June 13, 2012 Planning Commission Minutes
1. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Hoffman calls the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
3. ROLL CALL – Mason, Hoffman, Erickson, Ericson, Sippel, Struck.
4. ADOPT AGENDA – Hoffman proposes to move the Napa sign applicant up in the agenda. Ericson would like to add under Miscellaneous a discussion about Certified Auto. Mason makes a motion and Ericson seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Erickson makes a motion and Ericson seconds to approve the minutes. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes from April 11, 2012
7. Boulevard Landscaping Ordinance Amendment – Brixius said this has come about because of some removal of trees by a property owner. He said there are some changes needed in terms of the Shoreline beautification plan and requirements before trimming and cutting of trees. Brixius said a resolution approving the tree inventory and the original plans and maintenance component was approved by the council so this is in place. Sippel asked if there was a plan and Brixius explained the inventory is the plan. Brixius said all trees are documented with tags. His staff followed up with confirming an aerial inventory. Brixius said this is a discussion item and if the PC is comfortable with this it will move to public hearing. Sippel asked about the maintenance plan and Brixius said it’s spelled out in his memo dated April 25, 2012. Sippel said in the proposed ordinance, compared to the memo there is a disagreement between the two as far as the maintenance agreement goes. Brixius said he’ll amend his memo including an exception for the beautification project. Ericson asked if the city has any authority when the property owner wants something else put up. Brixius said it’s likely that the city has the authority for this as part of the beautification plan. Sippel said he would like that stated more clearly in the ordinance. Whether it’s maintenance or replacement. Brixius said he can put language in under 7 a. Hoffman has a question on Exhibit C and wonders if there is a summary about good trees and poor trees. Hoffman is curious about how many distressed trees there are. Brixius said not a lot but there are a few. Sippel wonders about tightening up the language on 7 b. and wonders what “appropriate planting season” means. He wonders if that can be more specific. Sippel is concerned with 7 f. regarding tree trimming. He wondered if it should say something about below a certain height they can trim but once it approaches the canopy, then it’s the city’s. Brixius agreed that maybe it can be said ‘anything from the ground up to eight feet can be trimmed’. He said he can incorporate something like that in the draft ordinance. Mason wonders about who bears the replacement cost if a property owner wants to replace a tree and thinks that should be defined.
b. Napa Auto Sign Application – Brixius explained this application has been in conjunction with the building owner. He said the proposed sign is a brick based monument sign with multiple tenant identification. It is intended to be located at the west end of the building, it’s 64 square feet, brick based and aluminum casting. Brixius said the sign meets the proper requirements and the sign will be internally illuminated. He said the setbacks are within the applicant’s property and does not fall in the 30 foot site triangles. Brixius said the recommendation is for approval with consideration of additional landscaping at the base. Mason asked if it faces east/west and applicant confirms. Applicant stated this was a revision after the initial application. Erickson asked if this sign will be interchangeable if a tenant changes and applicant confirms but does say Napa Auto owns the sign. Mason asked about some landscaping and the applicant said it could be a consideration but it would have to be something low. Mason clarifies the location. Sippel said if something can be planted that is low and doesn’t block the signage that would be good but it shouldn’t be a condition of approval. Sippel makes a motion to adopt the sign and Hoffman seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Draft Council Meeting Minutes – June 4, 2012
b. City Council Work Session Minutes – May 29, 2012
c. City Council Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2012
d. City Council Meeting Minutes – May 7, 2012
a. June Calendar
• Ericson said it is his understanding that there have been discussions with Certified Auto to landscape the west end of his property. Brixius said the council has given him permission to work towards a landscape plan along with Norling. Ericson wonders what happens if the owner balks at this. Brixius said working cooperatively to use this as a beautification area, he feels this solution will provide some assistance to the business owner and allow some relief for the residential property owners. Ericson wonders how long this is going to take. Brixius said he can report back in one month with a schedule and a solution. Mason asked who owns the retention pond and Brixius confirmed Certified Auto is the owner of that property. Brixius said he will have something to report for next month.
• Sippel asked about the mortgage sign in front of the Yacht Club and said it’s illegal.
• Mason asked about the Tonka Grille sign and Lewin said she’d check on it. Mason asked about the Gillet building at 4636 Shoreline Drive and wondered where that was at. Brixius said a code enforcement letter is going out to the property owner in the next day or two. Mason asked about the sandwich sign advertising carpet cleaning and he said there’s no business there that cleans carpets.
• Erickson asked about previous minutes where it mentioned Bud Groth’s property. Tolsma said a contractor with Presbyterian Homes is now stating they will not be responsible for the clean-up so there might be a draw from the escrow account to cover costs. Erickson wondered if Groth had a valid concern. Tolsma said Groth has dropped his threats about a lawsuit. He said there is still an established area of clean-up and that is what the city will press to have finished.
• Mason said he would appreciate a one-page synopsis about what is going on with the city. Sippel thinks what goes to the council would be good.
• Struck said she will be gone for August meeting.
10. ADJOURNMENT – Sippel makes a motion and Ericson seconds to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.