Hughes said he wishes a representative were in attendance so questions could be directed. Reinhardt said if it's 200 bikers, that’s lower than the Tour de Tonka so some of the conditions might not be applicable. She said trail etiquette would be appropriate to apply. She also wonders if road crossing monitors would be necessary and wonders if the police chief has a standard to base this on. Hughes said he likes crossroad monitors because riders typically move fast on the trail.

Reinhardt suggests conditions 1, 2, 4 and 7 be applied and Tolsma said he'd run this by the organizer of the event. Tolsma said the organizer is aware this was going to be presented and there might be more information that would be necessary. Tolsma said he thought this event had been previously run but more in the southeastern part of Minnesota. Bren said the application requires a map showing the start and finish and that hasn’t even been submitted yet. Reinhardt suggests presenting the list of conditions and say that Spring Park is generally in favor of this. Williamson said these events are getting popular and every year there are more applications presented. He said at some point consideration needs to be given about the use of the trail. He said a shared solution is the best solution but perhaps limiting the number of the events to maybe one weekend a month. He is concerned about the takeover of the trail by event coordinators and fund raisers. Reinhardt said there was a suggestion that perhaps Three Rivers was going to limit the use of the trail for these events but it isn’t a hard and fast rule, yet. Hughes likes an organized ride that has a common set of codes or commands that riders understand in terms of moving over for walkers.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Reinhardt said she met with Pam Myers and there is a hope for a Spring Park exhibit that is dedicated to the history of Spring Park.
• Bren said she has been volunteering to cut historical articles and has been sorting these things. She said there is a folder that has a lot of Spring Park historical items and it might be helpful for them to see these things.
• Reinhardt said she was contacted by a sixth grade student doing a report on Spring Park. Reinhardt said she interviewed Kyla for her report on Spring Park.
b. City Administrator - nothing.
c. City Engineer - nothing.
d. City Attorney - nothing.
e. Utility Superintendent - nothing.
a. April 9 – Police Commission – 8:00 AM
b. April 9 – Administration Committee – 1:00 PM – Reinhardt said there is a conflict so they are looking for a replacement date.
c. April 9 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
d. April 21 – City Council – 7:30 PM
Reinhardt reminded the council the open book meeting is April 16th from 6-8 pm. Hughes said there is an LMCD meeting on April 9th.
a. Bills & Payroll –
Williamson said there is an item regarding a floral arrangement and he wants to say thank you to the staff of the beautiful display and it arrived at a very timely time. Williamson really appreciated the thoughtfulness of the city for sending this momento. Williamson wonders about the attorney’s bill this month. Beck said this really represents more than just an audit letter. She said it’s three month’s worth of work too. Williamson asked about the Star & Tribune for 13 weeks and he wonders about this and thinks there should be more of a break. Bren said the rates recently were raised. Tolsma said he’ll check on this. Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to pay the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. Building Permit Report –
b. Hughes said in the newsletter the boater safety course is being mentioned.
16. ADJOURNMENT – Sippel makes a motion and Bren seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 pm. All votes ayes, motion carries.