September 2, 2014 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- ROLL CALL – Sippel, Williamson, Bren, Hughes, Reinhardt.
- INTRODUCTIONS – Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson.
- ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Sippel makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Regular Meeting Minutes From August 18, 2014
- City Council Work Session Minutes From August 25, 2014
- PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
- Resolution 14-19: Approval of 2015 LMCC Budget –
Williamson said the LMCC budget is down because of the exit of several cities. A variety of cuts were made. He said there was money set aside for the potential of severance obligations and those numbers didn’t come in as heavily as feared. Also money was allocated for unforeseen attorneys’ fees due to continuing negotiations of the cable companies. Williamson said there is a separation of the exterior stucco from the LMCC building, it’s hazardous and they are getting bids. So far it’s coming in around $55,000 and they’ve determined to do this with the 2014 budget. He said the 2015 budget won’t have extraordinary building costs. He said leadership has granted permission to advance as far as capable for high definition so they are looking to put $50K in next year’s budget. The commission is running in the black but reserve funds aren’t as strong as they used to be and they are being drawn down due to the high def program. Sippel said he doesn’t have much to add other than the one area they're looking at is health insurance plans and perhaps renegotiating and looking at a major medical program. Hughes asked if Koeneke is still part-time and Williamson said she is using a program called phasing in retirement and it’s working out. There may be some consideration given to not replacing her and instead asking member cities to assume administration duties. He said it’s just a concept at this time. Williamson moves to adopt Resolution 14-19 and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Mayor and Council –
Reinhardt asked Tolsma to relay to Goman with lift station five being rebuilt and school now in session to give the contractors a heads-up that there are school children walking in the area and to be extra cautious when moving equipment.
- City Administrator - nothing.
- 2015 Budget – 2nd Draft –
Tolsma said there are a few minor modifications and none that affect the levy proposed in the first draft of the budget. He said some numbers have been plugged in for signs and city hall but they won’t have an affect on the levy which is the action item for the council. Tolsma said Hughes spoke with the board and the determination was no allocation would be required of cities for next year. Tolsma said if everything looks good, at the next meeting the preliminary levy will be certified. Hughes refers to the expenditures and is curious about the web hosting and asked what this relates to. Tolsma said a lot of it is one-time and is related to the city’s website being upgraded. Hughes wonders if there is a hit monitor to determine how often the website is consulted and Tolsma said he can pull those stats. Hughes asked about salary increases for staff and Hughes said with Goman's new emergency management designation if any consideration has been given. Tolsma said the council needs to discuss this when it gets there. Hughes wonders why some of Goman's duties aren’t under administration and Reinhardt explained that his time is segregated out according to departments. Reinhardt said she’s not sure there are new duties associated with the new designation. Williamson said while there is a projected increase to the levy there is a projected increase of $18K that is greater than the levy is snow plowing. Williamson said savings are being found within the budget to maybe help out with this.
- City Engineer
Bid Review - Kings Rd. / West Arm Rd. Drainage Improvements –
Pearson asked if there’s any benefit to describe the project and Reinhardt thought a summary would be helpful. Pearson said there is a grading plan from the construction plan documents on the overhead. He said this project will resolve drainage issues in this area of Kings Rd/Warren Avenue. Pearson said drainage has drained across the road and into neighboring yards. He said the city has requested a comprehensive review. Pearson said this design follows guidelines and recommendations from the city’s local water management plan. He said it will solve the drainage problem but also improve water quality by reducing phosphorous levels and remove sediments from the water. They estimate 4.8 pounds phosphorous removal and that meets the goal for the entire city. Sippel asked about the phosphorous loading and he remembers most of the area being improved is hardcover and he thinks phosphorous comes from lawns and fertilizers.
Pearson said this is based on a model. Reinhardt said this is just for the drainage and not the road project. Pearson said there were five bidders on this project. He said the low bidder was Astech and the amount was $199,455. The four remaining bidders were Widmer Construction, New Look Contracting, Eureka Construction and Midwest Civil. He said the bid tabulation is included in the council’s packet. Pearson said an estimate was calculated at $193,668 for construction costs.
Pearson said there is a probability that the underground boring process will not be accomplished and a surface road cut will have to be performed. At no time will traffic be impeded while this is done. A mill and overlay will also take place. He said the mill and overlay is $4760 and it’s their recommendation this work be completed with this project. He said they have worked with Astech in the past and they did a very good job. Pearson also said they requested references and a comprehensive list was provided. Pearson said he talked to eight and there was a wide cross section and all references were favorable. Pearson said they are recommending to accept the bid from Astech.
Williamson asked about the timeline and wondered about immediately starting this project. Pearson said they are in agreement with this. Pearson said the intent is 30 days and the date was October 30th. Williamson said the terms of the contract are essential and he wonders if Beck needs to review this. Williamson thinks the bid is really low and wonders why. Pearson said their original estimate was $193K. He said contractors are in need of a project this fall and they are looking for a place for their crews. He said they have reviewed their bid submission and believe it is accurate and they haven’t missed anything. Pearson said Beck does review the documents before they are signed. Sippel asked about the open cut from the directional drill and he wonders about costs. Pearson said generally this will be a wash. Sippel presumes the items are spelled out and quantity estimates are indicated but he wonders if the engineer estimate is revealed because he’s amazed at how close the numbers were. Pearson said those numbers are not provided. Hughes asked about the base excavation and off site disposal. He said in looking at the difference in prices, that makes the most significant difference. He said Astech is way low on that and the rest of them are close. He wonders why. Reinhardt asked about the timing with the lift station. Pearson said this was discussed and the lift station started on August 13th and the completion should be around the end of September. He said if this project starts in September, the lift station will really be restoration at that point. Williamson makes the motion to accept the bid for the drainage improvements for Astech in the amount of $199,455. Sippel seconds. Sippel asked about this being a 30 day project and wondered what happens if this goes over. Pearson said penalties come in at 45 days. He said there are allowances for rain delays. Reinhardt said she thinks this is a good project and thinks it will help fix the drainage. She said while she supports this project, it won’t solve the problem completely and she looks forward to the bids coming in a few weeks for the road project. Roll call vote, all votes ayes. Motion passes.
- City Attorney – nothing.
- Utility Superintendent – nothing.
- September 10 – Administration Committee – 1:00 PM
- September 10 – LMCD – 7:00 PM – Hughes said this meeting time might change due to a water tour.
- September 10 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
- September 15 – City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
- Bills & Payroll – Hughes/Bren ***
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- Met Council Request For Comment – Reinhardt asked if Brixius can provide this to the council. Tolsma said this has been discussed and Brixius will be putting together a response.
- Channel 8 & 20 Schedule
- Board of Hennepin County Commissioners Letter
- June 2014 Financial Report
Sippel asked about the paltry rate of return on CD’s, he wonders about putting more money with Ehler’s Management because they seem to make it work better. Tolsma said the Ehler’s numbers were issued at a time when they got good rates. He said the CD market is not good now. He said some liquidity is needed right now due to large payments coming up. Williamson said because of low interest rates, more has been put in long term money market accounts. Reinhardt mentioned if they want to think about bonding in the future, they should pass the standard resolution.
- ADJOURNMENT –Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, Administrator