December 21, 2015, Council Minutes
DECEMBER 21, 2015 – 7:30 PM
Attendance – Students from MWHS Civic Class, Jerry Rockvam
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, Bob Kermis of NAC
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Horton makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 7, 2015
b. City Council Work Session Minutes from December 14, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
a. Rockvam Boat Yards Site Plan Review
Williamson said this is backgrounded in the packet. Bob Kermis is with NAC representing Planner Brixius tonight. He said Rockvam Boat Yards (RBY) submitted a request to expand the building and would involve a partial tear down of existing. He said the building addition is requested for maintenance of larger and taller boats. Kermis said the existing building is legal non-conforming due to setback and has a zero lot line. He said the proposed addition would meet the required ten foot setback. Kermis said most of the site is hard surface and will be increased by 112 square feet of hardcover. He said the building expansion will have little effect on stormwater treatment. The structure will be finished in masonry and will match the existing building. Kermis said the increase in height is well within the ordinance requirements. He said planning staff recommends approval with the condition the applicant receive a building permit and meet all codes for new construction. Williamson said he thinks the plan looks fine and compatible and he wonders about parking due to removal of some parking spaces. Kermis said the staff report did not reference this so assumes it’s a non issue. Rockvam said if there is an issue with parking it will be minimal. He said they are increasing the building and it has never been brought up to him. Kermis said he doesn’t know if the minimum requirement already exists or it already has applicable parking or a condition could be added to the approval. Williamson asked Tolsma for direction on this. Tolsma said in discussing this with Brixius, a motion to confirm the planner’s findings under conclusion and recommendation. He said it might be necessary to add a point two to address parking concerns. Williamson makes a motion to approve and support the conclusion and recommendation of RBY and add stipulation that applicable parking requirements be included. Hughes seconds. Rockvam says there is a parking plan on file with the city and he thinks all they have to do is make up for the added 616 feet. Bren said it would be appropriate to include in the motion parking is included for the additional 616 feet. Williamson amends his motion to say applicable parking requirements be met and the assumption is that current parking requirements are being met and what needs to be made up is the 616 square feet. Hughes agrees to the amendment. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Williamson nothing.
b. City Administrator – Williamson asks for an update with the dynamic sign at the public launch. Tolsma said the sign went up last Tuesday and Bren was in attendance. He said time was taken to site the sign in the best direction and it is more perpendicular with Shoreline Drive. He said there is a 140 degree viewing angle and is larger than what was anticipated. Tolsma said next week is the anticipated roll out of message changing and right now it is one static message. He said most comments are from those who don’t live in Spring Park. Hughes wonders about the temporary sign that is still in place and when that one will go away and Tolsma said once the changing message starts to display, the portable sign will be removed.
1. 2016 Staff Wage Discussion – Williamson suggests this be moved to new business, item b, in order to continue with the meeting
c. City Engineer
d. City Planner
e. City Attorney
f. Public Works Superintendent – Tolsma said the city is aware some of the holiday wreaths are experiencing an outage and it’s an outlet issue and it will be addressed shortly. Williamson wonders if this is the same outfit that puts the wreaths up and can’t Goman fix this. Williamson is concerned about spending money to fix this when the season is almost over just to fix a few wreaths. Tolsma said RD & Associates do bill by the hour. Tolsma thinks it’s about four or five wreaths. Hughes wonders if the wreaths are tested before they are installed and Tolsma confirms. Williamson asked about $3000 for boring to install conduit and he wonders what this is for. Tolsma said he might need to get more information.
a. January 4 – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
a. Bills & Payroll – Williamson requests the claim for payment regarding the $3000 be withheld until further explanation. Williamson said this is a sizable amount of payments this month and the big one is Northwest Asphalt and he wonders if this is the final payment. Tolsma said this closes it out but five percent is being held for retainage and the wear course in the spring. Tolsma said there has been some difficulty with a fund accounting software update and he recommends to the council to go through the bills. He said if there is consensus to approve, he recommends approval and then the council can look them over again. They’ll hold off sending the checks out until tomorrow. Williamson said typically claims are what they are so long as the amount calculated was agreed upon and are within the standards of the industry and as long as the council knows what the expenditure is for. Pavot wonders if a new software system is necessary and Tolsma said no, it’s just a glitch in the Banyon software. Williamson asks for a motion to pay the bills excepting EJ Meyers for underground conduit until further explanation. Hughes makes that motion to pay the bills with the exception. Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Williamson said because of staff wage discussion and there might be some evaluation issues that arise he suggests a closed session for this. Williamson moves to go into closed session at this time 8:17 p.m. Hughes wonders if the meeting can be adjourned to a close session in order to release the videographer. Beck said if there is action at the end, then the videographer needs to stay. Horton seconds. Closed session 8:17 p.m.
Williamson said the council meeting is back in session at 9 p.m. and a motion is being made to adjust the compensation for city staff one percent and city administrator to increase $10K as a onetime adjustment effective January 1st. Hughes asks for clarification to increase to $84,000 for the administrator and with that he seconds the motion. All votes ayes, motion carries unanimously. Williamson said the first meeting of the year, there is a list of committee assignments. He would like for council members to communicate to the city administrator if they want to change their present commitments.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. Mound Fire Department Press Release
b. Orono Police Department Compliance Check Report –
Williamson assumes no action needs to be taken at this time due to a failure of the compliance check. He said it looks like this has been turned over to the city attorney for review of possible charges. Williamson said if this is more of a technical circumstance, because of the rarity, he doesn’t think exceptional punishment is necessary. Pavot wonders about another spot check in a few months instead of waiting for a year.
16. ADJOURNMENT - Hughes moves to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. and Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator
DECEMBER 21, 2015 – 7:30 PM
Attendance – Students from MWHS Civic Class, Jerry Rockvam
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, Bob Kermis of NAC
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Bren seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Horton makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from December 7, 2015
b. City Council Work Session Minutes from December 14, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
a. Rockvam Boat Yards Site Plan Review
Williamson said this is backgrounded in the packet. Bob Kermis is with NAC representing Planner Brixius tonight. He said Rockvam Boat Yards (RBY) submitted a request to expand the building and would involve a partial tear down of existing. He said the building addition is requested for maintenance of larger and taller boats. Kermis said the existing building is legal non-conforming due to setback and has a zero lot line. He said the proposed addition would meet the required ten foot setback. Kermis said most of the site is hard surface and will be increased by 112 square feet of hardcover. He said the building expansion will have little effect on stormwater treatment. The structure will be finished in masonry and will match the existing building. Kermis said the increase in height is well within the ordinance requirements. He said planning staff recommends approval with the condition the applicant receive a building permit and meet all codes for new construction. Williamson said he thinks the plan looks fine and compatible and he wonders about parking due to removal of some parking spaces. Kermis said the staff report did not reference this so assumes it’s a non issue. Rockvam said if there is an issue with parking it will be minimal. He said they are increasing the building and it has never been brought up to him. Kermis said he doesn’t know if the minimum requirement already exists or it already has applicable parking or a condition could be added to the approval. Williamson asked Tolsma for direction on this. Tolsma said in discussing this with Brixius, a motion to confirm the planner’s findings under conclusion and recommendation. He said it might be necessary to add a point two to address parking concerns. Williamson makes a motion to approve and support the conclusion and recommendation of RBY and add stipulation that applicable parking requirements be included. Hughes seconds. Rockvam says there is a parking plan on file with the city and he thinks all they have to do is make up for the added 616 feet. Bren said it would be appropriate to include in the motion parking is included for the additional 616 feet. Williamson amends his motion to say applicable parking requirements be met and the assumption is that current parking requirements are being met and what needs to be made up is the 616 square feet. Hughes agrees to the amendment. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Williamson nothing.
b. City Administrator – Williamson asks for an update with the dynamic sign at the public launch. Tolsma said the sign went up last Tuesday and Bren was in attendance. He said time was taken to site the sign in the best direction and it is more perpendicular with Shoreline Drive. He said there is a 140 degree viewing angle and is larger than what was anticipated. Tolsma said next week is the anticipated roll out of message changing and right now it is one static message. He said most comments are from those who don’t live in Spring Park. Hughes wonders about the temporary sign that is still in place and when that one will go away and Tolsma said once the changing message starts to display, the portable sign will be removed.
1. 2016 Staff Wage Discussion – Williamson suggests this be moved to new business, item b, in order to continue with the meeting
c. City Engineer
d. City Planner
e. City Attorney
f. Public Works Superintendent – Tolsma said the city is aware some of the holiday wreaths are experiencing an outage and it’s an outlet issue and it will be addressed shortly. Williamson wonders if this is the same outfit that puts the wreaths up and can’t Goman fix this. Williamson is concerned about spending money to fix this when the season is almost over just to fix a few wreaths. Tolsma said RD & Associates do bill by the hour. Tolsma thinks it’s about four or five wreaths. Hughes wonders if the wreaths are tested before they are installed and Tolsma confirms. Williamson asked about $3000 for boring to install conduit and he wonders what this is for. Tolsma said he might need to get more information.
a. January 4 – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
a. Bills & Payroll – Williamson requests the claim for payment regarding the $3000 be withheld until further explanation. Williamson said this is a sizable amount of payments this month and the big one is Northwest Asphalt and he wonders if this is the final payment. Tolsma said this closes it out but five percent is being held for retainage and the wear course in the spring. Tolsma said there has been some difficulty with a fund accounting software update and he recommends to the council to go through the bills. He said if there is consensus to approve, he recommends approval and then the council can look them over again. They’ll hold off sending the checks out until tomorrow. Williamson said typically claims are what they are so long as the amount calculated was agreed upon and are within the standards of the industry and as long as the council knows what the expenditure is for. Pavot wonders if a new software system is necessary and Tolsma said no, it’s just a glitch in the Banyon software. Williamson asks for a motion to pay the bills excepting EJ Meyers for underground conduit until further explanation. Hughes makes that motion to pay the bills with the exception. Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Williamson said because of staff wage discussion and there might be some evaluation issues that arise he suggests a closed session for this. Williamson moves to go into closed session at this time 8:17 p.m. Hughes wonders if the meeting can be adjourned to a close session in order to release the videographer. Beck said if there is action at the end, then the videographer needs to stay. Horton seconds. Closed session 8:17 p.m.
Williamson said the council meeting is back in session at 9 p.m. and a motion is being made to adjust the compensation for city staff one percent and city administrator to increase $10K as a onetime adjustment effective January 1st. Hughes asks for clarification to increase to $84,000 for the administrator and with that he seconds the motion. All votes ayes, motion carries unanimously. Williamson said the first meeting of the year, there is a list of committee assignments. He would like for council members to communicate to the city administrator if they want to change their present commitments.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. Mound Fire Department Press Release
b. Orono Police Department Compliance Check Report –
Williamson assumes no action needs to be taken at this time due to a failure of the compliance check. He said it looks like this has been turned over to the city attorney for review of possible charges. Williamson said if this is more of a technical circumstance, because of the rarity, he doesn’t think exceptional punishment is necessary. Pavot wonders about another spot check in a few months instead of waiting for a year.
16. ADJOURNMENT - Hughes moves to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. and Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator