April 20, 2015 Council Minutes

1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL - Pavot, Hughes, Bren, Horton, Williamson.
3. INTRODUCTIONS - Williamson introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, City Assessor Kevin Wynn.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson wants to add two items under 10. He suggests council consider and approve an additional representative to the Gillespie Center and an appointment to the Investment and Finance Committee. Hughes moves to adopt as amended and Horton seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Pavot asked about electronic storage of records (c.) and she wondered if cloud-based storage has been discussed. Williamson said there was a wide range discussion and he recommends Tolsma give a review of his research in the near future. Horton makes a motion and Pavot seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from April 6, 2015
b. Unapproved Planning Commission Minutes from April 8, 2015
c. Administration Committee Minutes from April 14, 2015
7. PUBLIC FORUM - No one.
Kevin Wynn, city assessor Hennepin County, contracts with the city. He said their office does assessing for twenty some cities in Hennepin County. Wynn said they’ve taken on several new cities in the past couple years. He said he’s been assessing for Spring Park since 2005 and he has worked for Hennepin County for many years. Wynn said the 2013 market in Spring Park and this part of the county for values jumped due to pent up demand. He said in 2014 it tapered and has now flattened. He said what they’re seeing happen so far this year is level sales and probably level growth of 4-5%. Wynn referred to the previously forwarded sales book and he said it was difficult because of lack of sales. He said there were two lake properties, a few more condo sales and no off lake sales. He said there isn’t much going on. He said for Spring Park no calls were received regarding the open book meeting held on April 15th.

Williamson thanked Wynn for forwarding the weekly realtor report as he thinks it’s interesting. He thinks those who have wanted to sell, have decided to do so. Wynn said the inventory is low right now. He said that typically increases sale prices because of lack of choices. He said there also are still a lot of properties under water so they don’t sell because of that. Williamson wondered if our city is fairly typical. Wynn said for example St Anthony has had large increases for two years and indications are they need to go up again. He said they had dropped very low during the recession and now their market is coming back strong. Hughes asked about the 45% of condos making up Spring Park and he wondered if this was by address and Wynn said it’s by PID numbers. Wynn said The Mist will be analyzed differently because it’s almost all rental. He said there are 169 condominium units. Williamson said the Mist and Lakeview Lofts were built, marketed and sold as condos. He said they got caught in the economic downturn. He said The Mist still operated on the rent with the option to buy. Williamson asked about two units being the same but one being owned and one being rented and Wynn said they are valued differently as one is income earning. Williamson invites council members to get in touch with him after the meeting if they have further questions.
a. Running of the Bays Special Event Application –
Williamson said the same conditions in the past are imposed again and this event is almost routine. Pavot asked about the no parking needed and Williamson said this is a running event and it starts in Mound so parking isn’t an issue. Tolsma said the conditions included in the packet are unchanged and the event organizer has seen this list and said there wouldn’t be a problem meeting those conditions. Hughes makes a motion and Bren seconds to approve this special event. All votes ayes, motion carries.
10. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS – (Addition to agenda)
Williamson said at the beginning of a new year there is always a resolution recommending assignments to committees and there was one vacancy intentionally left open due to the vacancy on the council. He proposes to amend this resolution and nominate Pavot to the investment and finance committee. Williamson makes that motion and Horton seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Williamson said the second item is an assignment not part of regular appointments but probably should be as there is a contract with the Gillespie Center for funding for building and an endowment fund. He said there has been a request by Gillespie for attendance at a financial and compliance meeting and they’ve asked for two members of the council to attend. Williamson said Horton has expressed interest in filling this role. Williamson makes a motion to appoint Horton as the second member and he adds that Williamson be added. Hughes makes the motion for Williamson and Horton to serve as representatives to the Gillespie Center. Pavot seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council –
• Williamson said there was a neighborhood meeting of residents of West Arm Road East to outline the details of the upcoming road improvement project. He said good questions were asked and answered. Bren was in attendance at the meeting as well. Williamson said he is a member of the LMCC and they are drafting new bylaws for the new joint powers. Williamson said last Thursday he attended a program to dedicate a new Veteran’s display at Presbyterian Homes. He said there was a resident who was a collector of memorabilia and in his passing those artifacts were donated to Pres Homes. Williamson said at a previous council meeting there was interest expressed in not supporting a proposed name change from the Westonka Library to the Mound Library. Williamson contacted Commissioner Jan Callison and this name change has been halted, for now. Williamson encourages council members to look at the conditions of sidewalks, retaining walls and drainage for future discussion.
• Hughes said for the LMCD the budget is coming up and the council will receive a copy of the proposed budget. He has asked Greg Nybeck to attend the May work session. Hughes said the Carlson School of Business is performing a study between the LMCD and the lake community. He said they’ve hired a consultant to steer the five year plan.
• Bren said she walks a lot and she looks at the parks and the roads. She said she is looking forward to the new garbage receptacles and various park equipment that is soon to be installed. She will be attending an upcoming police meeting on use of force.
• Pavot said she attended a law conference on animal issues and nothing that directly affects Spring Park but there are some things that could perhaps crossover in time. Hughes thinks a mention in the spring or summer newsletter as a reminder about picking up after their dogs, especially on the trail, is in order.
b. City Administrator –
Tolsma said regarding the swale at Lord Fletcher’s apartments, it’s restricted in access and there has been a tentative agreement reached. He said he is concerned because the owner is never directly accessible. The property manager and maintenance manager are in favor of what has been agreed and he’s hoping this will carry through. Tolsma said the location of the drainage storm sewer is the biggest gap in the agreement. He said Lord Fletchers is in favor of pushing this further east. Tolsma said any closer than what the plan calls for, the fence to the east would have to be removed in order to accomplish this. Tolsma said he and Beck are going to work on drafting the easement and adding a few additions requested by Lord Fletchers. Tolsma said he and Goman did a walk about of the parks. He said there are a few minor things that need to be replaced that have wear and tear. He said there was some concern about some safety on the playground equipment. He said one of the components of the equipment has been removed. He said there will be installation of some new items now that the frost is out. Tolsma said sidewalks are going to be reviewed between him, Goman and the sidewalk contractor and they’ll perform an assessment and an estimate for repair. Hughes asked about the tennis courts being striped for pickle ball and he recommends putting this in a newsletter. Tolsma said demand is suddenly very high and discussion has been had with staff about adding a standalone pickle ball court.
c. City Engineer – Nothing.
d. City Attorney – Nothing.
e. Public Works Superintendent – Nothing.
12. UPCOMING MEETINGS & TRAINING – Williamson wants to add 7 pm for a Fire District on April 23rd. He also mentions the meeting at the Gillespie Center on April 30th.
a. April 22 – Fire Commission – 11:00 AM
b. April 22 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
c. April 27 – City Council Work Session – 7:00 PM
d. May 4 – Regular City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Hughes asked about the Plant Place, garden center at Marina Center and wonders about a conditional use. Williamson said this has been a CUP that has been extended.
a. Bills & Payroll –
Williamson said the street sweeping charge seemed to be low. He asked if the contracted yard waste is an annual fee. Tolsma said it’s essentially a down payment and we could be invoiced or we could get a refund. Williamson said it is a nice advantage to getting rid of yard waste. Bren said she uses it and really thinks it’s a good service. Pavot makes a motion and Hughes seconds to approve the claims. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. Fire Department Press Release
b. Fire Department March Report
16. ADJOURNMENT – Bren makes a motion and Hughes seconds to 8:44 p.m

Wendy Lewin, City Clerk

Dan Tolsma, City Administrator