February 2, 2015 Council Minutes






FEBRUARY 2, 2015 – 7:30 PM



  1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
  2. ROLL CALL – Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson
  3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck.
  5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
  6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Hughes asked to remove the work session minutes to vote on separately as he was absent from the planning session. Hughes said under item b., the regular council meeting, there were some omissions of dates and addresses and Lewin will make the corrections.       Williamson said one was the bond issue date and that will be filled in. Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to approve consent agenda items b. and c. with the requested dates filled in. All votes ayes, motion carries. Williamson asked for a motion to approve item c., the work session minutes and Horton makes that motion and Bren seconds.       All votes ayes except Hughes abstains.
    1. Unapproved Planning Commission Minutes from January 14, 2015
    2. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from January 20, 2015
    3. City Council Work Session Minutes from January 26, 2015
  7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
    1. LMCD Port of Call Request – Lord Fletcher’s Restaurant - Williamson said this is a routine item for Port of Call and it has to do with boats that serve alcoholic beverages and may stop at Lord Fletcher’s restaurant. He said this is for compliance purposes. Hughes moves to approve. Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
    2. Utility Superintendant Title Change Request – Williamson said this is a request to adjust from utility superintendent to public works superintendent. Bren makes the motion to change the title from Utility to Public Works Superintendent. Horton seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. Ordinance 15-01: Manufacturing District Amendment –

Williamson said there is a thorough explanation and this regards a major structure within a manufacturing district.  He said the uses are for office and manufacturing.  He said there have been unrelated uses that are technically not in compliance with the ordinance.  He said the planner has suggested a change that would validate the current uses.  Hughes said under item c. on the ordinance, he wonders about interior tenants having an exterior sign and usually it’s only one unless they have street access on two streets.  Hughes also refers to the comprehensive sign plan showing sign locations, types and sizes.  He said it seems as though an applicant would have to produce a lot just in order to get a sign.  Tolsma said a comprehensive sign  plan has always been required.  He said if there is a new sign to be placed on the outside of the building it is comparable to other signs currently in place on the building.  Williamson said we’re dealing with permitted uses in the zoning district.  Horton makes a motion to approve adoption of Ordinance 15-01.  Bren seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries

    1. Mayor and Council –
  • Williamson said he attended the League of Cities conference along with Bren and Horton. He said it was a three part training, experienced, newly elected and mayors. Williamson said newly elected were given city government background. For experienced it focused on collaborative council and staff situations regarding civility, respectfulness and staying on task. The concept of engagement was covered to reach out to communities of people. He said a lot of it related to larger cities. He said the most valuable component is networking. Williamson said he also wants to talk about the council vacancy.

  • Bren said Williamson covered the conference very well and she enjoyed listening to others talk about problem solving and citizen engagement.

  • Horton said she enjoyed the conference. She really liked the networking and found feelings of similarity among her peers. She feels there is open communication established to help each other out as they work through this growing period.

  • Hughes said he and Tolsma attended the fire commission meeting and there was discussion about growing acceptance of a district wide response having to do with lack of fireman for daytime responses. Hughes said this area is fortunate that the Mound Fire Department has a highly trained staff for emergency medical calls including a doctor and paramedics. Hughes said for the LMCD there was a safety committee meeting. Hughes said the focus is for more funding for more patrol on the lake. He said there is also an upcoming full board meeting.

    1. City Administrator – Tolsma said to-date there is one application for the open seat on the council. He said there has been an ad placed in The Laker and a small write-up in the newsletter. He said the next step for the council is to interview the applicant or perhaps extend the application period. He said the concern is that not everyone may be aware of the vacancy. Hughes asked about Planning Commission and Tolsma said there is currently a full commission in place. Williamson said there is a thought where a commissioner could be moved up to council and he thinks that this might be worthwhile to pursue.       Williamson said the newsletter is a good tool but it doesn’t go out to everyone. He said it may actually go out to only 15-20% of Spring Park residents. Williamson suggests to extend the application time period to March 9th or 10th and in the meantime speak to the planning commissioners for interest and to run a paid ad in the local newspaper.       Hughes said, in the future, the dynamic sign could be used for these type of advertising purposes.       Hughes also would like to change the upcoming admin meeting to a different date due to a conflict.       Bren wondered about the West extra section in the Star and Tribune advertising the council vacancy.       Hughes suggested the Lakeshore Weekly News. Williamson also suggests staff solicitation when appropriate.  
    2. City Engineer – nothing.
    3. City Attorney – nothing.
    4. Utility Superintendent – nothing.
    1. February 10 – Administration Committee – 12:00 PM – Requests a date change to the 9th.
    2. February 11 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
    3. February 11 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
    4. February 17 (Tuesday) – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
    5. February 19 – LMCC – 7:00 PM
  3. NEW BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION – Hughes makes a motion to pay the bills. Horton seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. Bills & Payroll
  4. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only) – Nothing.
  5. ADJOURNMENT – Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.




Wendy Lewin, City Clerk



Dan Tolsma, City Administrator