December 18, 2017 Work Session Minutes

DECEMBER 18, 2017 – 6:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER - The work session was called to order by Mayor Rockvam at 6:00 p.m.

Council Members Present: Jerry Rockvam, Mayor; Pamela Horton; Gary Hughes; Catherine Kane Palen, and Megan Pavot

Staff Present: Dan Tolsma, City Administrator; Nancy Jensen Beck, City Attorney; Bob Kermis, Acting City Planner; and Theresa Schyma, City Clerk.

1. SHORELINE DRIVE REDEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION – City Administrator Tolsma and Acting City Planner Bob Kermis presented a summary of a potential redevelopment opportunity on Shoreline Drive to gauge City Council interest in the proposed use since it would require rezoning the property. The property is currently zoned commercial but the interest is for high-density residential or possibly a mixed-use development. The City was contacted by a realtor who is trying to get some feedback for the potential buyer of the site. The realtor also requested feedback on factoring in the adjacent site into his redevelopment plan.

Mayor Rockvam asked if the owners of the adjacent site have been consulted about this potential redevelopment since the realtor is asking about property that is currently not listed for sale.

City Administrator Tolsma stated that the City has not received specific plans or notes about discussions with the property owner of the adjacent site. However, there have been rumors about the property owner wanting to retire and sell his property. The adjacent site is actually three separate parcels so the owner may only be looking to sell one parcel.

Mayor Rockvam stated he is in favor of seeing redevelopment at that site and thinks this type of use is in line with the current 2040 Comprehensive Plan discussions for the City.

Council Member Pavot stated that her main concerns would be increased traffic and the height of a high-density development. She further stated that the City would need to be diligent about infrastructure planning and making sure those infrastructure improvements actually happen on schedule so that the City’s infrastructure isn’t overwhelmed with increased use and demand.

City Administrator Tolsma responded that sewer and water availability as well as traffic congestion would all be looked at when there are more definitive plans in place. The City Council is not committing to anything with this discussion or feedback to the realtor. He stated that the realtor only wants feedback as to whether or not the Council is open to high-density residential or mixed-use on that site so that his client knows whether or not he should continue to pursue the property.

Council Member Kane Palen stated she is in favor of redevelopment on the original site but is still undecided about including the adjacent site.

Council Member Hughes stated he is open to redevelopment at the site but he has concerns about increased traffic.

Council Member Horton stated she is in favor of redevelopment on the original site but not in favor of anything concerning the adjacent site.

The City Council consensus was to have City staff make contact with the potential developer and let them know the Council would like to see further plans and are open to rezoning the property.

2. 2018 STAFF WAGES – City Administrator Tolsma presented a summary of the options and proposed staff wages for 2018. Graph A offered a 0% increase, Graph B offered a 2.3% cost of living (CLI) increase, Graph C offered a 3% increase, and Graph D offered a 4% increase. He also reviewed the previous year’s staff wage increases.

Council Member Pavot stated that the 2.3% CLI increase does not include a merit increase for staff and a quality staff is the greatest asset any city can have. She added that Spring Park staff has done a great job in 2017 with production and strategy.

Mayor Rockvam stated that when the 2018 tax levy was approved at the December 4 City Council meeting the City Council factored in a 3% increase in staff wages.

City Administrator Tolsma responded that a 3% wage increase was the placeholder when considering the 2018 tax levy; however, the budget can be adjusted to factor in whatever percentage increase the City Council is comfortable with.

The City Council consensus was to make a motion at the regular Council meeting to approve the 2018 City of Spring Park staff wages that were presented in Graph D with a 4% increase. The 2018 increase will be for all City staff including City Administrator Tolsma.

3. FEE SCHEDULE DISCUSSION – City Administrator Tolsma reviewed the current fee schedule. He stated that the fee schedule should be revisited on an annual basis to ensure the City is keeping current with all fees. He added that most changes to the fee schedule are to clean up outdated language and make the fees more efficient and in line with how staff processes licenses, permits and requests.

City Administrator Tolsma asked the Council to review the suggested changes and provide feedback. He specifically discussed:
• Changing special event applications to a tiered system;
• Sign permit escrow and late application fees;
• Streamlining food truck fees;
• Itemizing water meter fees; and
• Reorganizing the fees for requests for copies.

The City Council consensus was to have City staff move forward with the changes to the fee schedule so that it can be presented at the January 2, 2018 Regular City Council Meeting for a vote.

4. CONFIRM OPEN BOOK MEETING DATE & TIME – City Administrator Tolsma reviewed the proposed open book meeting date & time

The City Council consensus was to make a motion at the regular Council meeting to set the Open Book Meeting date for Wednesday, April 18, 2018 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM.


6. ADJOURN – The work session was adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:58 p.m.

Date Approved: January 2, 2018

Theresa Schyma, City Clerk

Dan Tolsma, City Administrator