December 3, 2012 Council Meeting
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Stone, Williamson, Hughes, Widmer, Reinhardt
3. INTRODUCTIONS - Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson, Attorney Beck, Council Elect Bren.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Stone makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Meeting Minutes from November 19, 2012
b. City Council Work Session Minutes from November 26, 2012
a. Resolution 12-25: 2013 Tax Levy – Reinhardt said for several years the tax levy has either been held flat or slightly reduced. She said tonight this is a public hearing for residents that would like to speak about the budget and levy. Hughes wondered if anything was received by mail and Tolsma responded nothing. Reinhardt said there have been several meetings regarding the budget and they are pleased to keep the budget flat again. Williamson would move for adoption but said because this is a truth and taxation hearing procedurally there should be an open and closing of the hearing before adoption. Reinhardt said prior research was done and it states it needs to be a public meeting but a public hearing is also acceptable. Williamson makes a motion to open the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. and Hughes seconds the motion. Reinhardt asks for public comment and there is none. The public hearing is closed at 7:34 p.m. Williamson moves to adopt Resolution 12-25, the 2013 Tax Levy. Stone seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Resolution 12-26: 2013 Budget - 2013 Staff Wages Information – Reinhardt explained the budget is set at $1,051,082. Tolsma said there have been some updated figures as they relate to staff wage increases. He said there is a $5,000 transfer from the general fund and what that means is if every line item in the general fund maxed out, there would be a transfer to cover anything additional. He said $16,000 was budgeted last year and the year before that it was $20,000. He said the number is coming down despite the revenue withholdings from the county for The Mist settlement. Williamson said everything is pretty level. He said The Mist challenged their valuation over a three year period and the city had to pay back for prior years’ taxes paid. He said adjustments had to be made. He said this will be the first free and clear year. He said that money is once again available or can act as a cushion. Williamson said the general fund balance is substantial as they run close to a half of million dollars. Williamson said it should be noted that the city is good fiscal shape. Reinhardt said there is a 2013 wage adjustment for staff based on discussions held at the work session. She said these numbers have been incorporated into the budget presented tonight. Stone moves to adopt the resolution. Widmer seconds. All votes ayes,, motion carries. Reinhardt asks for a separate motion to adopt for staff salaries. Williamson said the budget reflects the staff increases so it is not necessary.
c. Ordinance 12-05: Amending The Spring Park Planning Commission Size – Reinhardt said historically the Planning Commission has been seven members but it has proved difficult to keep seven members. She said the city has decided to decrease the number from seven to five members. Hughes asked about the length of terms and wonders if that would call for a resolution change. Williamson said the terms are staggered. Reinhardt suggests to verify they are staggered in a way to accommodate the change from seven to the five person body. Williamson said he would rather re-word the second Whereas clause to read “…it has been difficult to maintain participation by seven city residents…” as he believes it is more discreet. Hughes makes a motion to approve Ordinance 12-05 with the correction on the second Whereas. Williamson seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt reminds Spring Park residents that there is a potential vacancy on the City Council and urges interested parties to call city hall or herself. She said her contact information is on the city’s website. Reinhardt said it’s December and she will be contacting the city council to find out their expressed interest towards serving on various city committees.
Hughes wants to update for the public safety for the LMCD. He said there is a meeting on Monday regarding the bow fishing. He said he has expressed the city’s wishes that they are not in favor of bow fishing. He said there are options available. He said one option is no action. Option two is to totally prohibit bow fishing on Lk Mtka. Option three is to prohibit nighttime but allow daytime bow fishing. He said the big issue is the bow fishing around public docks. Widmer said that this should not be allowed whatsoever and Williamson agrees. Hughes said there are feelings for both sides. Williamson said Lk Mtka is a public park but it’s not the Boundary Waters. He said this is a high density and high use lake and the risks are too great.
b. City Administrator
i. Street Light Drawings – Tolsma said he tried to emphasize in his memo that the drawings are drafts and they are not final. He said they should be final at the next council meeting and they would show the fixture, the banner arm, the flag holder and a sense of scale. Tolsma said the last drawing was discussed at the last meeting. He refers to the poles for the banners. Hughes asked about the standard anchor base and the access panel. Hughes said easy access for maintenance is important. Tolsma said he’s discussed this with Goman and he doesn’t seem to have a problem with what’s being proposed.
ii. Tolsma said he would like to comment, and the council will note, the Money market balance is high. He said CD’s that have matured have been deposited in the MM and would be available for the street light project unless the council decides to bond.
c. City Engineer -
d. City Attorney -
e. Utility Superintendent
a. December 12, 2012 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AM
b. December 12, 2012 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
c. December 12, 2012 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM – Reinhardt said there is a public hearing on a variance application.
d. December 13, 2012 – Police Commission – 10:00 AM
e. December 17, 2012 – Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
Reinhardt said the study sessions are on the fourth Mondays and December's falls on the 24th. She is recommending to cancel the study session. Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to cancel the December study session. Williamson wonders about calling a special meeting between the last council meeting and the end of the year. Tolsma said he will be checking his calendar and stacking the agenda for the second meeting in December to accommodate items. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Bills & Payroll – Reinhardt said the BP bill was placed in front of council tonight. Hughes moves to pay the claims, including BP and Williamson seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. LMCD AIS Powerpoint Handout – Hughes said PowerPoint slides have been made part of the packet. Reinhardt said it would be helpful to know of the additional $75K, how much will follow Spring Park. She said regarding treatment to bays not located in Spring Park, she wonders why the city has to pay. Hughes said there are a lot of unanswered questions right now and he said he’s uncomfortable with this the more he studies this. He reminded the public of the upcoming public hearing at Wayzata City Hall on Wednesday. He said he doesn’t think there will be final action at that time as it’s controversial. Williamson asks for the budget of the LMCD. Hughes doesn’t have the exact amount. Williamson said the money might not be the issue but it might be more the program and the execution.
b. September Financial Report
c. Presbyterian Homes Escrow Report – Reinhardt said there is $5,000 remaining in the escrow. Williamson asked how much was given back and Tolsma said $15,698.
d. Tonka Bay Open House Invitation
16. ADJOURNMENT – Stone makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.
2. ROLL CALL – Stone, Williamson, Hughes, Widmer, Reinhardt
3. INTRODUCTIONS - Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Engineer Pearson, Attorney Beck, Council Elect Bren.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Stone makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adopt the consent agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Meeting Minutes from November 19, 2012
b. City Council Work Session Minutes from November 26, 2012
a. Resolution 12-25: 2013 Tax Levy – Reinhardt said for several years the tax levy has either been held flat or slightly reduced. She said tonight this is a public hearing for residents that would like to speak about the budget and levy. Hughes wondered if anything was received by mail and Tolsma responded nothing. Reinhardt said there have been several meetings regarding the budget and they are pleased to keep the budget flat again. Williamson would move for adoption but said because this is a truth and taxation hearing procedurally there should be an open and closing of the hearing before adoption. Reinhardt said prior research was done and it states it needs to be a public meeting but a public hearing is also acceptable. Williamson makes a motion to open the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. and Hughes seconds the motion. Reinhardt asks for public comment and there is none. The public hearing is closed at 7:34 p.m. Williamson moves to adopt Resolution 12-25, the 2013 Tax Levy. Stone seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
b. Resolution 12-26: 2013 Budget - 2013 Staff Wages Information – Reinhardt explained the budget is set at $1,051,082. Tolsma said there have been some updated figures as they relate to staff wage increases. He said there is a $5,000 transfer from the general fund and what that means is if every line item in the general fund maxed out, there would be a transfer to cover anything additional. He said $16,000 was budgeted last year and the year before that it was $20,000. He said the number is coming down despite the revenue withholdings from the county for The Mist settlement. Williamson said everything is pretty level. He said The Mist challenged their valuation over a three year period and the city had to pay back for prior years’ taxes paid. He said adjustments had to be made. He said this will be the first free and clear year. He said that money is once again available or can act as a cushion. Williamson said the general fund balance is substantial as they run close to a half of million dollars. Williamson said it should be noted that the city is good fiscal shape. Reinhardt said there is a 2013 wage adjustment for staff based on discussions held at the work session. She said these numbers have been incorporated into the budget presented tonight. Stone moves to adopt the resolution. Widmer seconds. All votes ayes,, motion carries. Reinhardt asks for a separate motion to adopt for staff salaries. Williamson said the budget reflects the staff increases so it is not necessary.
c. Ordinance 12-05: Amending The Spring Park Planning Commission Size – Reinhardt said historically the Planning Commission has been seven members but it has proved difficult to keep seven members. She said the city has decided to decrease the number from seven to five members. Hughes asked about the length of terms and wonders if that would call for a resolution change. Williamson said the terms are staggered. Reinhardt suggests to verify they are staggered in a way to accommodate the change from seven to the five person body. Williamson said he would rather re-word the second Whereas clause to read “…it has been difficult to maintain participation by seven city residents…” as he believes it is more discreet. Hughes makes a motion to approve Ordinance 12-05 with the correction on the second Whereas. Williamson seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Mayor and Council – Reinhardt reminds Spring Park residents that there is a potential vacancy on the City Council and urges interested parties to call city hall or herself. She said her contact information is on the city’s website. Reinhardt said it’s December and she will be contacting the city council to find out their expressed interest towards serving on various city committees.
Hughes wants to update for the public safety for the LMCD. He said there is a meeting on Monday regarding the bow fishing. He said he has expressed the city’s wishes that they are not in favor of bow fishing. He said there are options available. He said one option is no action. Option two is to totally prohibit bow fishing on Lk Mtka. Option three is to prohibit nighttime but allow daytime bow fishing. He said the big issue is the bow fishing around public docks. Widmer said that this should not be allowed whatsoever and Williamson agrees. Hughes said there are feelings for both sides. Williamson said Lk Mtka is a public park but it’s not the Boundary Waters. He said this is a high density and high use lake and the risks are too great.
b. City Administrator
i. Street Light Drawings – Tolsma said he tried to emphasize in his memo that the drawings are drafts and they are not final. He said they should be final at the next council meeting and they would show the fixture, the banner arm, the flag holder and a sense of scale. Tolsma said the last drawing was discussed at the last meeting. He refers to the poles for the banners. Hughes asked about the standard anchor base and the access panel. Hughes said easy access for maintenance is important. Tolsma said he’s discussed this with Goman and he doesn’t seem to have a problem with what’s being proposed.
ii. Tolsma said he would like to comment, and the council will note, the Money market balance is high. He said CD’s that have matured have been deposited in the MM and would be available for the street light project unless the council decides to bond.
c. City Engineer -
d. City Attorney -
e. Utility Superintendent
a. December 12, 2012 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AM
b. December 12, 2012 – LMCD – 7:00 PM
c. December 12, 2012 – Planning Commission – 7:00 PM – Reinhardt said there is a public hearing on a variance application.
d. December 13, 2012 – Police Commission – 10:00 AM
e. December 17, 2012 – Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
Reinhardt said the study sessions are on the fourth Mondays and December's falls on the 24th. She is recommending to cancel the study session. Hughes makes a motion and Stone seconds to cancel the December study session. Williamson wonders about calling a special meeting between the last council meeting and the end of the year. Tolsma said he will be checking his calendar and stacking the agenda for the second meeting in December to accommodate items. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Bills & Payroll – Reinhardt said the BP bill was placed in front of council tonight. Hughes moves to pay the claims, including BP and Williamson seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. LMCD AIS Powerpoint Handout – Hughes said PowerPoint slides have been made part of the packet. Reinhardt said it would be helpful to know of the additional $75K, how much will follow Spring Park. She said regarding treatment to bays not located in Spring Park, she wonders why the city has to pay. Hughes said there are a lot of unanswered questions right now and he said he’s uncomfortable with this the more he studies this. He reminded the public of the upcoming public hearing at Wayzata City Hall on Wednesday. He said he doesn’t think there will be final action at that time as it’s controversial. Williamson asks for the budget of the LMCD. Hughes doesn’t have the exact amount. Williamson said the money might not be the issue but it might be more the program and the execution.
b. September Financial Report
c. Presbyterian Homes Escrow Report – Reinhardt said there is $5,000 remaining in the escrow. Williamson asked how much was given back and Tolsma said $15,698.
d. Tonka Bay Open House Invitation
16. ADJOURNMENT – Stone makes a motion and Widmer seconds to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.