February 6, 2012 Council Meeting
- CALL TO ORDER – Acting Mayor Hughes called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- ROLL CALL – Williamson, Hughes, Stone. Reinhardt and Widmer excused.
- INTRODUCTIONS – Hughes introduced the council and staff to the viewing public. Administrator Tolsma, Clerk Lewin, Attorney Beck. Tom Emer and Peter Peyrl, Lord Fletcher’s Restaurant, attending the meeting.
- ADOPT AGENDA – Williamson makes a motion and Stone seconds to adopt the agenda. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA – Stone had a correction on item c. under #2, and says it should read Shoreline Dr, not Sunset Dr. Stone makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adopt the consent agenda with the correction. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- City Council Meeting Minutes from January 17, 2012
- Accept Administration Committee Minutes from January 18, 2012
- City Council Work Session Minutes from January 23, 2012
- Lord Fletcher’s 2012 Live Music Application – Tolsma explained this has been worked on for a while now in response to some noise issues raised last year. He said the main objective is to create something that is concise and clear and is black and white for enforcement purposes. Tolsma said the document outlining the conditions to the music permit is the most recent draft of language after deliberating with Attorney Beck and Police Chief Farniok. Emer said they are okay with the changes that have been made. Hughes requests Emer to highlight some of the pending changes. Emer said the biggest thing is the hiring of a sound technician and this company will be running the live music production. He said they are looking for consistency. Emer said they’ve added a fence and a drum shield and they try to make changes that are necessary. Hughes asked if there is a sound system that the bands will plug into and the sound technician will be responsible for the noise levels and Emer confirmed. Williamson said this has been a work in progress and they were looking for some precise definitions. He said if this is workable for Lord Fletcher’s, the council feels it’s ready to go forward. Williamson moves acceptance of the permit as presented. Stone seconds. Hughes would ask that number 7 have the decibel levels specified once established. Williamson said the key language is the council can modify the limits at any time. He thinks everyone’s interests are protected. All votes ayes, motion carries. Hughes thanks Emer and Peyrl for their cooperation.
- Mayor and Council
i. Banners & Holiday Decorations – Hughes said there has been some discussion about going out for RFP bid for installing the banners, flags and decorations. He said in the past there has been some assistance from the City of Mound. Tolsma said the concern is because of equipment failures, the current contractor is sometimes unable to meet deadlines regarding install and removal. Hughes wondered about the process. Tolsma explained the install is scheduled and at a later date it is decided when to remove. Hughes said there are a couple of options. Williamson said he doesn’t think this warrants an RFP. He said it’s always been casual in the past. He said they try to coordinate events so when removing one set, i.e. Christmas decorations, flags can be put up. Williamson thinks the utility superintendent, the administrator and the telephone would work better. He suggests this be laid over to the Admin Committee and maybe come back to the council for a decision. Hughes and Stone agree. They feel this is an internal decision and staff can come back to the council with their findings.
ii. Proposed Bill H.F. 1923 To Eliminate Water Conservation Rate Structure – Tolsma said this is something that should be watched closely but it is only proposed legislation at this time. Williamson said he hopes there is a hearing because it needs to be discussed.
Hughes asked Williamson and Stone about anything from the committees they serve and there is nothing. Hughes reads from a handout from the LMCD. He said service provider business owners must attend a class and take a test as well as their employees in order to administer invasive species identifiers.
- City Administrator – Nothing.
- City Engineer – Tolsma said the soil bores were performed on Black Lake and the results should be forthcoming in the next week or two.
- City Attorney – Nothing to report.
- Utility Superintendent – Nothing.
February 8, 2012 – Administration Committee – 11:00 AMRescheduled to February 15.February 21 (Tuesday), 2012 – City Council – 7:30 PMCanceled – see below.- February 27, 2012 – Work Session – 7:00 PM
Tolsma said regarding the second meeting in February, it was historically canceled. He said there probably will be some business so there probably should be some discussion tonight about this. Stone wonders if there is anything that couldn’t be done at a work session. Tolsma said since the Lord Fletcher’s music permit has been approved there isn’t anything too pressing unless claims for payment. Williamson moves to cancel the second council meeting in February. Stone seconds. Williamson said it’s been past practice. Hughes said a special meeting could be called at the work session in order to pay some claims, if necessary. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- Bills & Payroll – Stone makes a motion and Williamson seconds to pay the claims. Williamson asked about an unemployment payment on a part-time person and he wonders why this is being paid. Williamson wonders why we have this liability and if we do, why we haven’t been budgeting and possibly rethinking that position. Stone questions a payment for chemicals and supplies and why this is paid in advance. Tolsma explained if this is paid in advance there is a better price offered. All votes ayes, motion carries.
- MISCELLANEOUS (Information Only)
- Updated 2012 Fee Schedule – Tolsma said the fee schedule didn’t have the false alarm charge so that’s the only change in the fee schedule.
- Mound Curbside Chat Invitation – Tolsma said Reinhardt has been in contact with the presenter and it’s for information purposes.
- Presbyterian Homes Fire Response Information – Hughes thinks as they work through this there will be a good resolution. He said Lahammer of Pres Homes is going to try and document the 911 calls that they have been able to cancel before being actually being dispatched.
- End of Year Financial Report – Williamson said he assumes these are closing numbers for 2011.
Williamson said it’s been brought to his attention in the fee schedule there is a fee for dog licensing. He wonders what’s being achieved with the dog licensing process. Hughes requests this be put on the study session. Williamson would like to know how many licenses have been sold.
- ADJOURNMENT – Stone makes a motion and Williamson seconds to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. All votes ayes, motion carries.