January 22, 2019 Work Session Minutes

JANUARY 22, 2019 – 6:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER - The work session was called to order by Mayor Rockvam at 6:01 p.m.

Council Members Present: Jerome P. Rockvam, Mayor; Pamela Horton; Gary Hughes; Catherine Kane Palen; and Megan Pavot

Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Mike Kuno, City Engineer; Brian Hare; Assistant City Engineer; Mary Tietjen, City Attorney; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk


City Administrator Tolsma stated the main topic for the goals discussion is capital projects and infrastructure since many other goals and staff items are continuing projects that are already in-progress.

City Engineer Kuno presented an infrastructure improvement project map with proposed timeline and expected costs. He further provided updates for ongoing projects including the ADA ramp improvements on Shoreline Drive and the flashing yellow arrow changes at certain intersections; both projects are expected to be complete by the end of 2019.

City Engineer Kuno discussed the right-of-way challenges for the Black Lake Road improvements and the potential need to re-plat the road.

City Attorney Tietjen discussed correcting the legal descriptions of properties on Black Lake Road through a process of prescriptive easements. She added that typically property owners understand the need to re-plat a road without compensation since property owners realize they have been using the City’s right-of-way for their homes. This is simply a process of correcting legal descriptions to match how the road has always been used.

Mayor Rockvam asked about the funding for the list of projects being presented.

City Administrator Tolsma discussed several funding options to pay for necessary infrastructure improvements including bonding, levy increases, paying for certain items out of the Capital Reserve Fund and then approving a refunding resolution, and/or changing the City’s assessment policy to be a city-wide assessment instead of a street by street assessment due to the small size of Spring Park.

Council Member Pavot stated she was in favor of changing the current street by street assessment policy since the City’s most important role is infrastructure.

Council Member Kane Palen agreed.

Mayor Rockvam stated he would like our financial experts to be consulted so that the City Council can see the potential impact of any combination of these funding options prior to changing policies.

City Administrator Tolsma responded that City staff will work with the financial consultants so that the full impact of any changes will be extensively researched and presented.

City Engineer Kuno discussed the Sunset Drive improvements. He stated that Hennepin County has approved the project for the 2022-2023 CIP and the next step is that Hennepin County will reach out to discuss scheduling, planning, and design which could start in 2019. He further stated the City could ask for certain interim improvements that could be incorporated into the permanent design.

The City Council consensus was to ask the County to make interim lighting, pedestrian, and bike traffic improvements for safe passage along Sunset Drive.

City Engineer Kuno asked the Council if they would like him to approach Hennepin County regarding a pedestrian crossing for Shoreline Drive near the Minnetonka Drive-In.

The City Council consensus was to have the City Engineer approach Hennepin County for a pedestrian crossing on Shoreline Drive near the Minnetonka Drive-In to improve pedestrian safety.


City Administrator Tolsma asked for the Council to provide him with their availability in February as there may only be the need for one meeting that month.


4. ADJOURN - The work session was adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:59 p.m.

Date Approved: March 4, 2019

Dan Tolsma, City Administrator

Theresa Schyma, City Clerk