June 15, 2015, Council Minutes
JUNE 15, 2015 – 7:30 PM
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Public Works Superintendent Goman, Attorney Beck, Commissioner Mason.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the consent agenda. Hughes said on planning commission minutes he wonders what the term "fire protected windows" means as he doesn’t know what that is. He'd like to ask Qualle during his report. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from June 1, 2015
b. Unapproved Planning Commission Minutes from June 10, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM – Holly Spaeth resident of 2124 Black Lake Road for 2.5 years said she has had city sewer back into their home twice now. She said the first time the city’s insurance decided it was an Act of God. She said therefore they submitted to their insurance and insurance paid out the maximum leaving them with $8K for out-of-pocket and this did not include personal items. She said less than a year later, it happens again. Spaeth said she understands there was a blockage in the road. She said her insurance company has informed them if they submit again, they will be dropped. She said their new basement now has to be torn up, again. Spaeth said their two dogs were subjected to raw sewage for five hours before it was discovered. She said she is looking for a future fix of the problem as well as some backup for what happened to them.
Williamson said he sympathizes. He said “Act of God” refers to situations of nature. He said it gets complicated. He said the city agrees and would like to see this remediated. He said this is a waiting game until all the facts are gathered and waiting for determination according to procedure. Spaeth wonders about future prevention. She doesn’t feel confident that this isn’t going to happen again. Goman said there is a maintenance policy addressing water and sewer main. He said there is a general maintenance policy set up through the League of MN Cities. He said the first thing is to find the blockage and clear it. He said he can’t guarantee this won’t happen again. He said they televise the sewer lines looking at the pipes, he said they do high pressure cleaning of the pipes.
Williamson asked what happens now. Tolsma said the biggest step going forward is the adjustor from the League will be meeting with affected property owners. He said in the next few days, the inspection will be complete. He said the adjustor has talked with city staff and a determination will be made regarding coverage. He said it’s important for patience and to let the process work its way. He said once the League makes the determination, then they’ll go from there. Hughes asked Goman to check the home where the owners haven't been informed. Hughes doesn’t want this process delayed due to the absence of the one property owner. Pavot wonders about sending a letter and perhaps their mail is forwarded. Williamson said the city wants to solve problems and feels they have been reactive to situations. The city wants to do the right thing.
a. Tour de Tonka Special Event Application –
Williamson said there is a list of standards that has been agreed upon in years past. Tim Litfin said the past Tour de Tonkas thank the city for allowing this to happen again. Litfin said they have cities that want the ride to come through their communities. He said the popularity is spreading. Litfin said they will comply with the list of conditions and they’ll make it work. Williamson asked if these conditions are doable and Litfin confirmed. Litfin said there is someone on a scooter that goes back and forth between the crossings in Spring Park and this individual warns walkers and others not involved in the tour of the ride coming through. Hughes said he thinks this is a good event but he wonders about the single file riding. Litfin said riders are cautioned about this as they go through Spring Park along with signage. Tolsma said the conditions have worked in the past and they look forward to a successful event. Hughes moves to approve the application and Horton seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Building Inspections Annual Update - Code Changes and Performance Feedback – Williamson explained Scott Qualle is the City’s building inspector. Qualle said the code adoption and the International Code Council publishes a new code every three years. He said they are in the middle of that process. Qualle said residential is one and two family homes. He said Pres Homes would be considered commercial. The fire and plumbing code is yet to be adopted. He said there are several updates to the code including increased sizes for sheds and fences, minor plumbing changes, materials for garage floors, sound suppression between common walls of townhomes or duplexes, fire suppression measures regarding sprinkler systems and smoke detectors. Hughes asked about sound suppression and additions to an existing and wondering if the house has to be brought up to code. Qualle said the current code will be subject to the new addition. Hughes asked about a fire restoral. Qualle said it’s an interesting question and some construction doesn't accommodate updating due to the original construction but, most restoral will have to be built according to code. Hughes wondered about an addition to a house that increases the square footage beyond 4500 square feet. He wonders if the entire structure would have to be sprinkled. Qualle said it won’t be required as long as the first home was under 4500 square feet. Hughes asked about fire protected windows. Qualle explained the requirement is due to closely constructed structures. Pavot asked about treated lumber and she wonders about chemicals and fumes firefighters are exposed to. Qualle said goals are to suppress fire. He said there are even effective fire suppression paints. He said hazardous vapor is always a concern.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Williamson said he’s had three meetings, one being the Finance and Investment committee. He said there was good discussion about policy and procedure. He said the work product will work towards an update of the capital improvement program. He said there was a meeting at Mound City Hall and various staff members from surrounding communities attended and the topic was Met Council water issues. He said the point of the presentation was about short comings and criticisms of the Met Council and legitimacy of their activities. Williamson found it to be fairly one-sided and anti-Met Council. Williamson attended the Police Commission committee meeting but he will leave that to Bren as she has been very involved.
• Bren said the workshop was interesting. She said they actually had interactive play using simulator weapons and responding to a crisis event. She said it really made her aware of how difficult it is for officers responding to an event and to maintain control. She said they also role played an event of a suicidal individual and how the officers handled the situation. She said the police department does a great job and they have a lot of opportunity for training for all events. She encourages those on the council to get to know the police and to attend the training events. Hughes asked if this was part of the police Citizen Academy. Bren said no, this was an invitation to council members on use of force. Hughes said the Citizen Academy is really worthwhile and he encourages all who want to attend to contact Orono PD for future dates. Williamson said there is more than likely going to be further opportunities to attend this in the future.
• Williamson said the social host ordinance was passed in Spring Park late last year and Orono used a same or similar for their adoption. Williamson said Healthy Heart will be training and looking for other places to install AED’s throughout the city. He said there will be more to come. Williamson said there is concern regarding the costumed characters that have frequented the city, dressing in super hero costumes. Beck said the memo she handed out is a follow-up to previous discussion.
• Hughes said the LMCD met with the consultant to continue working on the strategic plan. Williamson asked about the presented budget and Hughes said it had to be approved or disapproved preliminarily. He said he was the only negative vote.
b. City Administrator - nothing.
c. City Engineer - nothing.
d. City Attorney - nothing further.
e. Public Works Superintendent – Goman said blacktop patching has started. He said they installed concrete at Wilkes Park for picnic table platform. He said the path between the basketball court and the trail head will soon be installed.
a. June 9 – Administration Committee – 12:00 PM
b. June 18 - Administration Committee - 12 PM – Hughes has a conflict with this date and is looking at June 23rd instead.
c. June 22 - City Council Work Session 7 PM
d. June 24 - LMCD – 7:00 PM
e. Emergency Management Training - June 25, 5:30-7:30 PM – Williamson said the council has expressed interest in this training.
f. July 6 - Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
a. Bills & Payroll – Williamson said there is a revised document in front of the council. Hughes moves to approve the claims. Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. Mound Fire Department Press Release
b. Mound Fire Department April Report
16. ADJOURNMENT – Horton makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn the meeting 9:19 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma
JUNE 15, 2015 – 7:30 PM
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Public Works Superintendent Goman, Attorney Beck, Commissioner Mason.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the consent agenda. Hughes said on planning commission minutes he wonders what the term "fire protected windows" means as he doesn’t know what that is. He'd like to ask Qualle during his report. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from June 1, 2015
b. Unapproved Planning Commission Minutes from June 10, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM – Holly Spaeth resident of 2124 Black Lake Road for 2.5 years said she has had city sewer back into their home twice now. She said the first time the city’s insurance decided it was an Act of God. She said therefore they submitted to their insurance and insurance paid out the maximum leaving them with $8K for out-of-pocket and this did not include personal items. She said less than a year later, it happens again. Spaeth said she understands there was a blockage in the road. She said her insurance company has informed them if they submit again, they will be dropped. She said their new basement now has to be torn up, again. Spaeth said their two dogs were subjected to raw sewage for five hours before it was discovered. She said she is looking for a future fix of the problem as well as some backup for what happened to them.
Williamson said he sympathizes. He said “Act of God” refers to situations of nature. He said it gets complicated. He said the city agrees and would like to see this remediated. He said this is a waiting game until all the facts are gathered and waiting for determination according to procedure. Spaeth wonders about future prevention. She doesn’t feel confident that this isn’t going to happen again. Goman said there is a maintenance policy addressing water and sewer main. He said there is a general maintenance policy set up through the League of MN Cities. He said the first thing is to find the blockage and clear it. He said he can’t guarantee this won’t happen again. He said they televise the sewer lines looking at the pipes, he said they do high pressure cleaning of the pipes.
Williamson asked what happens now. Tolsma said the biggest step going forward is the adjustor from the League will be meeting with affected property owners. He said in the next few days, the inspection will be complete. He said the adjustor has talked with city staff and a determination will be made regarding coverage. He said it’s important for patience and to let the process work its way. He said once the League makes the determination, then they’ll go from there. Hughes asked Goman to check the home where the owners haven't been informed. Hughes doesn’t want this process delayed due to the absence of the one property owner. Pavot wonders about sending a letter and perhaps their mail is forwarded. Williamson said the city wants to solve problems and feels they have been reactive to situations. The city wants to do the right thing.
a. Tour de Tonka Special Event Application –
Williamson said there is a list of standards that has been agreed upon in years past. Tim Litfin said the past Tour de Tonkas thank the city for allowing this to happen again. Litfin said they have cities that want the ride to come through their communities. He said the popularity is spreading. Litfin said they will comply with the list of conditions and they’ll make it work. Williamson asked if these conditions are doable and Litfin confirmed. Litfin said there is someone on a scooter that goes back and forth between the crossings in Spring Park and this individual warns walkers and others not involved in the tour of the ride coming through. Hughes said he thinks this is a good event but he wonders about the single file riding. Litfin said riders are cautioned about this as they go through Spring Park along with signage. Tolsma said the conditions have worked in the past and they look forward to a successful event. Hughes moves to approve the application and Horton seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Building Inspections Annual Update - Code Changes and Performance Feedback – Williamson explained Scott Qualle is the City’s building inspector. Qualle said the code adoption and the International Code Council publishes a new code every three years. He said they are in the middle of that process. Qualle said residential is one and two family homes. He said Pres Homes would be considered commercial. The fire and plumbing code is yet to be adopted. He said there are several updates to the code including increased sizes for sheds and fences, minor plumbing changes, materials for garage floors, sound suppression between common walls of townhomes or duplexes, fire suppression measures regarding sprinkler systems and smoke detectors. Hughes asked about sound suppression and additions to an existing and wondering if the house has to be brought up to code. Qualle said the current code will be subject to the new addition. Hughes asked about a fire restoral. Qualle said it’s an interesting question and some construction doesn't accommodate updating due to the original construction but, most restoral will have to be built according to code. Hughes wondered about an addition to a house that increases the square footage beyond 4500 square feet. He wonders if the entire structure would have to be sprinkled. Qualle said it won’t be required as long as the first home was under 4500 square feet. Hughes asked about fire protected windows. Qualle explained the requirement is due to closely constructed structures. Pavot asked about treated lumber and she wonders about chemicals and fumes firefighters are exposed to. Qualle said goals are to suppress fire. He said there are even effective fire suppression paints. He said hazardous vapor is always a concern.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Williamson said he’s had three meetings, one being the Finance and Investment committee. He said there was good discussion about policy and procedure. He said the work product will work towards an update of the capital improvement program. He said there was a meeting at Mound City Hall and various staff members from surrounding communities attended and the topic was Met Council water issues. He said the point of the presentation was about short comings and criticisms of the Met Council and legitimacy of their activities. Williamson found it to be fairly one-sided and anti-Met Council. Williamson attended the Police Commission committee meeting but he will leave that to Bren as she has been very involved.
• Bren said the workshop was interesting. She said they actually had interactive play using simulator weapons and responding to a crisis event. She said it really made her aware of how difficult it is for officers responding to an event and to maintain control. She said they also role played an event of a suicidal individual and how the officers handled the situation. She said the police department does a great job and they have a lot of opportunity for training for all events. She encourages those on the council to get to know the police and to attend the training events. Hughes asked if this was part of the police Citizen Academy. Bren said no, this was an invitation to council members on use of force. Hughes said the Citizen Academy is really worthwhile and he encourages all who want to attend to contact Orono PD for future dates. Williamson said there is more than likely going to be further opportunities to attend this in the future.
• Williamson said the social host ordinance was passed in Spring Park late last year and Orono used a same or similar for their adoption. Williamson said Healthy Heart will be training and looking for other places to install AED’s throughout the city. He said there will be more to come. Williamson said there is concern regarding the costumed characters that have frequented the city, dressing in super hero costumes. Beck said the memo she handed out is a follow-up to previous discussion.
• Hughes said the LMCD met with the consultant to continue working on the strategic plan. Williamson asked about the presented budget and Hughes said it had to be approved or disapproved preliminarily. He said he was the only negative vote.
b. City Administrator - nothing.
c. City Engineer - nothing.
d. City Attorney - nothing further.
e. Public Works Superintendent – Goman said blacktop patching has started. He said they installed concrete at Wilkes Park for picnic table platform. He said the path between the basketball court and the trail head will soon be installed.
a. June 9 – Administration Committee – 12:00 PM
b. June 18 - Administration Committee - 12 PM – Hughes has a conflict with this date and is looking at June 23rd instead.
c. June 22 - City Council Work Session 7 PM
d. June 24 - LMCD – 7:00 PM
e. Emergency Management Training - June 25, 5:30-7:30 PM – Williamson said the council has expressed interest in this training.
f. July 6 - Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
a. Bills & Payroll – Williamson said there is a revised document in front of the council. Hughes moves to approve the claims. Bren seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. Mound Fire Department Press Release
b. Mound Fire Department April Report
16. ADJOURNMENT – Horton makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn the meeting 9:19 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Wendy Lewin, City Clerk
Dan Tolsma