January 17, 2012 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- ROLL CALL – Stone, Williamson, Widmer, Hughes, Reinhardt
- INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the viewing public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck.
- ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Meeting Minutes from January 3, 2012
- Lord Fletcher’s 2012 Live Music Application Including 2011 Permit Conditions – For Discussion Only – Administration Committee Will Meet With Police Chief Farniok On 1/18/12 To Discuss In Depth
Reinhardt said staff received the application for their music permit for 2012. She said attached are the requirements for the 2011 permit. Reinhardt said Admin Committee will be meeting tomorrow and the police chief will also be attending. She said this was brought on the council’s agenda to see if there is anything the council wants to discuss. Tolsma said there was summer and fall meetings where it was discussed there would be no percussion on certain days, no amplified music on certain days, decimal limits at the stage would be enacted and no lewd or inappropriate lyrics at all times. Hughes remembers the Boogie Wonderland band many years ago and he wonders about deck capacity and how it will be determined as far as load limits. He wonders what the trigger point will be and how they’ll handle this. Reinhardt said these questions will be asked of Emer tomorrow. Stone mentioned the dates and times on the permit application and Reinhardt said there have been some reductions in hours in the past year. Williamson said refining what is existing should be the objective and do a better job of enforcing what is in place. He said the city has incurred time and expense in following through with the music permit for Lord Fletcher’s. He said it’s possible the music permit fee should be examined and costs associated with processing this permit.
- Mayor and Council –
Reinhardt said at the last council meeting there was discussion about the second assignment for the LMCC appointment. Reinhardt said Stone has agreed to fill that position and Reinhardt makes a motion for Stone to act as the second representative for the LMCC. Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
Hughes said he attended the LMCD meeting and the year in review was covered. He said when they are treating the various bays, they are not treating the bays the same. He said topography and depths are considered. Williamson said the LMCC just met. He said normal and routine functions are ongoing. He said the big issue is the digital conversion experience. He said there is a lot of frustration in terms of what kind of televisions viewers have. The channels may not line up because of the different components in the televisions. Also, recording of programs has encountered problems and the price has increased. He recommends viewers contact the LMCC if they are having problems. Widmer said the channel line-ups can be requested but the numbers that are given are not accurate. Widmer asked how viewers can contact the cable t.v. provider. Williamson said the Mound Mediacom office is not a customer service contact anymore. Williamson suggests anyone contact Sally Koeneke at 952-471-7125.
- City Administrator
i. Summary of 1/12/12 Meeting With Presbyterian Homes Regarding High Volume of Fire Calls –
Tolsma said there is a brief summary of the meeting included in the packet. He said there haven’t been any conclusions but they are going to meet again in a few weeks. Tolsma said in The Dispatch there is a Christmas lighting update and he thinks there should be some clarification. He said there was about $1100 savings in energy costs after converting to LED lights. He said the cost for the bulbs was almost equal to the savings so they’ve essentially paid for themselves already. Williamson wants to go back to the Pres Homes meeting discussion and wondered about imposing a fee or charge on fire response for assists. Hughes said Rob Lahammer of Pres Homes was appreciative of the list of calls presented. Lahammer wants more specifics however. Hughes said Pres Homes recognized some of the issues and they are purchasing a replacement alarm panel that has been presenting problems.
- City Engineer – Nothing.
- City Attorney – Nothing.
- Utility Superintendent – Nothing.
- January 18, 2012 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AM (Rescheduled from 1/11/12)
- January 23, 2012 – Work Session – 7:00 PM
- February 6, 2012 – City Council – 7:30 PM
- Bills & Payroll – Stone asked about the City of Orono payment. Reinhardt explained to look in the detail report and it says It is the police contract. Reinhardt asked Tolsma if the larger amount could show up on the first page in the future. Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to approve the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries. Williamson said maybe before these are copied out a brief explanation could be added on some of the bigger items. Widmer asked if there is increased police action in response to some of the break-ins. Reinhardt said there have been several break-ins in autos and thefts from garages. She said the police chief said there have been some suspects apprehended.
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- Mound Fire Department End of Year Reports and New Draft Alarm Activation Report for 2012
- Letter from Hennepin County Sheriff Richard Stanek – Williamson is concerned about changes made in terms of this year’s budget. He said the budget has already been established.
- Email from Jeff Hoffman Accepting Planning Commission Reappointment.
- ADJOURNMENT – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.