Candidate Filing Information

The 2024 election season is in full swing, and the Lake Minnetonka Communications Commission has all the local races covered. Be sure to click the link below "Election 2024" or tune into LMCC Channel 12 or the LMCC website for "Meet Your Candidates", beginning on October 7th.



  • MAYOR  -  2 year Term
  • TWO (2) COUNCIL MEMBERS  -  4 year Term
A candidate for these municipal offices must reside, while seeking election and while serving in office, within the City of Spring Park.
The candidate filing period for these municipal elective offices are as follows:
  • The following City offices will be on the General Election ballot:

    • Mayor: a 2-year term of office
    • Two Council seats: each a 4-year term of office
    • Filing Opens:  Tuesday, July 30
    • Filing Closes:  Tuesday, August 13
    • Withdrawal Deadline:  Thursday, August 15
Please note that regular business hours for City Hall during the summer are as follows: Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Affidavits of candidacy must be submitted during the filing period to the City Clerk at Spring Park City Hall, 4349 Warren Avenue. A $2.00 filing fee is also due at the time of filing. Filing documents that are incomplete or received after the deadline are required to be rejected.  Candidates who will be absent from the state during the filing period may arrange to file prior to departure with the Spring Park City Clerk by calling 952-999-7491. 
All noncommercial signs (campaign signs) of any size may be posted in any number beginning 46 days before the state primary in a state general election year until ten days following the state general election. Municipal ordinances may regulate the size and number of noncommercial signs at other times.
For further information call City Hall at 952-999-7491.