September 17, 2012 Council Meeting

1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
a. Special Presentation – Resolution 12-19: Life Saving Award – Award presented to various responders to the lifesaving efforts to a child who fell from a three story window. Reinhardt reads the details of the incident. A 4-year-old fell from a window. Upon arrival, CPR was being performed on the victim. Multiple officers were in the area at the time of incident and responded. The victim was transported by air ambulance to North Memorial. Victim’s condition was updated within 24 hours and medical personnel were recognized as playing a big role in saving this child’s life. Each responder served an important role in the saving of this child. Chief Farniok presented life saving awards to responding personnel. Hughes makes a motion to adopt the life saving award resolution. Widmer seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Chief Farniok of Orono Police Department and Major Darryl Hugget of Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office presents life saving awards to responders including Three Rivers Park District, Hennepin County and Mound Police. Chief Greg Pederson of Mound Fire presented awards to the various Mound Firefighters responding to the scene. Chief Pederson said everyone who responded did a great job. He said as a fire department they typically do not recognize individually because all of the department works as a whole. Reinhardt said the residents of Spring Park feels confident that there are such excellent responders in our community.
b. Recess – Called back to order at 7:50 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Williamson, Hughes, Widmer, Reinhardt. Stone excused.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, Engineer Pearson. Shirley Bren, Council member elect.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Hughes said regarding item c he was pleased to see the Planning Commission notes, their thoughts and their thoughtful ideas. Reinhardt agreed. Hughes makes a motion to adopt the consent agenda and Williamson seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Meeting Minutes from September 4, 2012
b. Administration Committee Minutes from September 12, 2012
c. Planning Commission Minutes from September 12, 2012
7. PUBLIC FORUM – No one.
a. Resolution 12-17: BCA Agreement & Supplemental Agreement with Orono. Williamson makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adopt Resolution 12-17. Reinhardt said there is a supplemental agreement further defining the responsibilities. Tolsma said on the supplemental agreement it is agreed Orono will act on this administratively. Williamson said the motion was to approve 12-17 which is the final page. He said the supplemental agreement is separate. He said this should be contingent upon each other. All votes ayes, motion carries. Williamson makes a motion to accept the agreement between the two cities contingent upon receiving an executed agreement and Widmer seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Resolution 12-20: LMCC 2013 Budget Approval – Reinhardt said the proposed budget for 2013 is included. Williamson said most on the council see this every year as it’s routine. He said there is zero tax impact on the residents of Spring Park but the agreement requires legal standing. Williamson moves to adopt R 12-20 approving the budget and Hughes seconds. Hughes asked about item 443, licenses and wondered if that is for software or vehicles. Williamson said licenses for studio functions are in the studio budget. He said his understanding is this is for the ban. Reinhardt said she feels the LMCC provides a very valuable service. Williamson said the biggest expense was to pay off the building free and clear and now those monies can be put towards maintenance of the building. He said another change has been agenda parsing on line and the meeting can be advanced to the item of interest on the agenda. Williamson said expenses forthcoming have to do with franchise renewal. He said a needs-assessment is being performed and it comes up later in the agenda. Reinhardt said there is a small typo on one of the dates that needs to be corrected. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt said on November 1st from 7-8:30 PM there is a community meeting on illegal drug use in our city. She said it’s sponsored by Mound Crime Free Coalition. Reinhardt asked for the council’s support and receives it. Hughes mentions a recent article in the Star & Tribune regarding bow-fishing and said the LMCD will be receiving a speaker at 7 p.m. at Wayzata City Hall (what date?). He said at the last LMCD there was a boat use report for 2012 and he will present that at a later date.
b. City Administrator
i. Pres Homes As-Builts Acceptance – Jim Brimeyer is the project manager and said he is here for an update. He said he was here in August and there were three or four remaining items to be finished. Easements needed to be vacated and adopted but the big issue was as-builts. Brimeyer said previously provided were redlined marked up documents and they were deemed unacceptable. He said the as-builts had to go back to the engineer to be updated per the city’s standards. Brimeyer said as of this date, the as-builts have been accepted by staff. Brimeyer doesn’t recommend the escrow funds be released yet. He said letters of credit have been reduced, utility improvements and landscaping have been reduced to 10%, stormwater to 25% and dredging has been performed. He suggests the letters of credit be reduced to 5% perhaps in November and that should be enough to have a safety factor. Hughes wonders if an e-mail or note can be sent out for final billing to the escrow. Brimeyer said that has been done. Williamson said in the final stages he would like to see the percentages translated to dollar amounts. Hughes makes a motion to accept the as-builts for Pres Homes project. Widmer seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries. Williamson asked Brimeyer his thoughts on the city hall parking lot since discussion was started while he was still interim administrator. Tolsma said they went out for bids and the bids came in higher. The Watershed is prepared to make up the difference and they’ll be meeting next week on this. He said the expectation is this will take place yet this fall. Hughes wants to thank Brimeyer for his work on this project.
ii. Assessment Services Agreement – Tolsma said the current contract expired in July. He said there isn’t a recollection of this being done before. Williamson said he thought there was a contract in place about three years ago but there are not significant changes and the price remains the same. Williamson said the County has done the assessment for at least two decades. Williamson suggests if this is just an extension of the contract he moves to accept a proposal to extend the current contract. Reinhardt seconds. Hughes wonders about language that’s contained in the agreement about providing the space. Beck said she hasn’t reviewed this yet. She would like more time to review this. Williamson said there are only two options – contract with HC or contract with a private assessor. Williamson thinks legal fees might be incurred to review this when in fact there are requirements by law and private assessment can prove to be detrimental if there is a problem. He doesn’t want the attorney to devote more than two hours in reviewing this. Hughes moves to table the pending motion for a not to exceed two hour review by the attorney. Reinhardt seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
c. City Engineer
d. City Attorney
e. Utility Superintendent
a. September 18, 2012 – LMCC – 5:00 PM
b. September 19, 2012 – Fire Commission – 11:00 AM
c. September 24, 2012 – City Council Work Session – 7:00 PM
d. October 1, 2012 – City Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
e. Hughes wants to add the LMCD meeting upcoming on September 26.
a. Bills & Payroll – Widmer asked about upgrading the cost of stones for entrance signs. Tolsma said everything is ready other than discussion on lighting the signs. Tolsma said this is an upgrade to the original stone. Widmer makes a motion and Williamson. seconds to pay the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only) – Tolsma said the appreciation dinner has been confirmed for October 11th and there will be information forthcoming.
a. LMCC Needs Assessment Information -
b. August Fire Report
c. Planning and Zoning Workshop Invitation – Reinhardt encourages anyone to attend this as it’s good information.
d. Incident Command System Training for Elected Officials – Reinhardt said there is a session in November and one in January. Tolsma said it’s geared towards newly elected officials. Reinhardt said this might be a very good refresher as they haven’t had this training in a long while.

Tolsma said the Spring Park Post Office is sending out survey information to residents to solicit feedback on issues they are facing. There will be a meeting on October 17th at 1:30 PM at City Hall to answer questions. Hughes said this just came out today He said they are cutting the hours at the post office. Widmer said it’s something to think about and to attend the meeting if there are questions. Williamson said there are several reasons but it has a lot to do with staffing.

16. ADJOURNMENT – Williamson makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.