July 16, 2012 Council Meeting
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Stone, Williamson, Widmer, Hughes, Reinhardt
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, Engineer Pearson.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion to adopt the agenda and Stone seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Stone makes a motion to adopt the consent agenda and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Meeting Minutes from July 2, 2012
b. Accept Administration Committee Minutes from July 11, 2012
c. Accept Planning Commission Minutes from July 11, 2012
7. PUBLIC FORUM - No one.
a. MS4 Public Hearing – Reinhardt explained this is an annual submission and she opens the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. There is no one in attendance and nothing received in writing. Reinhardt closes the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. Tolsma said it’s an annual report through MN Pollution Control and is technical but relates to storm sewer. He said our city is not large and currently there is no development so it is similar to last year’s. Reinhardt asked about the illicit discharge and if that will affect this and Tolsma confirmed. It is part of it and it will be checked off and submitted if it’s approved. Williamson said this is observed technically. The public hearing allows the public to speak about any identified problem. He said most communities have done things about the problem, including Spring Park, so this has almost become defunct.
b. Habitat For Humanity Ride Special Event Application – Reinhardt said this was an information item at the last meeting. She said this ride is Saturday, July 21st and they’ve filled out an application. Tolsma said the event organizers agree to the conditions. They hope to make this an annual ride so they want to remain in good standing. Tolsma said the conditions are slightly different than the last event because this is a more casual ride and there are less participants. Reinhardt said this coincides with the Spirit of the Lakes parade in Mound and there will be a lot of participants for both events. Hughes said he is concerned about the time frame being two hours (120 minutes) and 135 bikes and if they’re incorporating a rest stop, he thinks there’s a math problem. He thinks they should have two portable toilets. Tolsma said there is another rest stop so not all participants will be stopping at the rest stop. Reinhardt asked about council or staff being available to help monitor this. Hughes and Widmer said they’d probably be able to watch. Williamson moves for approval with the required conditions. Hughes seconds. Reinhardt said Tolsma, Goman and Reinhardt are meeting with Three Rivers Park tomorrow to discuss special event permits and to meet with the new representative as a result of the redistricting.
a. Ordinance 12-02: Illicit Discharge Ordinance – Beck said in the packet was the redline version with four changes. She said there were some minor changes and insertions of section numbers. She said there is also included a shortened summary version for publishing purposes. Reinhardt said this has been looked at a couple of times. Hughes said at the top of the summary it should include the ordinance number. Beck looks for two actions, one to adopt the ordinance and one to adopt the summary version. Stone makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adopt the ordinance. Hughes asked if this will be online. Beck said the entire ordinance will be online, eventually. Reinhardt said if someone asks about when it will be incorporated in the online code and it was explained it could be within a couple of weeks once it is submitted. Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to approve publication of the summary of the Spring Park Illicit Discharge Ordinance prepared by the City Attorney because of the length of the full ordinance and the title and the text of the summary clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt said it is the Mound Centennial celebration and there are a lot of planned events this weekend in celebration.
Hughes said he has some slides from the Watershed District presented at the June 27th LMCD meeting. Hughes talks of the partnerships with other agencies, monitoring and other projects. Water quality measures are shown and where they are conducted. Williamson wondered if there is a comparison from previous years.
b. City Administrator
Street Light Options – Tolsma said when he was in Duluth at the League’s conference he met with several vendors. He said he picked up a lot of material and what’s included in the packet is what he feels is a good, all around document of choices and options. Tolsma said this can be discussed further at the work session. Hughes said there is another style that isn’t included in tonight’s handout and it is commonly seen along CR 15. He said it is located on the ramp approaching 394 going over the RR tracks. Williamson said the Planning Commission is supposed to be part of the beautification. He thinks a judgment about aesthetics should include the PC in this discussion. Widmer suggests inviting them to the work session to discuss this. Hughes would also like to see costs associated with the selections. Reinhardt thought the budget will potentially be on the work session agenda too.
c. City Engineer – nothing.
a. City Attorney – nothing.
b. Utility Superintendent – nothing.
a. July 17, 2012 – LMCC – 5:00 PM
b. July 18, 2012 – Police Commission – 8:00 AM
c. July 23, 2012 – Work Session – 7:00 PM
d. July 25, 2012 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
e. July 25, 2012 – Fire Commission meets at 11 a.m. according to Hughes.
a. Bills & Payroll – Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to approve the claims. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. June Fire Report
b. Erik Saxvik Proclamation – Reinhardt said on Friday, July 13th there was a proclamation issued for Pres Homes Chaplain’s 70th birthday.
c. Met Council Newsletter – Williamson said on the front page there is an article about tiered rates and it is similar to Spring Park’s. He said three year’s, quarter by quarter should be looked at gallons of used water to see if there has been in any change in water used. He said conservation needs to be determined. Widmer said she thinks the Coffee Cove cleanup is really nice. She encourages all to look at this nice change.
16. ADJOURNMENT – Stone makes a motion to adjourn and Widmer seconds at 8:19 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
2. ROLL CALL – Stone, Williamson, Widmer, Hughes, Reinhardt
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, Engineer Pearson.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion to adopt the agenda and Stone seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Stone makes a motion to adopt the consent agenda and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Meeting Minutes from July 2, 2012
b. Accept Administration Committee Minutes from July 11, 2012
c. Accept Planning Commission Minutes from July 11, 2012
7. PUBLIC FORUM - No one.
a. MS4 Public Hearing – Reinhardt explained this is an annual submission and she opens the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. There is no one in attendance and nothing received in writing. Reinhardt closes the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. Tolsma said it’s an annual report through MN Pollution Control and is technical but relates to storm sewer. He said our city is not large and currently there is no development so it is similar to last year’s. Reinhardt asked about the illicit discharge and if that will affect this and Tolsma confirmed. It is part of it and it will be checked off and submitted if it’s approved. Williamson said this is observed technically. The public hearing allows the public to speak about any identified problem. He said most communities have done things about the problem, including Spring Park, so this has almost become defunct.
b. Habitat For Humanity Ride Special Event Application – Reinhardt said this was an information item at the last meeting. She said this ride is Saturday, July 21st and they’ve filled out an application. Tolsma said the event organizers agree to the conditions. They hope to make this an annual ride so they want to remain in good standing. Tolsma said the conditions are slightly different than the last event because this is a more casual ride and there are less participants. Reinhardt said this coincides with the Spirit of the Lakes parade in Mound and there will be a lot of participants for both events. Hughes said he is concerned about the time frame being two hours (120 minutes) and 135 bikes and if they’re incorporating a rest stop, he thinks there’s a math problem. He thinks they should have two portable toilets. Tolsma said there is another rest stop so not all participants will be stopping at the rest stop. Reinhardt asked about council or staff being available to help monitor this. Hughes and Widmer said they’d probably be able to watch. Williamson moves for approval with the required conditions. Hughes seconds. Reinhardt said Tolsma, Goman and Reinhardt are meeting with Three Rivers Park tomorrow to discuss special event permits and to meet with the new representative as a result of the redistricting.
a. Ordinance 12-02: Illicit Discharge Ordinance – Beck said in the packet was the redline version with four changes. She said there were some minor changes and insertions of section numbers. She said there is also included a shortened summary version for publishing purposes. Reinhardt said this has been looked at a couple of times. Hughes said at the top of the summary it should include the ordinance number. Beck looks for two actions, one to adopt the ordinance and one to adopt the summary version. Stone makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adopt the ordinance. Hughes asked if this will be online. Beck said the entire ordinance will be online, eventually. Reinhardt said if someone asks about when it will be incorporated in the online code and it was explained it could be within a couple of weeks once it is submitted. Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to approve publication of the summary of the Spring Park Illicit Discharge Ordinance prepared by the City Attorney because of the length of the full ordinance and the title and the text of the summary clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt said it is the Mound Centennial celebration and there are a lot of planned events this weekend in celebration.
Hughes said he has some slides from the Watershed District presented at the June 27th LMCD meeting. Hughes talks of the partnerships with other agencies, monitoring and other projects. Water quality measures are shown and where they are conducted. Williamson wondered if there is a comparison from previous years.
b. City Administrator
Street Light Options – Tolsma said when he was in Duluth at the League’s conference he met with several vendors. He said he picked up a lot of material and what’s included in the packet is what he feels is a good, all around document of choices and options. Tolsma said this can be discussed further at the work session. Hughes said there is another style that isn’t included in tonight’s handout and it is commonly seen along CR 15. He said it is located on the ramp approaching 394 going over the RR tracks. Williamson said the Planning Commission is supposed to be part of the beautification. He thinks a judgment about aesthetics should include the PC in this discussion. Widmer suggests inviting them to the work session to discuss this. Hughes would also like to see costs associated with the selections. Reinhardt thought the budget will potentially be on the work session agenda too.
c. City Engineer – nothing.
a. City Attorney – nothing.
b. Utility Superintendent – nothing.
a. July 17, 2012 – LMCC – 5:00 PM
b. July 18, 2012 – Police Commission – 8:00 AM
c. July 23, 2012 – Work Session – 7:00 PM
d. July 25, 2012 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
e. July 25, 2012 – Fire Commission meets at 11 a.m. according to Hughes.
a. Bills & Payroll – Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to approve the claims. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. June Fire Report
b. Erik Saxvik Proclamation – Reinhardt said on Friday, July 13th there was a proclamation issued for Pres Homes Chaplain’s 70th birthday.
c. Met Council Newsletter – Williamson said on the front page there is an article about tiered rates and it is similar to Spring Park’s. He said three year’s, quarter by quarter should be looked at gallons of used water to see if there has been in any change in water used. He said conservation needs to be determined. Widmer said she thinks the Coffee Cove cleanup is really nice. She encourages all to look at this nice change.
16. ADJOURNMENT – Stone makes a motion to adjourn and Widmer seconds at 8:19 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.