August 18, 2014 Council Meeting


  1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
  2. ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt
  3. INTRODUCTIONS – Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck.
  5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes wants to add Boat Launch Improvements under item 13 and makes a motion with Williamson seconding to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
  6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Bren makes a motion and Sippel seconds to adopt the consent agenda. Hughes abstains, all other votes ayes.
    1. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes From July 21, 2014
    2. City Council Work Session Minutes From August 4, 2014
    3. Administration Committee Minutes From August 13, 2014
  7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
    1. Westonka Historical Society (WHS) Presentation –

Ron Pauly grew up in St. Boni on a farm in his family since 1872. He became a member of the WHS last fall and is involved in the Tonka Toys display.  Pauly said he designed several of those toys during his almost 20 years with Tonka Toys.  Pauly showed one of many videos available.  Pauly said Westonka Historical Society has had over 600 visitors since they opened last year.  He said several toys are on loan and on tour around the country.  He said the WHS is devoted to local city history, its residents, high school yearbooks, local celebrities, Native American history.  He said there have been Tonka Toys’ reunions, information on the old Ski Tonka and The House of Moy among other things.  He said there are future plans for fund raising events.  Pauly said they really appreciate the support from City of Spring Park.  Reinhardt thanks Pauly and Brandenburg for attending.  She said Spring Park has included in their upcoming budget an allotment in support of the museum.

    1. Mayor and Council
      1. West Arm Central (Private) Power Pole –

        Reinhardt said this very pole has been discussed when talking about the road project and it has been requested that this be moved. She said it’s not necessary now because it was knocked over and subsequently moved further to the south.

      2. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Meetings –

        Reinhardt said some local cities were concerned about broadcasting meetings. She said Shorewood has initiated the request. Reinhardt drafted a letter showing support to broadcast the meetings. She said they are an agency that has taxing authority and it seems appropriate to have their meetings broadcast for transparency. Sippel is supportive of sending the letter but would like to strengthen it by striking the word "consider" in the second line, and he would like to change it to “we request you broadcast.” Williamson had the same thoughts. He said at the end of the first paragraph there is a typo. Williamson makes a motion to support this letter and sentiments expressed as an official statement of the council of SP as stated in this letter from Mayor Reinhardt. Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.


  • Williamson said the LMCC full commission met on Thursday. He said key elements were budget for the coming year and there are no surprises. He said it will be reported to this council for review. He said they adopted to make a change to the JPA to stream- line decision making and reduce a seven member board to a three member board. According to Williamson, the contract needs eight cities of the twelve to accept the changes.

  • Hughes said the LMCD was notified of dates in September and October there will be zebra mussel testing done on the lower lake and he’ll have the exact dates soon. He said it’s an ongoing study. Hughes said several residents in this city have requested a designated quiet water area and there will be public hearings scheduled for this request.

    1. City Administrator – Nothing.
    2. City Engineer – Nothing.
    3. City Attorney – Nothing.
    4. Utility Superintendent – Tolsma said Goman has been working with the lift station. He said last week there was a water main break where the lift station is being reconstructed putting the project about one day behind.
    1. August 19 – LMCC – 5:00 PM – Williamson said this meeting has been changed.
    2. August 25 – Work Session – 7:00 PM
    3. August 27 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
    4. September 2 (Tuesday) – City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
  2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Hughes said in the Admin Committee minutes there was a mention about our City Planner, Al Brixius, being directed to communicate with the county. He thinks Brixius is good in regards to the city ordinances but Hughes wants it known that a community type sign and located along CR 15 is important.       Hughes doesn’t want to lose this momentum and is concerned that Brixius might not know the importance of this. Tolsma said he’s talked with Tony Braugh of Hennepin County in order to convey the message that they want a community sign. He said as far as the sign proposed, the funding source is from AIS (aquatic invasive species) for AIS education. He said they are looking at a sign by the water, at the launch, because boaters are who they want to target. He said it doesn’t mean there isn’t something possible between them and the city for a community sign but, at this point, a specific sign located at the water is devoted to AIS education.       Hughes said he would like to talk with Braugh because he thinks they could get better mileage out of a roadway visible sign. He is also concerned about the resolution of the signs. He said there is enough money to do option two with some of the components of option three. It has been discussed that the city is willing to contribute funds towards the community sign. Hughes would like to set up a meeting with Braugh to discuss this.       Reinhardt said this does require a permit and there might be leverage. Sippel said the sign needs to be perpendicular with the shoreline so it doesn’t disturb the residents of the condos.
    1. Bills & Payroll –

Sippel is concerned about the rebuilding of the wall in front of Williamson’s house. He wonders why it had to be rebuilt when it was, knowing full well there would be future work required.  Williamson said a neighbor reported a water main break last November.  The retaining wall had been built in October.  Goman investigated the break and determined it was related to his (Williamson's) house.  They thought the water had been previously turned off due to the fire and it was found it hadn’t been shut off.  Goman was able to get the water shut off and determined there was a leak in the line.  Williamson said the house was being reconstructed and they were preparing to reconnect the water.  They found there wasn’t a break after all.  They aren’t sure what happened.  Excavation had to be done to find the shut off.  Sippel said he’s more concerned about why it was done in the beginning knowing it was going to need reconstruction eventually. 


Williamson asked about repairing the sprinkler system on the north side of city hall. Tolsma said there are repairs that need to be made periodically to the system.  He’s not sure what happened.  Hughes makes a motion and Bren seconds to pay the claims. All votes ayes, motion carries.

  1. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
    1. MFD July Report
    2. MFD Press Release

Bren mentioned the striping of the pickle ball courts at the tennis courts recently and thinks it should be mentioned in the newsletter.


  1. ADJOURNMENT – Sippel makes a motion and Bren seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.




                                                                                    Wendy Lewin, City Clerk



Dan Tolsma, Administrator