
Serving as an Election Judge

Election judges administer voting procedures to ensure a fair and accessible election for all eligible voters. The City of Spring Park is always looking for qualified voters to act as election judges. 
Simply stop by City Hall for an Election Judge Application or send an email to the City Clerk at: jkhoffman@ci.spring-park.mn.us.
Election Judge Duties

At each polling place, multiple election judges work together to ensure all qualified voters are permitted to vote.


  • check in voters
  • explain voting procedures and use of voting equipment
  • distribute ballots
  • register new voters
  • offer assistance as needed
  • close the polling places at the end of election day
  • verify and certify results by precinct.

Election judges may be asked to serve in the precinct where they live or elsewhere in the city.

State law permits employees to take time off from work without loss of pay to serve as election judges.\

Required Qualifications

To be an election judge, you:

  • must be eligible to vote in Minnesota
  • must be able to read, write, and speak English
  • cannot be a spouse, parent, child, or sibling of any election judge serving in the same precinct
  • cannot be a candidate or the spouse, parent, child, or sibling of any candidate on the ballot in that precinct

Desired Qualifications

  • ability to communicate clearly with voters
  • comfortable assisting and serving a diverse population
  • have the ability to remain impartial and not exert influence over voters
  • have physical and emotional stamina
  • attention to detail
  • general math skills
  • fluency in a second language

Election Judge Training
  • Regular Election Judges participate in 2 hours of training
  • Head Judges an additional 1 hour of training