Spring Park Annual Maintenance Calendar
- Holiday Decorations removed before MLK Jr Day
- Parks/Playground Checks
- Sign inspections
- Parks/Playground Checks
- Weight Restriction postings
- Quarter 1-meter reads
- Parks/Playground Checks
- Annual street light maintenance
- Spring street sweeping (City Streets)
- Irrigation Start-up (depending on frost)
- Pre-emergent weed applications for maintained turf (Thor Thompson, Wilkes Park, City Hall)
- Parks-Spring cleanups
- Banners put up.
- Flags up for Memorial Day
- Annual lift station inspections
- Generator Inspections
- Spring street sweeping (City Streets)
- Sewer Jetting
- Storm water inspections
- Pothole Patching
- Pre-emergent weed applications for maintained turf
- Parks-Spring Cleanups
- Annual lift station inspections
- Generator inspections
- Sewer jetting
- Storm water inspections
- Pothole Patching
- Quarter 2-meter reads
- Parks -Fertilizer and weed spot treatments.
- Pressure wash playground equipment
- Bi-weekly Park checks.
- Flags taken down after July 4th.
- Sewer Jetting
- Parks -Fertilizer and weed spot treatments.
- Playground inspections
- Pressure wash playground equipment
- Bi-weekly Park checks.
- Sewer Jetting
- Parks -Fertilizer and weed spot treatments.
- Playground inspections
- Pressure wash playground equipment
- Bi-weekly Park checks.
- Flags put up for Labor Day/Removed after 9/11
- Hydrant Flushing
- Quarter 3-meter reads
- Hydrant Flushing
- Fall street sweeping (City Streets)
- Pothole Patching
- Irrigation winterization (no later than 10/15)
- Leaf removal from playground containers
- End of season herbicide treatment
- Semi-frequent park/playground checks
- Fall street sweeping.
- Leaf removal from playground containers
- End of season herbicide treatment
- Semi-frequent park/playground checks
- Banners Removed
- Flags put up for Veteran’s Day/Removed following week.
- Holiday Decorations put up.
Quarter 4-meter reads
Leaf removal from playground containers
End of season herbicide treatment
Semi-frequent park/playground checks