May 18, 2015, Council Minutes

1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL - Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson.
3. INTRODUCTIONS - Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson, Attorney Beck.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Horton seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Hughes moves to remove item c due to error and corrections. Bren makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the consent agenda as amended. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2015
b. Administration Committee Meeting Minutes from May 12, 2015
c. Dock Licenses
7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
a. Red Ribbon Ride –
Williamson said this is the third annual event for the applicant. Tolsma said this is a charity bike ride to benefit Aids. This is a multi-day event and the last day is from Waconia to St. Paul for the finish. He said they will ride through Spring Park earlier in the day. Tolsma said the conditions are the same as approved last year and conditions are agreed upon. Hughes said of all of the various events, he feels this group is the most courteous group we’ve had. Hughes moves to approve and Pavot seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Williamson said there was a routine LMCC meeting. He said analog signals are coming to an end but, he said older t.v.’s are the only ones affected. He said Mediacom will supply an adapter for t.v.’s that need it for the transmission. Williamson said new by-laws have been approved and they are very routine and they need city approvals. Williamson said a budget committee has been formed.
• Hughes said starting July 1st Hennepin County will be charging $10 for recycling certain electronics. He suggests getting rid of t.v.’s before that date. Hughes said the LMCD will be at the work session and will go through the budget and be specific about where the money goes to.
b. City Administrator –
Tolsma said the water tower was completed this past Saturday, the drainage basin is complete except for the hydroseeding and road patching hasn’t taken place yet due to wet weather. Tolsma said he talked to Tom Emer of Lord Fletchers restaurant who was apologetic about the music concert being in violation of the conditions set previously. Emer said the weather was stellar and impulsively they moved the music outside. Tolsma said per the conditions of the live music concert, this Thursday starts the live music on the wharf.
c. City Engineer
a. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Public Hearing –
City Engineer Paul Pearson – Pearson said he’ll be referring to the document from June 2006 SWPPP. He said this report is on file at City Hall. MS4 stands for municipal separate storm sewer systems. He said it’s governed by MPDES program. He said there is an annual report and an assessment of compliance. Pearson said it does require the public information meeting be held and the purpose is to obtain comments from the public to voice concerns. Pearson mentions the Spring 2015 newsletter article and he encourages this be read. He said the council took action to complete the storm water basin and this will significantly reduce the amount of phosphorous draining into the lake. Pearson said this acts similar to a rain garden. He said council member Bren has attended meetings regarding water quality and is becoming knowledgeable. Hughes asked about the work being done on Shoreline Drive and wonders if there is anything being done to filter the water. Bren said there are more sessions coming up regarding clean water and she can forward the information to anyone so interested. Bren wonders if maybe the planning commissioners would be interested. Williamson said since this is a hearing that was published in the city’s newspaper there is an obligation to hold the public hearing. Williamson calls the hearing to order at 8:02 p.m. Having no one in attendance for the hearing, Williamson takes a motion from Hughes and Horton seconds to close the hearing at 8:02 p.m. Williamson said the city sweeps the streets three times a year now and baselines for contamination management have been established.
d. City Attorney –
Williamson asked Attorney Beck about converting the fee schedule to an ordinance. Beck said when comparing the resolution adopted in January and the last schedule in the ordinance book, she found inconsistencies. Beck said she is hoping to bring this to the next staff meeting and then bring it to the administrative committee. Williamson asked about periodic changes to the fee schedule and Beck recommends not redoing the ordinance, just amending it and publishing the amended change. Williamson is concerned about the timing at the first meeting in January, especially when there is a new council being seated. Beck said this shouldn’t be a problem to hold the public hearing at another meeting.
e. Public Works Superintendent
12. UPCOMING MEETINGS & TRAINING – Williamson said with the work study session for next week it has been suggested there be a water plant tour. He said there is a major project to expand the plant and he thinks it’s important to know what they’re starting with. He said they are proposing to conduct the tour one hour before the start of the work study session (6 p.m.). He polls the council for work conflicts in order to discuss an alternative plan.
a. May 26 (Tuesday) – Work Session – 7:00 PM / Water Plant Tour at 6:00 PM
b. May 27 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
c. June 1 – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
a. Bills & Payroll – Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to approve the claims. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only) – Hughes said the city starts summer hours today. Tolsma said the hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Friday 7:30 to 11:30 a.m.
a. Mound Fire Department Press Release
b. Mound Fire Department April Report
16. ADJOURNMENT – Hughes makes a motion and Horton seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.

Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma, City Administrator