January 3, 2012 Council Meeting

  1. CALL TO ORDER  Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
  2. ROLL CALL – Stone, Williamson, Hughes, Reinhardt.  Widmer excused.
  3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public.  Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck.
  5. ADOPT AGENDAWilliamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
  6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA Hughes makes a motion to adopt the consent agenda and Stone seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. City Council Meeting Minutes from December 19, 2011
  7. PUBLIC FORUM - None
    1. Resolution 12-01: Naming Official Depositories – Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt Resolution 12-01.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    2. Resolution 12-02: Establishing Order of Business and Time of Regular Council           Meetings and Monthly Study Session – Reinhardt explained the timing of the meetings.  Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt Resolution 12-02.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    3. Resolution 12-03: Appointments – Reinhardt explained because it wasn’t an election year there were very few changes.  Hughes will be the acting mayor.  Williamson said the Cable Commission can also have a representative from the community serve.  He said one has to be a council member.  Williamson would like Hughes to consider but Hughes said he has a scheduling conflict on that day.  Williamson said, if possible, he would like Hughes to remain on the roster as an alternate.  Williamson said it could also be left blank for consideration in the future.  Hughes said he would remain as an alternate but his hope is that he could be replaced soon.  Reinhardt suggests to leave it open for now and she will fill in if necessary.  She said something could be placed on the website and maybe something placed in The Laker stating there is an open spot on the Cable Commission. Williamson suggests the Administrator be appointed to the SRA.  Hughes asked about the PC appointment and Lewin said it hasn’t been discussed with Hoffman yet.  Reinhardt makes a motion to reappoint Hoffman to the PC.  Hughes seconds to extend the term.  All votes ayes, motion carries.  Hughes makes a motion to adopt Res 12-03 and Stone seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    4. Resolution 12-04: Dates of Meetings, Holidays and Office Hours – Discussion will be held later in the year about the Study Session in December.  Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adopt Resolution 12-04.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    5. Resolution 12-05: Adopting The Hennepin County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Reinhardt explained this is an annual item.  Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt Resolution 12-05.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    6. Resolution 12-06: Fees for Licenses, Permits and Services
    7. Resolution 12-07: Public Utilities Rate Schedule – Reinhardt asked Tolsma what has changed.  Tolsma said the SAC charge has changed as determined by the Met Council.  He said the equalization fee could be adjusted in the near future if Ellingson comes back with different numbers.  Williamson wondered why there is redundancy among the resolutions for utility fees. He said there might be a reason to combine Resolution 06 and 07 to cover everything.  Williamson said he feels they are in no position to analyze costs for fences.  He suggests plugging $25 in and it can always be raised in the future, if necessary.  Hughes asked about the garbage and refuse collection and it was explained that it was a licensing fee for garbage haulers.  Tolsma said land use fees have been discussed and Brixius said he was going to follow up on his most recent fees to determine if the expenses are being covered in the fees charged.  Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to move to approve Resolutions 12-06 and 07.  All votes ayes, motion carries.
    8. Resolution 12-08: Rescind Swanson and Temporarily Appoint Hughes To LMCD Board – Reinhardt explained Swanson will be away for two months and Hughes has agreed to temporarily replace him.  Williamson said he heard Swanson might also miss the first meeting in March.  Williamson thinks maybe this should be a little more open-ended, just in case.  Hughes said he spoke with Swanson and the plan is that he will be back in March.  Reinhardt said a clause could be added to this resolution stating the possibility of a short extension.  It is suggested to add “…for the duration of Swanson’s absence…” instead.  Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt Resolution 12-08.  Reinhardt thanks Hughes for volunteering to take this temporary position.
    1. Mayor and Council

                                         i.    Approve Summary Language for Ordinance 11-07 – Reinhardt said a summary ordinance was drafted for publication in lieu of the long text.  Williamson moves to approve the summary language and Hughes seconds.  All votes ayes, motion carries.

Stone said there was a police commission meeting recently.  She said their budget is predicted to be right on.  She said there have been some thefts from autos along the Shoreline Drive corridor.  She said a couple other cities have passed ordinances to recoup police costs regarding political fund raisers.  She said police costs can be extreme and it’s necessary to have a charge back.  Williamson explained Spring Park doesn’t typically host political events but Orono has hosted political fund raisers and police expenses have been huge.  Reinhardt said Orono now has an ordinance where the host can be billed for these police expenses. 

    1. City Administrator – Nothing.
    2. City Engineer – Nothing.
    3. City Attorney – vacation of easements – Beck said they’re waiting for a legal description for one final parcel.
    4. Utility Superintendent – Nothing.
    1. January 11, 2012 – Administration Committee – 11:00 PM – correction a.m.
    2. January 11, 2012 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM
    3. January 16, 2012 – City Council – 7:30 PM
  3. NEW BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to approve the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
    1. Bills & Payroll
  4. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
    1. Hennepin County Sheriff Letter – Reinhardt explained this is for information purposes.
    2. 2012 Open Book Meeting Date Information – Reinhardt said this is the second year for the open book process.  Reinhardt wondered if the time could be extended.  She said it seems like more time is needed, such as 6-8 p.m.
  5. ADJOURNMENT – Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to adjourn the meeting at  8:06 p.m.  All votes ayes, motion carries.