May 21, 2012 Council Meeting

1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Reinhardt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL – Williamson, Hughes, Reinhardt. Widmer and Stone excused.
3. INTRODUCTIONS – Mayor Reinhardt introduced the council and staff to the public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck, Planning Commissioner John Ericson, City Assessor, Kevin Wynn.
5. ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Hughes seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
6. ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Williamson said there were changes made by Beck to the April 16th minutes and he wonders about the changes. Beck said it was clarification of her comments. Williamson makes a motion to adopt the consent agenda and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. City Council Meeting Minutes from April 16, 2012
b. City Council Meeting Minutes from May 7, 2012
c. Accept Administration Committee Minutes from May 9, 2012
7. PUBLIC FORUM – John Ericson, Planning Commissioner, asks as a citizen of Spring Park about two light poles that are down and wondered what the status is regarding replacement. Reinhardt said it’s on the agenda and it is being discussed this evening.
a. Kevin Wynn – Hennepin County Assessor Update. Wynn said he will present a recap of the open book process for 2012 value for pay taxes 2013. He said it’s been extremely quiet. He said he had only two reviews, one being a field inspection resulting in no change and one review in Lakeview Lofts that received a reduction. He said there was a second call in Seton Village and an appointment was scheduled and the appointment was canceled for medical reasons. Wynn said he wouldn’t have anticipated a change regardless. Wynn said no taxpayers showed for the open book meeting scheduled. Wynn said it’s typical of what they’re seeing this year. He said there is a concern about values going too low. Wynn said for 2013 there is not a lot of data but they are about half way through the assessment period. He said early sales are still pointing to a downward trend. Hughes asked about the cutoff date for gathering data. Wynn said around September. Williamson said the current trend is to be declining and he wonders if this is true around the lake. Wynn said yes. Williamson wonders if this could be related to the AIS. Wynn said the lake values hung on for longer so fell off later. He said the overall trend is 1-5% down. Williamson said comparable sales have been used for determining value and he is concerned about foreclosures or sell-offs right before foreclosure. Williamson said the review and verification is to find out the reasons for the sale. Wynn said short sales are not foreclosures so they are indicative of market value. He said they’ll see more urgency and a drop in asking prices before it goes to foreclosure. Wynn said the state doesn’t want foreclosures used as indicators but they are watched closely. He said traditional sales are competing with foreclosure sales. Hughes said some are listing their homes around 5% less than the assessed value. Wynn said that was obvious last year but it’s falling off somewhat this year. Reinhardt said this is the second year as open book and there is one more year left in the three year cycle. She wonders if there is anything the city needs to do before the expiration. Wynn said the office will send something out in order to confirm the continuation of the open book meeting.

a. Tour de Cure Special Event Application – Reinhardt explained this application. Tolsma said the conditions are similar to the Tour de Tonka, recently approved. He said new information came in today from Orono and Minnetonka Beach and the city administrator of Minnetonka Beach said their council denied this application. Tolsma said Farniok said it was approved for Orono but has a list of conditions similar to Spring Park. Tolsma said he thinks the event will happen but suspects the route will have to change. He said when speaking with the event’s coordinator, the conditions were not problematic and they are excited for the event. Williamson said if the permit isn’t approved it muddies things and the alternative is to put them out on the street and it might end up being more hazardous. He said approval has to be on the stated conditions and to monitor this closely. Reinhardt agrees. Hughes asked why Minnetonka Beach denied it and Tolsma said the concern was the high number of cyclists on the trail and the driveways of some residents that cross over the trail. Williamson makes a motion to issue the permit and Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.
a. Resolution 12-12: Mound 100 Year Congratulatory Resolution – Hughes makes a motion to approve Resolution of 12-12. Williamson seconds. Reinhardt requested that this be printed on special paper and be submitted to the City of Mound. She will draft a cover letter.
a. Mayor and Council
i. Fire Commission Update – Hughes said the fire pension change has been approved by the Mound City Council and the membership will be voting in July, both retired and active members. He said they are about 90% funded today. Hughes said the vast majority is the lump sum pay out and is the more popular. Hughes said what is disturbing is the comparison between volunteer and career departments. He said the stats from 2002-2010 shows volunteer departments are getting smaller. He said the combination departments are increasing. In other words, full time firefighters or duty crews are being hired. Hughes said it’s a growing trend and the fact sheet says there is a decrease in firefighters nationally. Hughes said calls, false alarms and lift assist calls to Presbyterian Homes has decreased. Williamson said policy changes for the pension was looked at. One discussion was about added incentive to keep trained and physically prime firefighters. Another change discussed was reducing the time for vesting. Williamson said Mound has a waiting list to get on the department. He said the concern is what to do about preventing discouragement to those who have waited a long time to get called. Hughes said a ten year vesting was added. He said if a firefighter has more than ten years there is an option for monthly pension payout or lump sum. Hughes said the annual Fish Fry is coming up on June 2nd.
b. City Administrator
i. Basketball Court Color Scheme Selection – Tolsma said color selections have been presented to the council and the takeaway is the options are limitless. In keeping with the Spring Park theme, staff has chosen a bluish/gray theme. He said another thought is to choose a green color to blend in with the surroundings. Reinhardt agrees with staff’s recommendation. Hughes asked about the fade factor of the colors and wondered if some colors were more susceptible. Williamson said brighter colors seem to fade faster. He suggests extra pieces be kept in reserve for replacement. Williamson also wants to make sure the under surface is well done in the event the surface has to be used in the future. Hughes said it will be concrete. Williamson likes the cerulean blue color. Reinhardt likes a more grey key so the logo stands out. Hughes likes the tan colored example for that reason. Tolsma said the feedback has been the tan shows dirt more. Reinhardt wondered about replacing the blue with a green color. Hughes thinks some sample tiles should be presented for color comparison and moves to select dusty blue as the base and the grey as the key. Motion fails due to lack of a second. Williamson makes a substitute motion and picks the middle example of those presented. Reinhardt seconds. Hughes said he’s wondering about the shade of grey. Reinhardt likes the contrast she sees in the example provided. Williamson suggested using white instead of grey. Hughes agrees. The motion is amended to select the middle design scheme and to eliminate the shading. Reinhardt agrees to the amendment. All votes ayes, motion carries.
ii. LTD authorization – Reinhardt said the admin committee and work session has discussed the options. Tolsma said the Sun Life plan is basic long term disability and the difference was the elimination period. Fifty seven dollars would be the premium for all four staff members. Williamson makes a motion to approve LTD to Sun Life for $57 per month. Hughes seconds. Reinhardt said she would have been fine with going with the shorter elimination period but this is fine. All votes ayes, motion carries.
iii. Tennis Court Backboard – Tolsma said what he’s heard is the council has discussed this in the past and he would get some quotes and present them to the council at upcoming meetings. Hughes asked if this was going to be done on one court and Tolsma confirmed. Williamson makes a motion that the administrator be authorized to shop the options, select a vendor and proceed with immediate installation at a cost to not exceed $2,000. Hughes seconds. All votes ayes, motion carries.

Williamson asked about further discussion regarding the Coffee Cove. Tolsma said he spoke with Tom Emer of Lord Fletcher’s. Discussion was not held in depth but they will be getting together this week to discuss further. Tony Brough is to put together a memo of understanding to include the involved agencies. He said tree removal providers have been gathered.
c. City Engineer
d. City Attorney
e. Utility Superintendent
i. Street Lights – Reinhardt said Goman is recommending the removal of seven street lights. Tolsma said most of the seven are located on the west end of town. Goman recommends those seven be taken out no matter what’s decided. Hughes wondered about replacement. Tolsma said at this time this is to just take those down. Williamson said this is a proactive approach. He said surface rust is cosmetic. Williamson is not willing to eliminate street lighting until a more comprehensive study is done on these faulty street lights. He also wants to see a more comprehensive study for future capital lighting replacement. Williamson said it will be very noticeable to drivers once this lighting is removed. He said they’re too close together to remove them all. He said there needs to be a strategic plan in place and not do this piecemeal. Reinhardt said that Goman’s memo states seven of these are rusted out on three sides. Tolsma said the street light base has four corners and on the bottom there is rusting and Goman can see a hole on three sides. Tolsma said there are 38 lights on the corridor. Reinhardt senses more of an urgency for this due to the risk of safety and property damage potential. Williamson wants this to be a conscious plan. Reinhardt said she feels this is a safety concern. Reinhardt makes a motion to remove the lights indicated and use a replacement light on the west end, south side, center light. Motion fails due to lack of second. Williamson said the lack of a second is not for lack of concern. He thinks it needs to be more systematic. Williamson thinks this should be a high priority on the agenda. Hughes would like to make a decision at the work session and Reinhardt asked what decision. Williamson said a decision on strategy needs to be formulated.

a. May 29, 2012 (Tuesday) – Work Session – 7:00 PM
b. June 4, 2012 – Council Meeting – 7:30 PM
Hughes said a safety meeting upcoming with the LMCD with Water Patrol meeting is coming up the first week in June and Hughes will be attending this.
a. Bills & Payroll – Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to pay the bills. All votes ayes, motion carries.
15. MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
a. April Financial Report
b. April Fire Report
Williamson said the first half tax payment is coming in July. Williamson said the balances seem to be dipping in the accounts. Tolsma said cash flow dips twice and it’s getting close. Reinhardt said she doesn’t agree with the planting of the planters after Memorial Day. She said going forward she would like to see them planted before Memorial Day and Williamson agrees. Tolsma said he’ll find out the schedule for this.

Williamson said the LMCC is engaged in franchise renewal. He said a state meeting was held and franchise renewal is at the top of everyone’s list. He said $50,000 is going to be spent on testing of the system and technical assessment in a standard setting. He said a needs-assessment will also be a part of this as well as I-net potential studied and un served areas. Williamson said annual elections were held and most on the executive committee were re-elected. Williamson remains on the board and several other committees within the LMCC.

16. ADJOURNMENT – Hughes makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adjourn at 8:58 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.